Status: On HIATUS.

Tears of a Royal

Dreams and fantasies

The comfort of my room was peaceful and dark, but nightmares swirled throughout my mind, replaying each moment of it. The happiness from Derek's kiss to all of the anguish and confusion from tonight was almost unbearable to grasp. Finally, I awaken from this reality looking around the dark room. My head was pounding as I touched my lips delicately tracing where Derek's lips were at that beautiful moment.

"Derek...." I whispered faintly. I get off my bed and head to my door, putting on my boots and picking up my candle lattern.

The air is cool outside as I go down a path into the woods. It lead straight to an elegant lake that crystallized in the moonlight. I sit down on the bank of the lake taking a sigh. Looking into the water, I see a poorly taken care of peasant in rags.

"How will I ever be with Derek?...I'm not princess material even if I were to wed him!" I tear up mildly, but then I stop hearing footsteps coming near me. I turn around hesitant.

"Mimi!!??" a voice calls out. It sounds like Gracies' voice. Sure enough her eight year old body shows in the darkness.

"Gracie....What are you doing up so late at this hour?" She sits next to me.

"I could ask you the same question." Gracie looks at me curiously.

"Well,...I kinda got something to tell you, Gracie." Her head perked up ready to listen.

"What be it?" Gracie asks.

"When Derek and I heard your voice we ran through the woods to save you." She nodded patiently. "Before we did, I....err....we kissed."

"You what?..." Gracie stumbles to grasp what I said.

"I kissed Derek and now I think I love him!!" I yell softly throwing my head down on her lap.

Gracie was taken aback, stroking my hair; calming me down. I started to tear up, but I suddenly felt better. Its like the depression of it all was released from me. I picked my head up and looked at Gracie with a look of achievement. I will have Derek if it takes me forever to prove to everyone. My legs finally felt like moving and breathing felt ealier to take in as I got up from Gracie's grasp.

"Gracie,..." I sarted to speak with a smile on my face, "I'll have Derek and you're going to help me kerp any girl away from him, got it my dear?

All she did was nod and then I unerstood that Gracie was going to help me no matter what happens. Her face was detirmied as is mine and now my kiss with Derek is the most important thing that has ever took place in my life.
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Enjoy 8)