Status: Completed :)

When The Pea Went Crazy

When The Pea Went Crazy

Johnny the carrot was walking down the street when he met Balooga the cantaloupe. Balooga seemed to be on edge.

“Hey Balooga, what’s wrong?” Johnny asked.

Balooga started when he heard Johnny’s voice, apparently he hadn’t noticed him. “It’s just so horrible Johnny!” Balooga cried, “I was downtown just minding my own business when Cally the pea just went psycho! She started to run around and tried to mash people up. I think she’s been eating vegetable soup!”

“Really? Vegetable soup?” Johnny asked in shock and horror, “Doesn’t that make her… A cannibal? How could sweet innocent Cally do such a thing? She was just the sweetest little pea around. In fact I saw her just the other day and she was helping poor old Mr. Grape cross the street.”

Balooga and Johnny jumped when they heard a scream from not too far away. Balooga started to cry then began to run away. “I’m sorry Johnny,” Balooga yelled behind him as he ran, “I don’t want to be vegetable soup! I have too much to live for!”

Johnny waved sadly at Baloogas’ retreating form then turned to look back down the street. This time he saw the little shape of the one responsible for all this madness. The sweet little pea that Johnny had cherished and grown up with was slowly walking down the street, with tomato juice smeared all over her face.

Johnny began to back up slowly. “Come on Cally… We can talk about this,” Johnny said, trying to reason with her. He looked into her eyes and froze, all he saw there was... Hunger.

“Hello Mr. Carrot,” said Cally while giggling madly, “What are you doing today? Me, I’m just going for lunch.”

And with that Cally leaped at him and tackled Johnny to the ground. Johnny thought he was done for, how could a tiny pea have so much strength, he wondered. Then as he saw something drip on the ground Johnny realized where his slim salvation lay.

“Cally, stop!” Johnny yelled, “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Cally froze in the middle of taking a huge bite out of Johnny. “Hmmm… No I don’t think so,” Cally said somewhat confused.

“Ah, but you are Cally! Tomato's are fruits not vegetables! You aren’t a cannibal!” Johnny exclaimed.

Cally stumbled back in a daze. All of her madness had been a lie! Johnny sighed in relief and got out his cell phone to call the police. He quickly dialed nine-one-one.

Soon after he finished his panicked call to the cops, sirens could be heard in the distance. Then Officer Kringlton and Officer Dandergee came to haul the poor, mad pea away. They were the two strongest officers on the police force, the legendary broccoli and cauliflower duo.

Johnny watched sadly as Cally was taken away. He didn’t even notice when the ambulance and the emergency mango's came to grab him. Johnny sighed and thought to himself as they put him on a stretcher, at least I had an interesting day, and a bite mark to prove it.
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A very unique story I made for an English assignment... I hope you all laughed at least a bit and weren't too weirded out :D