Status: active

Broken Pieces


Brittany and I were just hanging around the apartment, about a week and half past since the Red Wings won the Stanley Cup. It had been so crazy in this town, but I loved every minute of it. There was a knock at the door, Britt opened it and it was Jonathan. He walked it with the biggest smile on his face.
“There letting me have a day with the Cup” He told us. I jumped up and hugged him.
“That’s awesome news babe” I told him.
“Come to Sweden with me” He asked.
“Seriously?” I asked him.
“I want you to finally meet my family and friends, this would be a amazing trip for us” Jon said.
“I would love to come” I told him, sealing it with a kiss.
“Can I come” Britt asked.
“I’m sure Val will take you to Finland” I told her.
“He better” She said walking into the living room. We just laughed.

This was the first full summer I was spending in Detroit. I was excited and scared all at the same time, I missed my family, but I was growing up and I knew this would happened. I was going home for Canada day, and Jonathan was coming. I was so excited he was going to meet my family and friends. This was going to be a huge summer for us.
“Brooke, are you ready to go” Jonathan asked me. I was finishing zipping up my luggage, I was ready to go home for a bit.
“Yes, let’s leave” I told him. Brittany left the day before to head back to her hometown. We headed to the airport and got everything checked it and before we knew it, we were on the plane. When things were settled, I laid my head on Jon’s chest and he wrapped his arms around me. My eyes closed and when I woke up, we landed in Halifax. We got our luggage and headed towards the rental car. I decided to get one, since I didn’t have a car at my parents and didn’t want to take theirs all the time while we were home. I pulled into my childhood home drive way.

“Mom, Dad, we’re home” I yelled opening the door. We quickly headed into the living room. I hugged my parents, I was so happy to see them. “This is Jonathan”
“It’s nice to meet you Jonathan” My mother said giving him a hug.
“Congrats on the big win Jonathan” My father said shaking his hand.
“Thank you, it’s nice to finally meet you Mr and Mrs Fraser” Jon began “I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you two”
“Please, just call us Rose and Peter” My mother told him.
“Where’s Tyler” I asked my mother, wondering where my younger brother was.
“He’s outside in the garage” Dad told me “I was just about to head out there myself, would you care to join Jonathan?”
“Sure” Jonathan said. The boys headed towards the garage.
“Be Nice” I yelled.

“It’s so great to have you home Brooklyn, and the smile has retuned” My mother began “You really love him don’t you”
“Yes I do Mom, He was so great when we first met and then with the whole Sidney then losing Luc” I began to tell her “He’s was able to pick the pieces back up without a fuss”
“I’m so happy to hear this” She told me “Have you spoken to Sidney at all?”
“I did, we talked about the fight that tore, I don’t he realised I could move on and was hurt when did, but it was three years, and he walked away first and came running back, this time I ran away but I’m not going back” I began “I’m happier with Jonathan than I have been in such a long time, and I won’t risk that for anything, Sidney will always be my first love but I know I will be spending my life with Jon”
“I all ready notice a big change in you” Mom told me.

I took Jonathan site seeing a little while later, I took him to all my favourite spots. Even took him to see the big Hometown of Crosby sign. He got a kick out of that one. It was a perfect day, no worrying about hockey or work, just relaxing and having fun together. When I was with him, nothing else matter, I knew he was my forever.
Spending the week at home with Jonathan, was so amazing. I hated to see him leave, but he had to go back to Detroit to pack a few things. He was leaving to go home to Sweden for a few weeks. I knew he hadn’t seen in family in so long, and he couldn’t wait to go home. Nothing was better than home. I spend another week and half at home, Brittany came down for a visit then we went to Simcoe, where she is from. Then it was back to our home in Detroit. Valtteri was spending his summer back in Finland, and he invited Brittany there when he brought the cup home. I knew they were starting to get really serious as well. I was so happy for them, they were perfect for each other.

“Seriously, I will never understand this” I complained “I’m going to look like an idiot just standing there”
“Let’s keep trying, I’m in the same boat as you” Brittany said. We were trying to learn Finnish and Swedish, and for me it wasn’t going the greatest. We spend half of July trying to learn it, I could say very few things, but thankfully Jonathan finally told me that his parents and brother can speak English. I wasn’t panic as much as I was and for Brittany, it was the same.

It was coming on the end of July, I was leaving the first of August to go to Sweden, I was scared, nervous and excited all at the same time. I was in my room, trying to pack. I couldn’t wait to see Jonathan again. This had been the longest we had gone without seeing each other and I hated it but I knew seeing him was going to be so worth it. My stomach was flipping, I was feeling sick, and I just went with it was my nerves and didn’t bother thinking anything else. Brittany was in Finland all ready, She was having the greatest time of her life. Next season was going to be amazing, the four of us all together. Nothing could be better, or thou we though.