Status: active

Broken Pieces


A few days past, and I still couldn’t believe what Sidney told me. How could someone keep that inside, and then finally when the other person is happy, just let it all out. He frustrated me so much at times, I knew in my heart I was better of with Jon and nothing would change that. It was an off day for Jon, and in the morning I did all my work early enough to the have the afternoon to ourselves. We took them whenever we could, because soon enough we wouldn’t get as many.
“What’s wrong Babe” Jonathan looked at me. We were sitting on the couch.
“Nothing” I replied.
“I can tell when you are lying” He replied back.
“I talked to Sidney the other day” I began “Well actually I was talking to Kris, when he intruded”
“What happened” Jon asked. I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes.
“He seems hurt when he noticed I was pregnant” I began “Then he began to tell me the truth, he told me that he did have the same feelings me back when i poured my heart out to him but he was an idiot and put hockey first”
“Well at least you know the truth” Jon said.
“He just makes me frustrated, I’m happy with you, I am having your child and I would not want it any other way” I began “His lie broke me so bad, I don’t know how to forget that”
“I can fix all this you know” Jonathan said.
“How” I asked. Jon wiped a tear that was about to fall from my eye.
“A body check here and there, maybe a few slashes” Jon replied. He always knew how to make me smile when I upset.
“I love you, you know that right” I told him
“Yes” He began “And I guess I’ll love you too” He said with a smile, kissing my forehead.
“You better love me” I told him.
“There is no one else i would rather be with” He replied.
“Good save Ericcson” I said.
Before we knew it, November was gone by and December was going by so fast. It was hard to believe that I was now six months pregnant and in just three months, our little bundle of joy would be here. After long talks, begging and crying, at the sixth month check up, we were going to find out the gender of our little one. I wanted to since the beginning but Jonathan wasn’t so sure. But since he was gone a lot, I wanted to have as much as I could ready before and this was I could have clothes ready, and the room all set up.
“Ms Fraser, everything is perfect” Doctor MacWilliams began “Your little boy is healthy as can be” Tears form in both our eyes, we were having a son. I squeezed Jon’s hand.
“It’s a boy” Jon replied
“I take this, is really good news” She replied.
“I would have been happy either way” I began “But this makes it easier for the baby name” She printed off the sonogram. I really would have been happy either way, I just wanted a healthy baby after nine months were up. I couldn’t wait to watch him grow up, and have Jon teach him how to skate and play hockey. A boy just fit perfectly for us at this time.
We were driving back to the apartment, both of us had been pretty quite almost the whole drive.
“Are you excited your getting a son” I asked Jon.
“I would have been happy either way babe” He replied “But I just love the idea of being able to teach my son how to skate and all that”
“I can’t wait till he’s in our arms” I said. We pulled into the parking lot and headed into our place. I put the picture on the fridge, and just stared for a few seconds. Jonathan came up behind me and places his arms around my waist and set them on my huge stomach.
“What do you think of James Luc Jonathan Ericsson” I asked him.
“I do like it, but don’t you think it’s a little long” He began “I really though you were going to say Luc for his first name”
“Would you be okay with that” I asked.
“Brooke, he was your friend, an amazing player and more importantly a great guy” He began “I would be fine with that, a little piece of him can live on inside our son” Tears just fell out of my eyes.
“How did I get so lucky” I asked turning around, my bump was touching Jon’s stomach, Baby Luc was kicking. “I think he likes it” I put my arms around Jon’s neck, and he bent down and kissed me.
“I’m the lucky one, I have an amazing girl, who is giving me the greatest gift in life, my very own son” Jonathan replied.
“I love you” I told him.
I started the baby’s room the next day after finding out we were having a boy. Christmas was almost around the corner and I was getting very excited. Jon and I decided to just stay in Detroit for the holidays. It would be weird and a little sad not being with our families for the holidays, but Jonathan was used to that by now and this was the start of our new family traditions. Jon was on a road trip, so I took that time to wrap a few of his presents and hide them. I couldn’t wait to see his face when he opened up Luc’s infant Ericcson jersey. It was hard to believe in just three months, our little boy would finally be here.
The next afternoon I heard the door open, I knew it was Jon. I heard him mumble something about the decorations. I walked into the living room, he wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me in as close as he could, though my huge stomach kept getting in the way.
“The place looks good babe” He began “But you should have waited for me, you could have fell or something”
“Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything that could harm the baby or myself” I told him.
“I can’t believe that next year at this time, it will be our first christmas with our boy” Jon began “He’ll be able to enjoy it more since he’ll be almost ten months old”
“I cannot wait” I replied. Luc was kicking again, Jon loved that feeling.