Status: possibly more. Enjoy



Someone stuck an old picture of me on my locker today. It was from when I was skinny. I felt so fat, I sucked it in all day to make people think I had lost weight. It's been 4 whole days since I've last eaten, I'm still getting fat though. I really want to be skinny soon. I feel like I take up most of the room in the hallways. I feel about as big as a bus sometimes. If living with out food was possible I would never eat, and it would all be for you, just to make you happy, and for you to think I'm pretty. You always look so disgusted when you see me, that gives me the motivation I need to keep up wth my low food diet. I think my parents are starting to worry, I think they hear me throwing up after meals and are starting to notice that I never eat anything willingly. I wish you'd stop calling me fat, they're the only words I ever hear from you anymore, It makes me sick to my stomach hearing it. I love you, why can't you see past my fat and love me too?
♠ ♠ ♠
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