Status: On HIATUS.

Tears of a Royal

"I think I saw a shadow.."

Leaves were crunching underneath my feet as I ran through the dense, dark forest. I hustled through an under brush, but got caught in a vine growing through the forest floor. I caught my breath, laying and panting, waiting for extra air to fill my lungs.

"Are you alright miss?" A familiar voice sounded from behind me.

I slowly looked up to see the girl swooning prince looking straight into my eyes of bronze. His face was very defined with a tight, heavenly carved jaw that shaped the rest of the face that girls of both peasent and rich would find appealing.

"Umm...yea. Just fine." I went to get up, but saw that my dress of dreadful, dirty cotton was also caught and I could barely reach it from the branches of the under brush.

"Let me help my lady." He spoke casually, but firmly as if he were trying to play the part. As he started to pull my dress gently free, I was hooked on the fishing line of his sparkling, blue eyes. They crystallized like ice in a winters day. By the time I finally got over the mistifying bloak by looking into his eyes, he had pulled me free.

"You didn't have to help me, let alone follow me." My voice showed no hint of fear or nervousness.

"Yes, but I needed to thank you properly for saving my life."

"Okay... Well your welcome. I must go." I started to walk steadily out of the bushes that stabbed me in the stomache.

"Wait....where are you going?" He followed me closely, trying just as hard as I was trying to get out of the spiny bushes. "You surely can't get home alone in the darkness."

"Why not?...Its not everyday that you could go waltzing around in a dark, scary forest." I tried to sound serious and funny at the same time.

"You should let me accompany you, so you get out safely. That's the least I can do for you." His face was now only inches from mine as I noticed that his eyes were a brilliant bright shade of a flouresant blue.

"I must go home. It's getting late." I said uncomfortably, seperating myself from him, so I could walk away in the pride I still held.

"I will see you again...." he mentioned suddenly.

"You might say that."

"I bid you farewell then. Hope you find your way back....miss.....I didn't get your name." He smiled politely.

"Mimi, and I bid you farewell too." A little blush seeked through my cheeks, but not enough to be noticed. I smiled slightly then turned around to leave.

After I was out of his vision, the forest seemed to get scarier as I went along. I started walking, but then hasened to a gallop, and being me, I trip on something else.'s the shadow!!

"How did I trip on a shadow?" I whispered to myself. I looked at it, as it circled around me very slowly. It looked as if it were going to attack me. It lunged at me, but then it vanished almost as quickly as it appeared.

I heard rustling and crushing leaves from afar. My heart skipped a beat, but I was able to get up and start running again. The darkness of the forest seemed to go on and on until she found a small amount of light shinning from the end of the forest. Almost there, I thought. I ran and ran, and it seems that the light didn't get any closer. The light finally got closer to me and then making myself lunge into it. As I got out, Scarlete was waiting on a rock. When she saw me, she nearly jumped a mile towards me.

"You okay Mariah?" She said looking at me with both eyes wide.

"Mimi!!.....And I'm quite alright." I brushed off some mudd that was caked on my already dirty dress.

"You'd better be beause we got to get going before the sun sets." She pulled my arm as she spoke in an alarming tone.

"Sure. Let's get going." I allowed her to pull me a while then I pulled aside from her inorder to try to bea the sun that was heading to sleep for the rest of the nigt.

I look back at the forest before it leaves my sight, thinking of what would've happened if that shadow did actually catch me, if it even could. Then I rembered the carved face of Prince Derek and how he saved me after I saved him. What else could happen to me?
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Enjoy! :)