Status: First and proud completion. :)

I Was Made to Love You


Paul kept his firm, but gentle grip on his imprintee's hand as he led her quickly through the forest. He was still within hearing range of the beast, he could hear it roaring in anger (probably still trying to get the wood out of his back and angry that he had lost the girl) and he didn't like that one bit. He wanted to get his imprint as far away from the beast as possible.

"Where are we going?" She asked him, keeping her voice low. She stumbled a little, but Paul quickly gripped her hand and kept her from tumbling to the ground, earning a "thank you" smile from her.

He shot her a sheepish smile back, keeping up the fast pace, while trying to help her keep up, too. "Um, some place safe. A friend's house. Is that okay?" He asked, wanting to make sure she was comfortable with the situation.

She nodded slightly at him, when he glanced at her for her answer, but frowned slightly in confusion. "Why can't I just go home?" She asked, her voice still low. It wasn't a challenging tone, her tone was just as confused as her expression.

He understood why she was asking. She was human after all. Not used to this kind of life or these kinds of creatures. It must have felt very strange and frightening to her. That feeling of wanting to pull her close, but he somehow managed to suppress them. He didn't want to freak her out even more. He wondered if the beast was after her, because that's sure what that seemed like back there, but he didn't want to alert her of that, at least not until he knew for sure that that was what was going on.

"I don't want to risk him following you." He said, but then regretted it, knowing how weird he just sounded.

She gave him an odd look, but smiled slightly. "Thank you." She said softly, a small blush rising onto her adorable cheeks.

Paul smiled back at her. "It's cool. Gotta help a Lady in her time of need." He told her, shrugging it off as if it were nothing.

"I meant, thank you for saving me back there, but thank you for this, too." She explained, her blush becoming more visible, though Paul could smell the blood and feel the heat already.

"It's fine. You're cute when you blush." He smirked slightly to himself when he heard her heart beat pick race a little.

Finally, they reached a small clearing, a small wooden cottage in the middle of the field.

"Is this your friend's place?" She asked, receiving a nod from Paul and a small smile. "It's pretty." She smiled back at him slightly.

'Not as pretty as you...' He thought to himself, really wishing he could have just said it instead. Paul still had a hold of her hand, but suddenly realized that he didn't't even know his imprintee's name. He halted at the front door, turning to face her and smiled slightly.

"I just realized, I don't even know your name." He said, voicing his thoughts.

She smiled up at him. "Rachel."

He frowned slightly for a moment. "Rachel... Black?" He asked, the penny finally dropping.

She gave him another odd look, but nodded slightly. "Do I... Know you?" She asked timidly.

He gave her a light smile. "Sort of. I know your brother pretty well. We met once a few years back. You're the sister that didn't get married, right?" He smirked slightly, saying that rather than saying "you're the sister that went away to University, right?". This was he could smoothly slip that in so that he could find out if she was single. She had to be, though, right? She was his soul mate. They would eventually be together, right? These are thoughts that swam in his mind.

She chuckled slightly, noticing how smoothly he slipped that question in and nodded. "Yeah. And I think I remember you. Um, you weren't as... You know, big back then..." She trailed off, blushing deeply as she realized how that sounded.

He chuckled down at her and smiled before pushing Sam's door wide open. "Sammy! I'm home!" He shouted with, grinning back at Rachel.

'Rachel. Rachel. Rachel. Rachel. Rachel. Rachel. Rachel.'
♠ ♠ ♠
-- Zya here.