Status: short story; contest

Back to the Street..

Chapter 1

“Come on, Callie! You can do it, I believe in you.”

Even though these words looked like they could be encouraging they were quite the opposite. My abusive boyfriend stared down at me as I gripped the steak knife in my hand.
“Come on, bitch. You’re so bad, aren’t you? Do it.” He spat on my shoe as I brought the knife closer to my skin. His words were repeating over and over in my head but I finally brought up the courage to talk back.

“No.” I threw the knife straight at him and it stuck in his thigh. Quickly, I ran out of his bedroom and out of the wretched house that kept me in danger for 3 years. My life was finally safe and he was never coming back. I walked down the sidewalk and pulled the hood up on my jacket as the rain began seeping into my hair. If you’re wondering why I didn’t leave earlier was because my mom never cared and she never will care. Her life consists of booze and hooking up with men for more booze.

I dropped on the sidewalk and put my head in my lap, sobbing uncontrollably. How could I have been so stupid? That was the first and last time I never go with my gut, at all. That son of a bitch kept me imprisoned for too damn long.

A hand firmly gripped my shoulder and I screamed, turning to look up at him. My breathing increased and the figure looked down at me. I couldn’t make out a face because it was wearing all black, including black sunglasses when it wasn’t even dark outside.

“What’s wrong?” it asked me.

“My i-inhal-inhaler.” I kept weezing until I felt something smooth and cold on my lips. My fingers wrapped around the inhaler and I slowly started getting my air back. Apparently, the person had asthma as well. Go figure.

The person picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. I started kicking and screaming but I soon stopped since I was getting nowhere.

I sighed and tried to stay calm even though I wanted to break down and ask it to spare my life. He put me down and opened a car door for me. I slid inside and we pulled off to somewhere I didn’t know.

“You have the time?”

“Yeah, nine.”

“In the afternoon?”

“What? No, at night. The possibility of it being nine in the afternoon is actually impossible.”

“Well, not really because afternoon is after twelve. Its after twelve, therefore, its nine in the afternoon.”


“You know I’m right.” I said playfully. Don’t ask me why I’m trying to flirt with someone I don’t even know.

“That’s a load of bull.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t say shit after it.”

“I’m Mormon, its against my religion to.”

“Oh, well that makes sense.” The rest of the car ride was silent, mostly because I was in the backseat even though he insisted I sit in the front. I knew he was a guy because our talking made it quite obvious that he was a male.

Eventually, we came to an apartment that looked…well…ghetto as hell. He opened my door but I crawled to the other side and opened the door myself. He mumbled something under his breath and slammed the door. I casually closed the door and looked at him as he went to open the door to the building for me.

“Well, come on.”

“I don’t even know who the fuck you are.”

“But I know you and I know what that asshole Jeremy’s been doing to you so if you want to stay safe then get your ass inside.”

I glared at him, mostly because he said he knew me and he knew my ex-boyfriend’s name. I didn’t want it to seem I was glaring at him for that, though.

“I thought you were a Mormon, you just said ass.”

He chuckled and readjusted his glasses. “An ass is a donkey.”

“Whatever.” He gestured for me to follow and I gave in, following him inside.

We went up and elevator and walked down a hallway. He opened the door to his apartment and led me in. It was small and pretty messy, if I do say so myself. Stuff was all over and I noticed it only had one bedroom and one bathroom. The kitchen was small as well and there wasn’t much of a living room besides a loveseat couch and a TV on top of a black stand. All in all, it looked like a tornado hit his apartment.

He must’ve known what I was thinking because he smiled sheepishly. Who the fuck is this and why didn’t I know about him sooner?

“Uh, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your name?”

“Callie Marshall.”

“Oh cool, I’m Brendon Urie.” Brendon finally took off those damn sunglasses and I realized how absolutely beautiful his eyes were. They were like the perfect shade of brown, not too dark, but not too bright. They reminding me of chocolate ice cream. Not the skimpy kind, the rich kind. “Please, sit down.”

I nodded and sat down on the small couch. He sat next to me and replaced the sunglasses with a pair of red eyeglasses. Brendon smiled and put his hands in his lap.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” I looked at him nervously, my dark brown bangs falling in front of my face to hid my watery eyes.

“Why not? I’ve seen what you’ve been through, Jeremy’s my cousin. He’s been constantly telling me about how his girlfriend doesn’t listen so he puts her in line. I had to make sure you were safe, no woman should be beaten.” God, where has he been all my life?

As soon as I was about to speak, Brendon crashed his lips against mine, pulling me in from the back of my head. I was hesitant at first, but then I gave in. Our lips moved together in sync and I felt his tongue brush my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I let him in and we wrestled for a bit before pulling away.

Don’t ask me why I did that, or why I didn’t slap him, because it just felt…right.

“Callie, you don’t need Jeremy, I’ll treat you right. I’m the man you need in your life. I know we just met, well talked for the first time but I promise you that you’ll never be lonely or scared or unloved. Be my girl?” Brendon’s hand found mine and I smiled, pressing my lips to his forehead.

“Of course.” I whispered as I pulled him into a hug, my cheek resting on his shoulder so I could admire his face.

And to think, this all happened, at nine in the afternoon.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope it was good!