Status: slowly active :)


Chapter 3

{I've got this soul eating virus
I've got this disease
It's killing my soul
It's crushing my heart
It's eating me alive
Sticks and stones may break your bones
Mirrors and cameras,break my soul.
It goes far beyond the open wounds
It goes far beyond the scars
It goes deep into my core
It's eating me alive.
Ignorant and sightless is what you all are.
How can you not notice a dying soul?
How can you not notice the lying corpse?
I'm dead and lifeless
It was bound to happen.
Shoot me through my heart,and take my pain away.}

Effy's Pov.
It's not easy telling anyone,not even my loved ones what I'm going through.I feel so trapped inside this body,I feel so alone and ashamed.I can't bare the agony of seeing my reflection.Walking outside,visible to the human eye makes me feel more self conscious than ever.I keep my head down low,and my eyes out of sight,I bury myself in my coat.I feel people's eyes burning through my flesh,pointing and laughing as I walk by.I manage to look up,but the thoughts inside my head never seem to be true.I'll admit sometimes I imagine scenarios ,that don't exsist but seem so raw and real inside my head.
"Effy,dear your father wants us to join him for brunch,before he leaves on his business trip." My mother's voice interrupted my thoughts,which made me just nod my head.I quickly threw on a pair of black tights,and a long white blouse.I didn't bother to look in the mirror,mirrors and I aren't exactly friends.
As we drove to the restaurant,my mother was saying something about how her day went.I tuned her out,as the usual thoughs drowned my mind.
"The usual plan it is" I mumbled.
"Oh nothing,I was just saying that it sounds like you had a hectic day."
"Oh it was...."My mother's voice soon started to fade in the background.I pulled the black rubber band on my wrist,letting it hit my veins several times.I dreadfully waited for us to get to the restaurant.