Status: Just wait...

Castle de la Rosé


I glared at the doors and took another long drink from my second bottle of alcohol. It takes about twice as much for me to get drunk as it would a human. Thus forcing me to drink twice as much.

I was just starting to get a little tipsy when the doors opened and girl with huge breasts in skimpy clothing looked out. She looked at me and rolled her eyes, her violet wings gently moving back and forth.

"Better finish that quick." she told me with a southern-belle accent. I looked at her and chugged the rest of the bottle, throwing it on the ground next to the other one. She blinked her big violet eyes and turned around. I grabbed my bag and followed her.

She led me to an office with a big white desk and stood in the doorway while I walked to the front.

"Hello dear, are you Schuyler Moore?" I nodded, not entirely sure that if I let go of the desk I would stay upright. The woman behind the desk handed me a stack of papers. Then she fished around and found a map.

"There's you class schedule, the schools schedule, a map, a packet of Castle de La Rosé rules and a map of the surrounding area since you're a werewolf."

"Room and key, Mrs. Greeley." the southern girl said from her place against the wall.

"Oh sorry! You'll be in room 318." she said, handing me a key.

"Jasmine, will you take him to 318?" Jasmine nodded and took my elbow, leading me away from the white desk. I followed obediently as we walked up three flights of stairs to the end of a hallway.

Jasmine said something about who my roommate was, but I wasn't really paying attention. I was more worried about how the stupid keyhole kept moving as I tried to fit the key in.

I heard Jasmine sigh behind me and snap her fingers. A warm feeling settled in my stomach and everything suddenly became clear. I turned around to see a smirking Jasmine behind me.

"You'll want to be sober when you meet him." she said sweetly in her precise way of speaking. I turned around and opened the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took me so long to get this out...

but I'm kinda going through some stuff lately and I also have shit-tons of homework.

SO I be much obliged if you would forgive me just this once.