Why does he have to know?

Back Again

I can’t believe I have not stopped crying, but I knew I had to do this. “Are you okay sweetie?” my mother asked wiping the tears off of my cheek. “Ya mom I am ok, I am just going to miss you guys.” I said looking at my mom and my dad which causes more tears fall down my cheek. “Once that baby is out of you, you come back or I will come and get you myself. I can’t stay away from my baby girl for so long.” He said smiling while kissing my head. “I love you guys, bye.” I said as I grab my carry-on bag and walk into the terminal and onto the plane. I looked out the window looking at the clear Pittsburgh air knowing I was going to miss it. I slowly drifted into sleep as I thought about how long I would spend in Chicago.
9 months later…
“Push Cassie, you can do it one more push” I heard the nurse yell. I took one huge breath and pushed with my entire mite until I heard the cries of my baby. “It’s a girl” the doctor while putting her on my chest. Even though she was covered in blood she was beautiful and I knew exactly what her name was. The nurse took my baby away and two minutes later she came back placing her in my arms. “So what is her name” my grandma asked looking down at me. I smiled and said “Calli Cayden Smiff”. “Your brother would love it” she said. God I miss him so much but he is in a better place now. I handed her Calli and fell into a deep sleep.
1 year later…
I woke to my alarm clock singing in hushed tones. Today was the day me and Calli were going back home and I cannot wait. I went inside the bathroom and took a nice warm shower. Once I was done I went back into the room and got dressed in a pair of straight leg jeans, with a grey “I love vans” shirt, a pair of grey vans, red jewelry and my black glasses. Calli was waking up so I went to the bed and picked her up, she smiled at me showing her seven teeth, “momma” she said because that was the only thing she could say. I ruffled her brown head of hair and carried her into the bathroom and washed her up. I carried her back out and put her on the floor so I could get her clothes. I picked out a pair of white skinnys, with a red and white polka dotted ruffle neck shirt, a pair of white flats, and a pair of diamond hearted earrings. Just when I was finished putting her clothes my grandma knocked on the door and said that it was time to leave. I put Calli on the floor and grabbed the carryon bag and our two suite cases and headed out the door with Calli waddling behind my laughing. Once we got to the airport I checked our bags, and said goodbye to my grandma which was hard. Me and Calli waved and then walked through to the terminal. (FF). I stepped out of the cap with Calli on my right hip as the cab driver took out our bags. I had already paid so I waved a goodbye as he sped out of our gates. I took the two bags in my left hand pulled them up the stairs and rang the doorbell. “Jim could you get that” I heard my mother say on the other side of the door. I stood there for about twenty seconds until I heard the locks. The door opened and there stood my father, he looked at me for a good half a minute and then he pulled me into him hugging me so tightly which made Calli giggle. I pulled back and my dad looked at her smiling then snatched her right out of my arms and started showering her in kisses which cause her to laugh. “Jim who is that” my mom said as she turned the corner in her tye-dyed apron and a dish towel in her hand. As soon as she saw me she ran to me (and I do mean ran) and hugged me so tight I couldn’t breathe. She pulled me inside the house which caused the bags to come with us. Mom shut the door then ran over to my dad and snatched Calli from him and showered her with kisses. Once they were done they asked “What’s her name”. “Calli Cayden Smiff” I say smiling. Their smiles got even wider and they continued to play with Calli. “Honey go put your bags away your room is the same way you left it” mom says. I pick the bags up and run up stairs into my room. I stood on my room looking at the wall, which is a wall of pictures, I looked at the ones of me and Chase and smiled I smiled because he gave me my baby girl down stairs. I unpacked and put everything in drawers and closets. Then I change into some sweat pants and some grey socks and run down stairs to smell mu mommy’s famous lasagna which is my favorite. I licked the plate when I was done and smiled my mom was glaring at me but it did not stay for long she started smiling from ear to ear and I couldn’t help but laugh. “So Cass I’ve been thinking and I think you should go to the college and maybe get a degree in arts for dance” she said. “I think that that would be great mom” I said smiling. I truly miss dance it is my only way to express myself. I say goodnight to my parents and grab a giggling Calli from my dad. I take her up stairs and give her a bath. I place her on my bed and she falls asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. I put two pillows around her and go into my bathroom to take a shower. Once I am done I put on some boxer shorts, a cami and go to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
FiRsT StOrY HoPe YoU LiKe :)