Forever Praying

The Ball

Candide gaped, frozen in place as she looked at the dress Francesca had chosen for her. It was light pink and strapless while it really turned into a gown at her waist. The bottom was made of tulle which gave the dress a feminine character, a very soft aspect. It was just gorgeous, something out of a dream.

“Oh, Francesca, I can’t wear this! It’s must too beautiful, I don’t deserve to be seen in it.” the princess said, holding the dress in front of her as to see what it would look like.

The maid smiled at the other woman, knowing that this was probably the most pure-hearted human being that she had ever met. “Yes, you can, Princess. It’ll look magnificent on you and you do deserve to wear it. You are beautiful and incredibly nice.” Candide turned to look at the woman, a small smile starting to form on her lips as she was being persuaded. “Plus, I’m quite certain King Caspian will appreciate seeing you in this lovely dress.” Francesca couldn’t help but add as if it were an afterthought, suppressing a laugh when Princess Candide turned to her with wide eyes.

“Is it that obvious?” she whispered urgently as Francesca started to untie her corset.

“Not really, Miss. I’m just very good at spotting those things, it’s all. If it makes you feel better, I think he’s taking a liking to you, also.”

Candide stayed silent while Francesca helped her remove her dress and put on the gown. Once she was done lacing the corset on the dress Candide wanted to see herself in the mirror but Francesca asked her if it would be possible if she could do her hair first and the princess slowly obliged, her curiosity stinging.

“Do you really think so?”Candide asked finally and thankfully Francesca knew exactly what she was talking about and a small smile appeared on her face.

“I’ve seen many girls pass through those doors, Miss, and King Caspian has never looked at a single one of them the way he looks at you.”

The princess blushed vividly yet felt a bit relieved and special. She didn’t completely believe it, of course Francesca couldn’t know everything but she still clung to that hope. She felt the young girl pull out all of the pins in her hair and Candide sighed when she felt her hair fall in her back, relishing the familiar feeling.

“Come on, Princess. You can see yourself in the mirror, now.”

The woman practically jumped from the chair and quickly made her way to where the mirror was. A gasp echoed in the room when Candide saw herself. The dress fit her like a glove, hugging every curve as it should and her blonde hair that was cascading in her back completely finished the image. Candide had never felt so beautiful in her entire life. She looked like one of those princesses in fairytales.

“Ready to go now, Miss?”Francesca asked with a huge smile on her young face as she saw the princess’s happiness.

“Let’s go, Francesca.”

They hadn’t even arrived at the ball room yet and Candide could hear the music and the faint chattering of the guests. Butterflies started flying in the pit of the woman’s stomach while her hands got clammy. She didn’t know why she was so nervous, she had been to dozens of balls before and never had she gotten even the slightest bit nervous. Maybe it was because she was never trying to impress someone though, that was the only reasonable thought that came to her mind, although she would never admit it to anyone.

The two girls stopped in front of the wooden doors and Candide could feel her heart hammering inside of her ribcage. She bit her lip, all of the confidence from the beautiful dress evaporated like a gust of wind. Her hands were trembling slightly and she could not make up her mind to actually push those doors and enter the room.

“I have to go do my duties now, Princess. Don’t worry about a thing, you’ll do fine! Now, go.” Francesca pushed one of the doors open while finishing her sentence, nudging Candide slightly inside before sending her one last smile and turning around. The princess gulped, controlling her nerves before entering the room.

The room was huge, again, as was everything in the castle. It was beautifully decorated with carpets on the walls and a dangling chandelier. The musicians were at one end of the room, playing wonderful music that was loud enough for everyone to hear and dance to but not enough to interrupt conversation. Many people were talking amongst themselves although the middle of the room was cleared for those who wanted to dance, which was about half a dozen couples. Every women wore elegant dresses with tons of jewellery shimmering in the light while the men wore beautiful suits.

Candide looked around the room, searching for the familiar face of the man who was making her feel this nervous but instead she found another familiar face, one that she wasn’t very eager to see. Sir Christopher had spotted her from across the room and was now heading directly towards her, a small smirk plastered on his face. His black hair was slicked back while he now bored another suit. The woman looked from side to side, looking for an escape but finding none. Submitting to her fate, she stood her ground and awaited Sir Christopher, a fake smile plastered on her lips.

“Good evening, Princess. You look splendid, might I add!” Sir Christopher said to her once he got close enough, bowing as he said so.

Candide plastered yet another smile on her face, yet again managing to suppress the urge to roll her eyes. She wouldn’t mind him as much if she knew that he meant the compliments that he told her and didn’t just want to marry her to get the kingdom, although Candide knew that Christopher found her attractive. If not from the numerous times Aaden had told her than all the times the princess had caught him staring at her. It didn’t matter though because all the compliments turned to nothing every time he went around and flirted with other women and all the times he insulted her.

“May I ask for a dance?” he suddenly asked her, snapping her out of her thoughts. Candide almost sighed, once again torn between being polite and the impulse to stomp on his feet and walk away.

“I’d love to.”

She let herself be led to the middle of the room and she positioned herself in front of Sir Christopher, waiting for the musicians to start playing another song. Candide bit her lip as the music started and she bowed before Christopher as he did the same to her. She took the side of her dress and lifted it up before placing her other hand on the man’s shoulder while the latter placed his hands on her waist, pulling her a bit closer to him.

Sir Christopher smiled at her dazzlingly as they started moving across the floor gracefully. Candide started to fidget once more from the close proximity of the two and she was almost certain that her partner had noticed because he just shook his head slightly, a grin on his face.

“Don’t be so nervous, Princess. This isn’t too horrible, now is it?” he asked quietly as their eyes met. Candide didn’t like admitting it, not even to herself, but it was quite enjoyable. Sir Christopher was a good dancer and didn’t step on her feet as some men she had danced with did.

“No, it’s quite nice.” she finally admitted, trying not to blush at that fact. God, how she hated that blush.

They came to a stop and stepped apart as the music ended, applauding as all of the other guests did. Candide still hadn’t spotted Caspian and she felt disappointment in the pit of her stomach, she really did want to at least share one dance with him, or at least talk to him. It would make her night, honestly, but still as she craned her neck to look above everyone’s heads she still could not see him.

“Come, I have to tell you something.” Christopher suddenly said, grabbing her hand and making her look at him. Candide looked at him, confused at his words but followed him as he started walking towards a door at the end of the room that she hadn’t noticed before. Their hands were still enlaced together and she found this confusing as well, but she didn’t tug her hand away either. They reached the door after making their way through the crowd of people who said their ‘hellos’ to Candide as she passed. The door led to some sort of balcony but it looked more like a garden than anything else. It was quite beautiful and Candide couldn’t help but gasp both at the fresh air but also at the beauty of it all. Flowers were everywhere, every one of them more beautiful than the other. The princess released Christopher’s hand, in awe at the garden as she started walking past them.

Candide didn’t even hear Christopher’s footsteps behind her until he took her wrist and spun her around do they were face to face, a bit too close for comfort in Candide’s opinion but she didn’t say anything.

“Princess, I have something to ask you.” he said softly and Candide’s curiosity was growing inside of her mind, driving her crazy by the minute. She shuddered, although she didn’t know if it was because of the cold of the outdoors or because of Christopher. She wasn’t sure she wanted her question answered.

“What is it?” she asked about late but it didn’t seem to matter because Christopher smiled at her once more. Suddenly, he was on one knee, holding her hand was Candide had gasped.

No, this couldn’t be happening. Not now. She had thought she had at least another year before she was forced to answer this question. She shuddered once more , her lip quivering a bit as she was being over-emotional.

“Princess Candide Saltrick, will you marry me?” he asked, a small smile on his lips as if he was convinced of her answer as their eyes met once more when Candide looked down. She couldn’t answer his question, she just couldn’t. She knew her answer, of course she did, but did that mean she wanted to tell him? Absolutely not. Her bottom lip was quivering once more

Suddenly, like some sort of small miracle, Caspian arrived, running.

“Princess…Saltrick….danger…need…go…now.” he gasped out before taking her hand and starting to run yet again.

Her miracle had gone sour in only seconds.
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Aha, I hope you liked this chapter. (:

Comment on what you liked/disliked? <33 (: