Status: Just wait...

Castle de la Rosé


I had woken up and wondered outside to see Elian beating the shit out of some other male. What I saw was so scary.

He looked completely inhuman. His face was contorted in a look of pure rage and his wings stuck out slightly from his back. His black eyes glowed obsidian and there was nothing left in him but rage.

Soon, four teachers had struggled to pull him off the other boy, who was now so bloody and beaten he looked completely different.

Elain had stormed away from everybody, making eye contact with only me for a few seconds. But I wanted to save him. I felt like I could help him in those few seconds he looked at me.

I paced around my our room, thinking about what had happened that morning while waiting for my shift to start. I was worried and relieved he hadn't come back too our room yet.

When you shift, you explode out of your clothes and I don't really want to be walking around necked with Elian there. That would just make things ever more awkward.

Suddenly moonlight pooled on the floor from the open window. I dropped to the floor on all fours and started to convulse, choking on my spit as my jaw elongated. My skin started to itch and I growled, deep and animalistic in my throat. Thick Grey fur sprouted from my back.

I whimpered as my jaw cracked, allowing my large, and sharp teeth room. After a few minutes, my shift was finished and my bones had stopped aching.

I stretched my muscles and shook out my coat. Satisfied with myself, I sat.

I waited for a few minutes listening to the sounds of other wolves. There was one down the hall who was shifting, and about twenty total in the building.

I decided that going outside would be fun, and trotted out of my room. I walked through the corridors, smelling everything. Then, something interesting, a smell, came from down a dark corridor.

I followed the smell down the hallway and to a dark wood door. The smell was so strong from inside and I wanted so badly to open the door, but considering wolves don't have opposable thumbs, I settled for slamming my body into it.

I'm big, even for a wolf. Weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds and seven feet long, not counting my tail.

So understandably, it only took me about three tries to knock down the whole door. Inside, the one and only Elian was staring wide eyed at where the door used to be.

I whined from the back of my throat and walked slowly over to him. His wings were protruding slightly from his back. He backed away from me until he hit the wall.

A wolf trying to laugh doesn't work very well, but I still tried. It came out awkwardly. By this time Elian must have figured out that only I would come save him from whatever this nasty room was. I closed the distance between us and rubbed my face against his. I stand at about six feet tall after I shift and Elian was just a bit taller than me. I smiled but it probably looked rather grotesque.

Elian let out a small laugh and wrapped his arms around my neck, burring his face is my fur. I hummed and nudged his long black(check on color) hair away from his neck.

I suddenly sat down, pulling Elian down with me. My wolfy self was itching to run out the door, but human Schuyler wanted to stay here. Then one of the best ideas I've ever had happened and I somehow swung Elian onto my back. I stood up and Elian clung to my fur as I trotted out of the school.

When I reached the woods, I started running. The feeling of my muscles moving in rhythm and the wind rushing past me was amazing. Just like it was every time. But a little different, and a little better.
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OH MY GOD. I'M SORRY! I just have been lazy, and very very distracted... I'm sorry for that. does anyone notice how in like all my authors note, I"m always apologizing? because I'm pretty sure that that's all I do... Oh well.