Status: Will continue after my Gaara story, "Bring me happiness"

Love Covers All Sins

Starlight Tears

"Ami..."Naoko quivered as she hugged herself.

"Are you there?” She shouted as the tears rolled down her soft face. There grew a sharp pain around her spine that shot through out her body. Suddenly, drops splashed on her dry stained face. The wind blew deadly cold as the air became thick. Soon there was no sound besides the rain.

"Ami...!!"She yelled, "I'm scared!"

As she screamed she heard a loud rustle.

"Ami?" She sobbed, knowing it would not be her friend.

"Where are you!" She shouted once the rustle stopped. The moon turned wine red as a dark shadow moved in closer to Naoko.

"No!" She screamed as she quickly turned to run, the boy grabbed her firmly by her wrist.

"You killer, you bastard!" She insulted as her fist pounded on the Uchiha's amour.

"I don't want to hurt you..." He spoke. Naoko shook her head, "Let go of me you murder!"

"As you wish," He sighed as he let her free. Her body quickly fell on the ground.

"Maru help m-!" she screamed but was cut off by the young boy's hand.

"I'm sparing your life, so don't let it go to waste" He whispered. Naoko's body shook as she looked into his eyes, they were bloodshot red.

"U-Uchiha!" She mouthed as her voice broke off.

"You need to hurry! My squad will be coming soon, if you don't hide in time-!" He warned but the young village girl slapped him as she pulled her hand away and ran.

"Not that way!” He yelled. Touching his marked cheek he growled, "Bitch!"

“I got to get away, got to get out of here!" Naoko muttered as she ran as fast as her legs could manage to take her.

"Take her!" called out a voice, "She's a mist villager!"

With a scream, Naoko fell on the mud, having a rope tide around her neck as well as her wrists, which were brought back behind her.

"She's a cutie!" laughed a young ninja boy, with the same uniform as the Uchiha.

"Stop, we need to take her back to the village" warned the other shinobi.

"Let go of me!" Naoko demanded as she glared at the shinobi, and from the 3 of them, she spotted the Uchiha from earlier.

"You are all scums and low lives!" She spat at his face.

"You whore, how dare you!" Shouted one of the men. He brought his hand in the air and then slapped her so hard that, her lip started bleeding.

"No more!" Ordered the Uchiha, "We'll see what Danzo would want us to do with her..."

"Come on, move it!" the men shouted as the tug on the rope around her neck.

"Where are the other villagers?" She asked as she walked.

"They are all dead, you’re lucky to be alive. If it wasn't for our captain Itachi you would be asleep with the others. But maybe that would have been best since, we might sell you on the way once we all had a try..." Laughed a ninja.

"Enough, it's not up to us to decide," commented Itachi as he glanced at the soaked girl.

The hours passed like weeks and minutes passed like days and yet the rain kept falling, almost cleansing.

"Puff!" Naoko had fallen from exatsuged. But the cruel Konaha shinobi yelled.

"Get up!", "You stupid whore, your slowing us down!"

"We will make our camping site here" Itachi spoke as he placed himself down.

Naoko's body shivered, as her teeth danced, staring at the gazing Uchiha.

"Osako, put up the tent, and Tuku see if you can find a village near by..."He demanded, not taking his eyes off the pitiful girl.

"To kill more people? To enslave them? You ninja are no different!" Naoko cried as the two left.

"We're trying to protect those that are innocent," Itachi replied as he reached out for his pocket.

"Then what about me? What have I done?" She asked enraged yet quivering.

"Nothing," He said simply as he stretched his arm out towards her, handing her fresh water.

"You were just in the wrong place, at the wrong time..."

"That's it?" She sobbed as she looked away, "You guys knew what was happening!"

"You knew that the villagers had nothing to do with what you ninja created!"

"Ninja Wars are not something we can take lightly! I asked you to run away, now be happy that we don't kill you!" He raised his voice; she winced and held back her tongue.

"Then just kill me, it's better than suffering. You killed my family! You people kill, that's all you know what to do!” She screamed painfully.

"Enough, you haven't lost anything yet. We got new orders, to capture all villagers from foreign villages. Before, it was just to kill ninja. Then it became an eye for an eye. If your wife was killed, it was okay it kill the others wife even if she was no shinobi. But now, the tables have turned. Everyone is involved, like it or not, you're not the only one! So quit crying!" He explained as he stood up and dragged her along with him.

"Where are we going?" She questioned as she tried to break free.

"You move too much" He muttered as he gripped his hand around her small wrist. Pulling her through the woods, he pushed her down roughly.

"Stay." He instructed. She was confused by his actions.

“Wait, a minute! Where are we going?” She asked confused, wondering what his intentions were.

“The chances of them raping you are high...”He muttered, “So I’m taking you away before they get the chance to…”

“What?” Naoko questioned.

“I’m keeping you..”