Status: On HIATUS.

Tears of a Royal

She's gone!

The next morning was chaotic, waking up to my mother screaming in the kitchen, turns out I left the door crack open last night, thus, there were chickens in our kitchen. Try saying THAT 5 times fast.

Sometimes, the chickens from the farm get loose and, being that the farm isn't too far from this village, they wander around here, only to be eaten by wolves.

The entire morning was a guilty, awkward silence. Mom kept giving me glares as she passed the table, Gracie kept quiet, knowing how I was in hot water.

"Could you please say something this silence is bothering m-"d

"WHY were you outside so late last night Mariah." She folded her hands on her lap, taking a seat right across from me.

"Well, Scarlet and I-"

"That girl, you always seem to get distracted when she's around."

"That's not true!" I said, pushing my plate so far back the eggs dumped on Gracies red, dress.

"S-sorry Grace..."

"AWWWW" she winced, flicking the yok off her hands as it splattered everywhere.

"Just great now look what you've done." Mom has a tendancy to be, well, a ROYAL pain. When she's mad, you wish you were dead, cause then she brings out the lectures, and the guilt trips.

"I-I'm sorry-"

"Just, go to the Silversmith and give him the copper." She grumbled, wiping off Gracie's torso.

"W-Why?" Copper? To the silversmith? Not the silversmith Scarlet and I like, his son. The man who makes all the guard's and knight's weapons. He's huge, muscular, and has anger issues. Last time little Charlie down the corner asked him for help carrying a sword, he let the entire town know that little Charlie was weak. He's 6 years old trying to carry a giant metal sword!

"Because I said so, we have to make a living you know." Her and Grace left the room, slamming a door that jarred the building.

"Ugh..." Un willingly I rose from my seat, taking one more sip of the milk in my glass before heading outside and bumping into... Scarlet's half brother, Harold.

Red hair, extremely tan, taller than prince Derek- not near as attractive as the prince..

"Mimi, you day dreamin again?" He has an accent he gets from his father, the two lived in Oggre village which is very far from here, there they sold silver to merchants and made quite the profit from it too.

"U-uh what?" I staggered, trying to avoid a conversation.

"Heh, looks to me like you were thinkin bout som'ne."

"No I wasn't, your absurd." I continued down the route with Harold right beside me. He has quite a group if friends, why can't he visit them in stead of ME.

"Well, I'm heading to the castle to deliver this 'ere notem" he grinned, Holding up a scroll.

"What's it abou-"

"Nononono, I ca't be tellin you that, dad'd be pretty mad if you know what I mean."

"Its that important?" We came to the silver smith, a large red ribbon was blocking off the entrance.

"Yes'siree, very VERY IM- HEY!" A familiar face shoved him aside, butterflies fluttered all about my stomach.

"Do I know you?" Derek smiled, Henry pouted.

"Ey now, just because your a pri'ce and all does't give you the-"

"I have no clue what your saying good sir," he winked at me, I giggled nervously.

(Giggled? I can't GIGGLE that's so immature in front of a royal!) Inside I screamed at myself, on the outxide I just grinned and giggled watching Harold hand over the scroll.

"Here 'ya go your 'Ighness." Derek read it too himself, nodding professionaly before sticking it in his pocket.

"I best be gett'ng home, by MiMi," he scowled at the prince before storming off.

"So you ARE the girl who saved me, hmm?" Starstruck, I just nodded while he continued to stand their and just look.... gorgeous.

"I suppose you might be wondering what this ribbon here is for, well, the silversmith was murdered last night by an unknown creature or animal of dome sort."

"H-He was? That's terrible!" He was such a nice old man too!

"Yes it is, his son should be arriving here soon, to take over the shop of course. In the mean time my guards and I will be here, protecting it from any further loss."

"Someones working hard," I joked, "Well, I guess Ill just-"

"STOP THEIF!!!!" A person in black strode down the path on a dark skinned stallion, they whizzed past the prince and I, directly into the forest.

"This looks bad," I muttered.

"Bad indeed! He stole my beloved 'orse! How will I ever trasport my goods from 'ere to the Ogrre village?"

"Don't worry sir, we'll get your horse back." Derek turned to me, "Sorry, but this can only get worse if we don't act quickly, MEN!" They nodded and the group in armor scattered all around the village, cheking the other shops to see if they'd been robbed as well.

"Mimi!" Scarlet scurried up to me, "So you heard that the silver smith was killed, right?"

"Yeah," the sun beat down causing me to wince, "What about his death?"

"That man killed him!"


"Well, think about it, the silver smith was murdered last night, right?"

"Go on.."

"A-and then suddenly this man shows up and is ribbing our village?"

"Just a coinsidence."

"Just a coi- MiMi! The cyan village has never EVER been attacked, robbed, or in danger! Not for the past 20 years anyway!"

"Maybe your right..."

She nodded, grabbing my hand as we headed towards the wood, "let's find him!"

"Wait WHAT?! Let's find h- Have you lost your mind?"

"No! We could be heros!"

"We could also be killed!"

"What your afraid? Don't you want to-"

"No! We just can't... he could be armed and, dangerous, and what would we do once we find him? Huh?"

She shrugged, " I haven't thought this through completely... b-but we could..."

"MiMi!" Mom hastened down the path, teary eyed voice cracking, "They took Gracie!"

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Enjoy!! 8)