Status: Just wait...

Castle de la Rosé


Chapter Five
Elian's POV

Okay. So maybe this isn't as interesting as I thought it would be. Staring at four white padded walls--Yes, they are legitimately like fictional mental hospital rooms--just isn't what it used to be.

I'd kind of lost track of time, seeing as you're not allowed to have a phone here and I don't own a watch. All I know is it's probably time for a nap. With that though, I slid down the wall and closed my eyes intent on sleep.

Sleep wasn't going to come though because I heard an apocalyptic crashing sound. No joke. In my half asleep mind, I thought the world was ending. I heard it again and now the door was rattling on its hinges. I mentally thanked my ability to think fast in bad situations when I slid out of the way of the door just as the thing hit the door again. The door flew off of its hinges landing right where I'd been sitting a moment ago.

Framed in the doorway was a giant beast of a wolf. Before I could help myself, I let out a tiny, embarrassingly feminine squeak and slid into the corner. My wings snapped out as much as they could in this tiny room in a natural flight response.

I saw the monstrous creature come closer to me and I finally gathered what was left of my courage and dignity and got up. This thing had better not break one of my wings or so help me…

To my surprise, the thing made what sounded like a gruff, deep laughing sound. I cocked my head to the side, looking at it carefully. I calmed down enough to realize that the creature was a werewolf and now that I think about it, a familiar looking werewolf. If I'm right, I really don't have to be worried anymore. I felt a strange happy feeling spreading through me, seeing Schuyler standing in front of me. I knew he'd come to save me, as misguided as that is because it's probably only going to get us both sent back here tomorrow in straitjackets. I didn't mind though for once.

Schuyler came closer to me and leaned in until his face was brushing again mine. I was just a tiny bit taller than him even when he's fully changed, which I kind of liked. I'm so close I could kiss him if I want to. I was…afraid of what he'd do though. Not afraid like I thought he'd beat me up, which was the only kind of fear I'd ever felt before this. This fear was different. I was afraid he wouldn't like me and being rejected would hurt me more than anything. The thought was just so strange. Instead, I let out a small chuckle and buried my face in his neck.

Schuyler didn't seem to mind. He brushed my hair out of my face and held me close. He sat down, knocking me to the ground with him. I snorted at how I was effectively pinned and defenseless, but I didn't mind as much as I thought I would. I tend to be like a cornered wild animal.

Schuyler seemed to look like he was debating something. I thought about asking him to explain what he was thinking, before I remembered that he can't talk when he's like this.

I found out quickly what he was thinking when I was suddenly thrown onto Schuyler's back and he took off out of the room. I don't know if he was thinking that we'd get caught if we stayed there much longer or if he just wanted to run, but either way I wasn't complaining. Schuyler had dropped to all fours so he could run like a natural wolf. I had to wrap my legs around him, pretty much straddling him, so I wouldn't fall off. I could feel his powerful, muscular body beneath me running through the halls and then out the doors to the school. I felt euphoric, like nothing could hurt me.

Schuyler's speed picked up and he ran toward the woods, the wind on my face almost blinding me but at the same time feeling so good.

We reached the woods and Schuyler didn't slow down at all. He dodged trees and jumped over fallen logs in complete darkness.

Finally, we got to a clearing and Schuyler lay down in the grass. I rolled off of him and looked at him. "What are we doing here?"

The wolf just looked at me.

"I'm going to assume a blank stare means that you want to have sex," I told the wolf, with a serious expression on my face. I told myself it would be funny if he said yes, but I was kind of hoping he would…when he's not a wolfy fluff ball that is.

Schuyler looked like he was trying to keep up a blank stare, but ended up bursting out laughing.

"Alright. Another time then. I don’t really want to have sex with you when you're like this anyway. It's a bit too much like bestiality," I said, making the wolf laugh even harder. I moved my head so that I had a big, furry pillow and close my eyes. "You breaking me out interrupted my nap. We're going to have to continue this conversation later."

It wasn't long before I felt myself drifting off. Sometime during the night, I felt Schuyler pull me closer to him. I knew we'd have to get back sometime before dawn, otherwise I'd be trying to figure out how to smuggled a naked Schuyler into school. I couldn't find it in me to care about that though. All I wanted was to sleep and Schuyler being there made it kind of comforting.