Status: Active:)

Don't Forget To Remember Me


This was finally the day. It was the day I was going to head to Jonathan's Place. I was super nervous yet excited at the same time. I've been waiting for this day for years to be honest. Before I left Eganville, I got a hold of Jonathan's parents to get his address. They said it'd be a great idea to surprise him like this and I hope they are right.

I got into my chevy and rolled down the street. Turning on some Carrie Underwood to calm myself down. I hit every red light as possible which got me mad, but I finally reached the destination. I walked into his building and straight into the elevator. I clicked the 28th floor button and it shot up. I turned around to see a tall man with curly blonde hair. I smiled shyly and he nodded his head. I heard the ding from the elevator and exited the doors. I saw the curly haired man follow out the door so I quickened my pace up a bit. I finally reached his door. I really couldn't believe this. I took a quick breath and knocked on the wooden door. I heard muffling on the other side and the door opened. There stood Jonathan. He was so different now. He was tall, I knew his was tall but I didn't think he'd be this tall. His light blonde-brown hair was now a dark brown and he looked much older than the pictures I saw of him last. Not to mention his muscles you could see through his Blackhawks shirt. I thought I was going to melt. Jonathan rubbed his eyes, "It's not Tuesday, is it?"

"No," I laughed, "It's Friday. Umm, hi Jonathan. It's good to see you." I smiled.

"Uh, It's good to see you to, I guess." I looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"Um, it's me, Sierra." I said and he sighed.

"Sierra, what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, Jonathan. I haven't seen you or spoken to you in years." I bit my lip.

"I know, but there was a reason to that."

" A reason?" I was confused to what he was saying.

"Sometimes you have to remove certain people in your life." Ouch.

"What are you talking about, Jonathan?" I asked.

"Sierra, we both grew up. We have different pathways and different lives. There's probably a reason to why we never saw each other. It's just how life is. I used to have the biggest crush on you when I was a teenager, but then I realized that we are just two different people who will never meet again. So that's why I took you out of my life. You just got to move on, you know." Jonathan said. This whole thing he said was the most hurtful thing I have ever heard in my life.

"Well you know what, Jonathan? You were never supposed to mean this much to me; I was never supposed to fall so hard. But you know what? I did and that's the truth, that's what keeps me holding on because it hurts like hell to let you go out of my life."

"Sierra, you probably don't know what love it is. We haven't talked in years." He snapped.

"Just because I'm single doesn't mean I know what love is, Jonathan." I snapped back, "The higher you build walls around your heart, the harder you fall for someone who tears them down and you'll catch a cold with all that ice in your heart."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh you know what it means, Jonathan" I crossed my arms.

"Sierra, we can't be together. I do care for you and all, but things change, people move on, but life goes on." He hugged me then looked me straight in the eye. I just rolled my eyes and walked away, "Sierra, where are you going?" He yelled. I turned around for a split second.

"I'm leaving because you never asked me to stay." I said, and with that I walked away. I turned around the corner to see that same curly blonde haired guy. I jumped and slowly backed away.

"Hey, don't walk away it's okay! I'm Patrick, Jonathan's friend." He said. I stooped right at that place and sighed. "Look, I heard everything that happened."

"I bet the whole building did." He laughed.

"He may have seemed pretty calm over the whole thing, but truth is Sierra, it was breaking his hurt." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure it did, Patrick."

"It's true, and call me Pat." He smiled.

"Okay, Pat. I guess the life that I really want to live only exists in my head."

"Don't be so sure about that. It's Jonathan. He... he gets like that. You just got to get used to him. I know he loves you though, you just got to give it time." I smiled. I love those moments when someone was making an effort to make you smile, "Come on, how about you come to practise tomorow. I'll pick you up and then we can go for lunch after that. Maybe, we can get Jon to come along, but we may have to give him time since you are here and all."

"Thanks Pat! I'd love to!" I hugged him.

"I'll just need your address." I gave him my address and we exchanged cells. He hugged me and said, "Remember, never regret someone who was made you smile."

"Thanks, Pat. So, I guess you are one of those people." I smiled and he laughed.

"I was talking about Jon, but thanks!" He smiled and waved once I got into my Chevy. Patrick was a good person, and I hope he is right about Jonathan. I guess all I need to do now is go home and get some sleep for tomorrow.
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sorry, it's so short and awful, but I haven't written in awhile!
But, enjoy!:)