Status: Just wait...

Castle de la Rosé


Chapter Twelve
Elian's POV

My first reaction when I woke up was that this was a fantastic way to start the day. I moan quietly, opening my eyes to see…Schuyler. "Ahhh!" I screamed, like a complete loser and shoved Schuyler, accidently making him topple of the side of the bed.

I shot against the wall with the covers of the bed pulled up to hide before realizing that I looked like a five year old and that wouldn't help me at all for when I needed to yell at Schuyler…like right now. I'm sure I'll look ridiculous enough yelling at him while my arms are in a straitjacket, but I can always hope it just makes me look like a psycho murderer and scares him even more.

"You b-"

The rest of what was sure to be a very loud and intimidating bitch out that would leave Schuyler trembling in fear was cut off by the guards who were wielding a water hose and sprayed me in the face.

"Ugh! Get away!" I yelped, diving back under the cover. You see the problem is that a thin sheet doesn't do much to keep me dry.

I heard Schuyler offended screech as he too was sprayed with the water hose.

"There. That should cool you down," one of the guards said, sounding satisfied with his evil deed.

I heard them walk back at and as they closed the door, I heard, "That was fun. We don't get to do that nearly enough."

I tried to flip of the door, before realizing the effect was ruined because no one would be able to see it through the straitjacket. "Schuyler be a doll and flip off the door for me," I said sarcasticly.

Schuyler flipped me off instead from his spot where he was sprawled on the floor.

I lunged at him, slipped on the water, and landed flat on my face.

"I don’t think that was what you intended to happen," he said, watching me wriggle around like an upturned cockroach trying to turn over and get up without the use of my arms.

"Help me." I ordered.

Guess what he did? Well, he didn't help me; I can tell you that. "Where did they get the water hose?" he asked.

"They have an endless artillery of things to annoy me; water hoses, tasers, sedatives…straitjackets." I glared at him. "Now help me up."

"I think I'm safer this way," he said.

I sighed, resigning myself to my fate. "This is all your fault."

"I didn't spray you with a water hose," Schuyler said, sounding offended.

"You didn't have to. You're the one who was trying to molest me in my sleep, which is the reason they sprayed us with the water hose in the first place and you're the reason we're in here in the first place," I pointed out.

"You were already here when I got you out."

"I wouldn't have gotten sprayed with a water hose though."

Schuyler let out a little giggle-snort, and blushed. "Okay, maybe that's my fault, but you enjoyed it so I'm not sorry."

I wanted to clap my hand to my forehead. "I did not. I shoved you off the bed, remember?"

"Yeah. It was rude," he said, sounding annoyed.

I was to baffled for words. I just started banging me head on the floor, hoping that I would knock myself out so I wouldn't have to listen anymore.

"Stop! Why are you doing that?" Schuyler said, lifting me into a sitting position so I couldn't hurt myself.

"I didn't want to listen anymore," I said.

"So you decided to give yourself brain damage? Are you crazy?"

"You do realize you're asking this of a person wearing a straitjacket?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "A really uncomfortable and wet straitjacket."

"I'll help you take that off," Schuyler offered.

"Okay," I said, looking at the fifty buttons and zippered and straps doubtfully. "If you think you can."

"Shut up," Schuyler admonished. "Don't doubt me."

A few minutes later, I heard Schuyler grumble, "Are these child-proofed?"

I couldn't help my snort of amusement. "Are you kidding me?"

"Shut up," Schuyler said again. "I won't help you if you keep complaining."

"You're not helping me anyway," I said. "Stop. Can't you take a joke? Come back here." I glared at Schuyler who was backing away looking irritated.

"Fine, you owe me though," he said. The room was quiet for the next half hour (except for the sound of Schuyler cursing every few minutes) as Schuyler tried to take the straitjacket off. Finally, he said, "I think that's everything. I'll try to pull that off now."

Schuyler tugged it over my head and before I knew what I was doing I was practically dancing around our little prison, glad to be free to not essentially be tied up. I only stopped my little happy dance when I realized Schuyler was laughing at me. "Thanks," I said, calmly.

"No problem," Schuyler said, still looking hopeful that I might start dancing again. I noticed he was shivering slightly still because no one had felt the need to bring Schuyler his own clothes and was still just wearing my T-shirt and some jeans the guards had thought to bring for him. They probably didn't want to explain to the principal why they put two half-naked guys in the same cell, knowing that at least one of them is gay.

I sighed. "Come here."

Schuyler looked at me suspiciously and shook his head.

"Fine, I'll go over there then." I walked over to him, sat down next to him, and pulled him into my lap. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the forehead. "Give me a little warning next time and I probably won't push you off the bed."

"Maybe?" Schyuler said, his expression telling me that maybe just isn't good enough.

"Okay, I won't push you off the bed," I said. When I saw Schuyler's expression, I grudgingly added, "I promise."

Schuyler looked satisfied and settled into my lap. "Good."

"But if you tell Jasmine, I will kill you. She's already gotten it into her head that we're some kind of Beauty and the Beast couple-"

"Am I Beauty or the Beast?"

"What? Why does that matter?" I asked baffled.

"I'm trying to figure out whether I'm offended or not."

"Fine, you're Beauty."

"Thank you," Schuyler said, then giggled. "Haha, that means you're the beast."

I glared at him. "Are you done?"

Schuyler tried to hold back a smile, and nodded. "Anyway, if she finds out about it, she's sure to be so annoying that I have to kill her and then I'll have to go to jail and-"

"It'll be all my fault. I know. You've said that about a thousand times already," Schuyler whined.

"Good. You're catching on," I laughed.

It was quiet for about a minute (Which seems to be about the longest Schuyler can stay quiet without spontanteously combusting.)and then Schuyler asked a question. "C-can I see your wings again?"

I wrapped my wings around him, so he could pet them. Schuyler's shivering had completely stopped, since my wings wrapped around him must have felt like a down comforter.

"On our next date, you'd better take me somewhere nicer," Schuyler said.

"Who said this was a date?" I asked, trying to figure out whether this was funny or if I should go back to banging my head on the floor.

"I did. You're my boyfriend now and when we go out alone together it's a date," Schuyler explained like I was stupid.

"Wait. Back up. Who said I was your boyfriend?"

"I said you are, so you are," Schuyler said like this settled things.

"I am not."

"Are too."

"Am-" I stopped mid-argument when I realized we were acting like children. "Fine, you win."

Schuyler glared. "Don't sound so sad about it. I'm a prize and you know it. Now, ask me nicely and maybe I'll be your boyfriend."

I could feel a migraine coming on. "Schuyler, will you date me?"

"I'll think about it."


"Fine," Schuyler said, like he was doing me a big favor. "I'll date you."

He went back to petting me, leaving me to wonder just how many future headaches I've just given myself by going out with the annoying boy in my arms. I suspect it'll be a lot.
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