Status: slowly active :)


Chapter 2

{What is it to be beautiful?
Am I just another pretty face?Or am I the real deal?
What is it about your beauty that captivates me?
Is it your charm?
Is It your outlook towards life?
Or is it your colorful personality?
Apperance is overrated and faded.
But your true beauty within is my latest desire.You may be appealing in the outside,
But the beauty you hold within is what has me head over heels.}

Athena's Pov
It was past 8, I was laying on the living room floor hearing my mother complain as usual about today's society. Her vulgar complains is not what made my blood boil with anger.
But it's the particular subject, she always seems to bring up.
Her homophobia disgusts me,and makes me wonder if she would hate her own flesh and blood,her own daughter for who she truly is.
"It's disgusting and such a shame seeing two men,and two young ladies kiss in public, overall. Their promiscuity has probably led them to several diseases,and whatnot." She said. She scrunched her nose in disgust , her words always seems to have an effect on me, they break my heart and soul. It hurts how she expresses herself, it hurts how someone can hate a human being for absolutely no reason. But what breaks my heart even more is that I can't take off my disguise,and show everyone who I truly am.
We sat down to have supper, she took out a book with a black cover on it, which appeared to be "The Prophet of Muhammad". She skimmed through the pages, she stopped on one page and pointed to a sentence.
"See it's unacceptable to be like "these kind of people", I don't see how anyone can accept such sinners. How anyone can give birth to these individuals." She said.
"Allah, give me patience".
After hearing her say that, it made me more afraid than ever to confess my secret.
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Hey guys :) I'm sorry for the short chapter,I was suffering from writer's block.I will soon put up Effy's Pov,and by the way I completely forgot to mention that Athena comes from a strict family that study the religion Islam.
Feedback would be appericated :)