Status: active

Broken Pieces


“Just run back to Detroit then” He yelled at me.
“You know I have to go back to school” I yelled back at him.
“You had a chance to come here, but you didn’t” He said back.
“Don’t even start, you left me first” I yelled back with tears forming in my eyes.
“We were fourteen, you knew I had to leave” He said.
“I wouldn’t have cared so much, if this was what I knew would happen” I began “I’m sorry I ever loved you”.

I woke up suddenly and sat up in my bed. That nightmare again, it always came back when he was close to coming in town. Falling in love with someone who is the poster boy for the NHL is not the easiest thing to deal with, no matter how many years has gone by.
Sidney Crosby was my first love and heartbreak. You would thing I wouldn’t even though about getting a job in the hockey world. But though he hurt me, the game was able to put the pieces back together. I began the luckiest girl after getting a job with the Detroit Red Wings, my childhood team. You know when you see advertisements, I’m the lucky one behind them.

So seeing Sidney Crosby was almost normal, it was crazy to be in the same arena as him, and not even see him. It was like we were strangers to each other, it felt odd and distance and I hated it but I somehow got over it. I started letting myself date, I began smiling for real again and it felt great. I though finally things were turning around, but I guess things can change without warning.

Playoffs 2008;
I was sitting up in the box, I loved seeing the Red Wings playing so well, and it was nice to see Jonathan Ericsson finally getting his shot to prove his talent with this team. We went out a few times, and he made me feel so special, he knew about my past and made sure I was always comfortable, he was willing to wait until I was ready.
The Wings beat Nashville, Colorado, and then Dallas to move onto the Stanley Cup finals, in which they were going to be facing the Pittsburgh Penguins, Sidney’s team. I had no idea how I was going to handle this.
“Brooke, you alright” Jonathan asked.
“Hopefully, I mean, I’ve been around when he’s been in the arena” I began “But this is so much more intense”
“You are strong enough to deal with this” Jon said
“Thanks” I said, kissing his cheek.

Jonathan was doing his best to distract me. It was helping for the most part. I was finishing up a few things for the next nights huge game one. The red wings were on the ice for a practice. I went down to the ice, and watched them, when they were finished, I walked over to the locker room and seen Jonathan. He smiled, and bent down to kiss me.
“You moved on, I take it” I heard a voice say, and my heart just dropped. Those were the first words in years he was going to say to me.
“Why do you care Crosby” Jonathan spoke up.
“Should have seen it coming, she always ran back here” Sidney said.
“You left her remember” Jon said to my defence. I could barley speak, move, I just began to shake.
“Don’t you think you should mind your business there Ericsson” Sidney barked back. Jon gently pushed me aside, and I knew what would happen.
“Jon, please, don’t” I finally spoke.
“Oh, you can speak” Sidney said boldly.
“That’s it” Jonathan said, he was pissed at this point. He began heading for Crosby, I knew this wouldn’t end well, I grabbed his hand, but I wasn’t as strong as him. Thankfully Nicklas Lidstrom and Dan Clearly walked just in time and got Jonathan stop.
“Jon, he’s not even worth it” I tried to tell him.
“Sidney, can you please leave now, your team is on the ice” Nicklas said to him. Sidney finally just walked away and headed towards the ice. I tried so hard not to let the tears fall from my eyes.
“What happened” Dan asked?
“Crosby was being a jerk to Brooke” Jonathan said.
“You know him?” Nick asked, turning towards me.
“He’s an ex, I’m so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen” I began “I just came to wish Jon good luck and then Sidney showed up out of no where”
“Don’t worry, we don’t blame you, it’s not your fault” Nick began “Are you going to be alright?”
“Yeah, I just think I need to go home” I told them.
“Jon, make sure she gets home safe” Nick said before heading back into the locker room.
“I’m going to change, and then I’ll be right back, ok” Jonathan said to me.

“I’ll be fine” I told him. He gave me a hug and I laughed a little “Please change, you smell” About ten minutes later, Jonathan was back out in his street clothes. He took my hand and we headed towards the parking lot. I looked back to the ice, and seen him one last time.
We headed back to his apartment which was closer to the arena than mine was. He knew I wasn’t going home tonight, I was too much of a mess, it felt like all the old wounds were just ripped open. Thankfully when we got there, his roommate Valtteri Filppula still wasn’t home. I just sat down on the couch and began to cry. Jonathan just wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

“I’m sorry” I somehow got out with all the crying I was doing.
“Why, you didn’t do anything wrong” Jon asked.
“I’m crying over another guy” I told him.
“I don’t care” Jonathan began “I’m the one who’s arm are around you now, and I’m the only who’s not going to hurt you, I don’t see him wondering about how you are doing, it’s me. I’m glad he’s stupid enough to let you go, cause now I have my perfect girl” I just kissed him, words couldn’t explain how I felt about him at this moment.
“You are amazing” I told him. We heard the door open, so I quickly wiped my face. I yawned, the day was starting to catch up with me. I went to Jon’s room while he went to shower.

The next morning I woke up in Jonathan’s arms. I smiled, and gently got out of his arms, and walked into the kitchen. Filppula was sitting on couch watching Sports.
“Hey Brooke” I heard him say
“Hey, anything exciting on” I asked while grabbing a coffee.
“Well, you just missed them talking about Jon and Sid” He said.
“Just great, that’s all we need” I said taking a seat in the chair.
“Crosby has no chance against Jon, he’s going to get what’s coming to him” Valtteri said.
“I don’t want this messing up anyone’s game, especially Jon’s” I told him.
“He messed with family, and us red wings always stick up for family” He said with a smile. Jonathan walked into the kitchen and grabbed coffee before joining us in the living room. I must say, bed head and just boxes made him look extremely sexy. I finished drinking my coffee, and then walked back into Jon’s room and just laid on the bed, hoping Jon was follow and soon enough he caught on and shut the door before laying next to me.

“How are you today” he asked wrapping his arm around my waist.
“A lot better, thank you” I said with a smile. He kissed my forehead.
“That’s what I want to hear” He said. He slowly started kissing my neck. It felt amazing, I wanted him.
“Babe, we can’t” I slowly tried to tell him.
“Why not” he asked, still kissing me, slowly moving them lower.
“Val’s in the next room, that’s just wrong” I told him.
“Always thinking of others, He’s done it many of times” Jon said with a chuckle.
“I’m not as mean to do that to him” I said. We both chuckled. We heard the front door open. And another voice spoke, it was a girl and then I realized it was my best friend and roommates voice, Brittany.
“Hey Britt” I heard Val say.
“Hey, how are you” Britt asked.
“Not bad, looking for Brooke” He asked?
“I heard what happened and I knew she would be here” Brittany said.
“She’s in Jonathan’s room, but I wouldn’t open the door, it may not be safe” Val said, and he made it loud enough so we would hear, then I heard him and Brittany both laugh.
I got of the bed and walked into the living room, Brittany quickly gave me a hug.

“How you holding up” she asked.
“Better” I told her.
“Good, Crosby can suck it” She said. We laughed.
“Well, I should probably head back home and get ready for tonight’s game” I said. I hugged and kissed Jonathan goodbye, and then Britt and I headed back to our place. When we got into her car, I decided to look at my cell, I didn’t look at it all last night. I had a few texts from family, and stuff. I noticed a certain message from a number I never seen before, and it was just barely sent.

Can we talk?
Who is this?
..Sidney, look I was out of line yesterday and I’m sorry.
How did you get this number?
Asked around for it.
Why now?
Seeing you, made me realise how much I miss you. Please can we not do this over texting?
I’m happy with Jon, I don’t know.
Please think about it?

I headed straight into my room. Why did he have to do this. I don’t want him, I have Jonathan and he’s what I want and need. I decided to take a shower, I left the hot water soak over me, and then the tears began. I had to sit down and just let the water hit me. Three and a half years ago, he was the love of my life, he was my first love, but then he broke me, I was such a mess after him. Jonathan was the one who put me back together.