Status: active

Broken Pieces


Being a mother was the most amazing feeling. Little Luc was loved by so many all ready. He finally got to meet his grandparents when he was two days old, also the day we brought him home from the hospital. I was sitting on the couch, feeding him when Jon walked into the room, our parents were out for a lunch together.

“My two favorite people” Jon said, kissing the top of both our foreheads “How you feeling”
“I’m alright, a little tired” I replied as I finished feeding Luc.
“Let me take over, go take a nap” Jon said.
“You have a game” I replied.
“It will be fine, go sleep” Jon said gently taking Luc into his arms. I stood up and headed to the bedroom. I knew I needed the sleep, but felt bad.

I woke up to Jonathan sleeping beside me, I smiled and slowly got out of bed. I didn’t want to wake Jon up. I walked into the living room where our mothers were watching Luc. I smiled, he was such a special little boy.

“How are you” My mother asked.
“Better, thanks for watching him” I replied.
“Our pleasure, look at our little man, he is too handsome” Jon’s mother said.
“He’ll be breaking hearts before we know it” Mom replied.
“Are you taking him to the game tonight” Jon’s mother Suzanne asked.
“Not tonight, I want to wait a little longer” I began “You guys will have fun though without, I don’t mind having a date night with my little man”

I gently took Luc into my arms, and touched the side of his cheek. I held him tight as I put him over my face and then he decided to spit up. Jonathan just had to be walking out of the room at that very moment. I heard his laugh before I seen him. He gently took Luc into his arms.

“Good job bud” Jonathan said, as I cleaned myself up.
“Wait till he does it do you and it won’t be so funny” I replied.
“He wouldn’t do that to his daddy” Jon replied.
“Wait and see” I told him.

Jon got ready and headed to the arena, then a little while later our parents were headed off too. I was happy for them, I wish we could all be together but Luc was barley a week old and I knew we would have many trips to the Joe. I didn’t know how I got to be so lucky. Luc was the perfect little baby, Jonathan was the most amazing father. I knew my Luc was looking down, smiling, He would be so happy for him. I kind of hoped that the Wings would play the Penguins again, I wanted Kris to meet this little Luc.

The Wings won, Jon had a good game. I was so proud of him. When Luc was born, the team announced it before their next home game. The media wanted to ask Jon a million questions, but he felt it was too much into his private life. He told them that Luc was great and healthily as could be.

Luc was in bed by the time, everyone got back. I was in our room, writing in the baby book that Luc’s mother, Suzanne sent us. She was also someone who I really wanted little Luc to meet.

“Good game” I told Jon he walked into the bedroom. He got changed and then crawled into bed.
“Thanks babe” He replied. He set a box on the bed and I just looked at him “This was sent to the arena today”
“Who’s it from” I asked.
“Kris” He replied. I took the box, and carefully opened it. I pulled out an infants Canucks jersey that had Luc’s name and number on it. A few tears came to my eyes, so Jon read the card to me.
“Congrats on little Luc, though this would be a better gift than a Penguins jersey, Take care, Love Kris”
“This is so sweet of him” I said.
“He’s right, much better than a Penguin one”
“You would have been nice and thanked him either way” I said.
“I know” Jon replied, kissing me on the cheek.
“I wish Luc could have met him too” I began “I want Kris to meet him too”
“Luc will always be watching over him and don’t worry Kris will meet him” Jonathan replied.
“Thank you” I replied.

I couldn’t believe how time was flying by, Luc was a month old all ready. Our parents had go back, and now it was just the three of us. I loved our little family. I woke up to Jon and Luc in the living room.
“Luc, why” I heard Jonathan say as I walked into the room to see that Luc had puke on him.
“Not so funny now is it” I replied, taking Luc into my arms.
“I guess not” He began “hugs”. I ran into Luc’s room.
“Go change” I replied. “Good job Luc”

Jonathan changed and then came into the living room where I was sitting on the couch, he sat beside me. We just stared at our boy, it was still surreal at times. I loved little moments like these.

April was around the corner before we knew it and it was playoff time once again, for the last game of the regular season, we decided it was time to take Luc to watch daddy play.

I was getting Luc ready for the arena. I put his warmest outfit on him then placed his jersey over it. Jonathan walked in and smiled.

“He looks really good in red” Jon said.
“He does. We might have to have another one” I said.
“We can practiced” Jonathan said.
“One will play for Canada and the other Sweden” I said.
“We might need a few extra practices then” Jon said.

We were all ready to go. Jonathan carried Luc out to the car and placed in car seat in place. I got into the passenger side and we were off. We got to the arena and headed inside. I kissed Jon and wished him good luck then Luc and I headed up to the Pressbox. There was no way I was taking Luc out in the crowd just yet.
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so sorry this took forever.
also had major writers block for the longest time.
i forgot about this story for a while as well.

please enjoy. xoxo