Status: active

Broken Pieces


September was a busy month for us. I moved into Jon’s apartment, it was in the middle of the arena and hospital, something that was very important to us. Val moved into my old apartment with Britt. They felt it was time for their big step of living together. Hockey season was just about to start, I was due in February, I was glad the baby would be here before the playoffs and not during.

I was laying on the couch one afternoon, when Jonathan walked in. He loved the idea of becoming a father. I had a small bump, and Jon’s hands were never far from it. He bent down and kissed my forehead, he then place his hand on my bump.
“Hi Stanley, it’s daddy” He said.
“Please tell me my godchild will not be named Stanley” we heard Brittany call from the door. Her and Val walked into the living room.
“Don’t worry, baby will not be named Stanley” I replied.
“Where did Stanley come from” Val asked.
“Baby was made the night we won the cup” Jon said.
“Please stop telling people that” I said.

I was talking to my mother or Jon’s mother every other day, and now they were talking over Skype, both of our families really click and couldn’t wait to meet each other when the babe was born. I was so glad for this, no drama between families. The team was pretty excited as well, it was another member of the family. During the Pre-season, the team played a game in my hometown of Halifax, so it was so nice to go home and also have my family and friends meet and see Jon play.

It was the 2009-2010 season opener, the morning of, I had my monthly check-up. Jon was coming, this was his second one, and he loved them. He loved being able to see his little baby, he just wanted February to be here so he could hold his child.
“How are you feeling Brooke” Doctor MacWilliams asked.
“Really good” I replied. She checked everything, and both myself and baby were healthy.
“Everything looks just great” She replied. Jonathan squeezed me hand as she rolled over stomach and our tiny baby was on the screen in front of us. No matter how times, I would get this done, I always had a small tear in my eye. She printed out a copy of the sonogram, and then we were off back home.

We headed back home, and started getting things ready for the big game that night. I decided it was time for a nap and Jon joined. This season was starting so much better than last season. I ended up waking up before Jonathan, so i made him his favorite meal of chicken pasta. After we ate and got ready, it was time to head to the arena. I had to work for this one, the season opener was always one of the biggest nights at the Joe and had more actives and things like that for the fans. It was so amazing to see that banner being raised, and know Jon was apart of all this and even our baby knew, I felt them kick for the first time just after the banner was raised. Though the game didn’t go as planned and the wings lost, I was still so proud of Jonathan.

Once the season started, it felt like it was flying by. Before we knew it, October was over, the Wings had a pretty good month. November was now upon us, and I was not looking forward to one particular game. November 11th, the Penguins were back in town. Though I was looking forward to seeing Kris, we actually kept on touch more this summer than ever, we really leant on each other after Luc passed away. Since it was the big rematch, I was at the arena for most of the day getting things all ready. I watched a little of the Wings morning ice, Jonathan was always smiling when he was on the ice, I loved seeing him so happy.

Since I was in my fifth month of pregnancy, you could really notice. I was heading back towards the Box Office when I heard my name being called in a thick french accent, and I even before i turned around who it was.
“Brooklynn, you are glowing” Kris began “You look beautiful, Congratulations to you and Jonathan”
“Thank you Kris” I said to him while giving him a hug “How are you”
“I am good, thanks” He began “Just taking things one day at a time, How are you”
“Really good” I began “Things are really good, I am so excited to become a mother”
“I am so glad to hear” He said.
“How is everything” I asked.
“I have my good and bad days, just like everyone else” He began “But I know Luc would want me to be happy, and not be sad all the time, So when I play, I play for the both of us”
“He would be so proud” I said.
“As he would be of you too” Kris said.
“I wish he could have met this little one” I began, placing Kris’s hand on my stomach so he could feel the baby kicking “But I know they will have someone amazing looking out for them, and when they asked who they are named after, we have great stories to tell”
“That is amazing” He said “You are naming baby after Luc, even if it’s a girl?”
“Yes, he will be apart of this baby somehow” I replied.
“He would loved that” Kris said smiling.

“Brooke, you’re pregnant?” I looked up to see Sidney standing there. Kris hugged me goodbye.
“I will leave you two alone, Take care Brooklynn” Kris said as he walked away.
“Yes I am, five months along” I told Sidney, I could see the hurt in his eyes, but I was happy now and nothing would change that.
“Wow, Congratulations, you look great” He replied.
“Thank you Sidney” I began “I better get going, see you” I turned to walk away, but he stopped me.
“Please, let’s talk” He asked “It’s been a long time, I had a lot of time to think over the summer”
“What else is there to talk about” I asked “We moved on, I’m starting a family with Jonathan”
“I know I messed up, but I though you should know the truth” Sidney began “I lied to you at the Memorial Cup, I wanted the same things, but I was the idiot and put Hockey first, When I played my first game here, I went looking for you, but you were no where to be found, and I knew I had lost you”
“Stop, I don’t want to hear this” I start with tears forming in my eyes “You pretty much broke me after that night, I didn’t know what to do until I came here, but still it took another year and half before I felt okay, and now when I am so happy, and having a child with another man who was there when you weren’t, you tell me this”
“I’m sorry Brooke” Sidney replied “I know I hurt you, but I though you would want the truth, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring”
“I waited for a long time to hear that, but now it doesn’t mean anything” I began “You are my past, and I am grateful for our time together but my future is Jon and our child, and I’m sorry, but I am happier now that I moved on”
“Don’t be sorry for being happy” Sidney said “I know I was the one who messed up, and it sucks, I miss you”
“I miss you too, we have so many memories together” I said.
“Take care Brooklynn” Sidney said giving me a hug. I held on a little longer than usually.
“You too Sidney” I replied. I walked away, and I felt like a huge weight was off my shoulders.