Status: Just wait...

Castle de la Rosé


;size=125]My morning did not start how it should have. Ideally, my servant/lover should have walked into my wonderful bedroom carrying a breakfast tray. This tray should have been loaded with bacon, waffles, syrup, and a large raw, dripping steak.

Instead, I was awoken when a stump brutally stabbed my back, impaling me so as I might never be able to walk again because of the damage it is causing my spine. Stupid stump. I groaned and sat up, stretching my arms above my head; bones popping in a satisfying manner.

That’s when I realized something else wrong with the picture. I was butt-ass necked, in the fucking woods, with Elian sleeping soundly next to me.

“What the fuck?” I muttered, and why do birds have to be so loud? Apparently, the sound of my very lady like phrase was enough to wake Elian from his “nap”. I stared blankly at some trees as my memories of the night before came back to me.

“Schuyler!” Elian muttered, slapping me gently, “we need to get back into school!” Hum, that might be difficult.

“How’re we gunna do that?” Elian stared at my for a second, then took off his shirt, tossing the dark material at me.

“Thanks” I mumbled, pulling it over my head.

Now, let me remind you, I am not a noticeably short person. I’m an inch above average height, making me a nice five foot eleven inches. Five foot eleven isn’t short my any moans, unless you’re a demon. Average demon height is at least six three, and Elian looks around six seven.

The eight inch difference in our height was just enough for his shirt to be big on me, which is this case was fortunate; as I had no other clothing on.

“God, how do girls wear shorts this fucking short?” I asked, pulling Elian’s shirt down to around where short shorts would end. Elian chuckled darkly, gently pushing me in the direction of the school. Everything was going perfectly fine as we walked back to our lovely hellhole. Well that were until we came insight of the Castle de la Rosé.

The seconds we stepped onto the perfectly groomed grass, Elian and I were both slammed brutally to the ground.

My only thought was oh right, the web site said all the teachers were trained in combat, some form of martial art and most weapons. This day just keeps getting better and better.

I heard one person pull something out of their pocket.

“Sir, this is Smith and Johnson, we founds the kids. What should we do with them?” I couldn’t make out more than faint noises from the other end of the line as “Smith” was instructed on what to do with us. I hope these instructions are along the lines of “let them go back to their room and skip classes for the rest of the week.” Unfortunately, I think that’s not what he said.

“Ok, sir, we’ll deal with them and get back to our duties as soon as possible.” I heard Smith push what I assumed was a cell phone back into his pocket.

“What’d he say?” another low voice asked.

“Sedate and put in a room. No straight jackets unless they act up.” Sedate us? I’m fairly sure sedating people-ok, well a demon and a werewolf-is illegal.

This does not make school feel like a safe environment! I’m pretty sure the fact that the staff can inject students with chemicals usually used on large animals would not make anybody feel even the littlest bit safe. I’m pretty sure the judge promised that this was a good school with a safe environment.

I tried to say something about this procedure most likely being illegal, but ended up eating dirt.

Then I felt the sharp, cold prick of a needle sliding through my skin. After only a few seconds, my eyelids began to droop and my brain started to get fuzzy. The last thing I remember was one of the men turning me over as Elian was stuck with a thick needle.

Then my vision went black.
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Sorry I took soooooo long to put this up.... Coment? I feel no love:(