Status: Active :) This story is moderately short, it's only 40-45 chapters long


Your Love is my Drug

“I’m not being your wing man anymore!” I yelled at Nick. “I don’t even know what a wing man is”

“Well technically you’re a wing woman” Jay added.

“Who cares”

“The wing man…” Nick started, but he was interrupted by Jay.

“Wing women”

“Who the fuck cares!” Nick exclaimed. “Anyways, the wing woman, or you, is the one that distracts boyfriends away from their girlfriends so I can have sex with them” Nick said happily.

“I don’t like this idea”

“We’ll practice” Nick scoped out the room. “You see that ginger guy in the corner?” he asked me, I nodded. “Well you see that girl he’s talking to, the hot blond?” I nodded again. “Go distract him”

“How do I do that?”

“I don’t know get creative” Nick pushed me toward the other side of the room. How hard could it really be?

There was enough space in-between the guy and the girl that I could right in-between them, as soon as I got the guy’s attention Nick came and pounced on the girl…well not literally but…anyways…

Once Nick had taken the girl to another side of the room, I just ditched the guy and walked back to Eric and Jay.

I shook my head. “Why can’t you guys be the wing mans?”

“Because” they both answered, But that was it. Because fucking what?

“Because what?” I asked.

“We don’t have a response, we just don’t want to do Nick’s dirty work” I gave them looks.

“Then why am I stuck doing it?”

“Because your good at it” I rolled my eyes.


“Anya Samantha Evanson” my mom started. she threw my report card down on the kitchen table. “Honey your failing math”

I shrugged. “I suck at it” my mom never took that crap.

“You had an ‘A’ last semester…what’s going on?” before I could answer a generic answer she answered for me. “Is it Eric?” she asked. “You know Jay was better for you…” I stopped her there.

“It’s not Eric, I’m just having a hard time” I explained.

“Anya this isn’t acceptable, when you were dating Jay you had amazing grades”

“It’s not Eric” I told her.

“Well if it’s not Eric then why are you skipping school?” my heart raced. “I got a call from the school yesterday asking why you weren’t in school, I told them you left but you never made it there…you’ve missed 5 days of school this month, Anya” she said. I stayed silent.

I knew I should have covered my tracks with a note. If I went to school, gave them a note about my absence then I wouldn’t be in this mess. “Were moving” she said. My heart exploded into a billion-gillion pieces.

“What?” I asked, I was in total shock. I first thought about making new friends, and then I thought about Eric.

“I’m transferring you and your sister to a private school in Waltham”

“B-b-but” I started. “Waltham’s an hour away!”

“It’s what has to be done, Anya” she left the room.

I was completely shocked, my mom never jumped to this before, why now? What could I do to convince her to let me stay?

I ran upstairs to my mom’s room. “Mom I will literally do anything to let us stay” I got on my knee’s.

Hmm, being on my knee’s got me into this mess in the first place.

I made a list of all the things I need to do to get my mother’s trust again.

1. stop having sex with Eric (oh my mom knows, who do you think got me birth control)
2. stop partying with the guys
3. bring up my grades
4. stop doing drugs
5. stop sneaking out

I just need to get on my mom’s good side for a couple weeks, then I can go back to being a wild child.

“My mind is set on moving” she told me. I grabbed a hold of her legs.

“PLEASE!” I begged. “I’ll do anything!”

“Fine” she said. I was relieved. “I want you to have a drug test done”

Oh no.

“Ok” I said, I was calm on the outside but fucking nervous on the inside.

“What do you mean?” Nick and Jay asked.

“I have to get a drug test done, if I fail I’m moving”

“Holy shit” Nick was extremely nervous, only because he was losing his wing woman. But then it was like a light bulb turned on in his head. “I have an idea!” he exclaimed. He took my hand and dragged me down the hall, with Jay and Eric following close behind.

We met with Bobby King in the hall way, he’s the one that offered me the bong a while ago, that I was stupid to smoke. If I hadn’t of smoked it I would pass the drug test and stay in my home town.

“Bobby we have a problem, Code Red 4590” Nick started.

“You need to pass a drug test?” Bobby asked.

“Well Anya does”

“Ooh…is it my fault?”

“It’s my fault for taking the bong, it’s your fault for offering”

“Ok, well I have a solution, I looked up online that if you drink a lot of cranberry juice it’ll wash the drugs out of your system” I nodded. “When are you having the test done?”

“in two days”

“That’s definitely enough time”

Nick had an idea again. “I’m gonna go get some cranberry juice, I’ll see you guys at lunch” Nick ran down the hall then out the front door. I sighed.

“If I pass I owe you big time” Bobby shrugged. “I’m serious, if I don’t pass I’m moving to a private school an hour away”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Jay exclaimed. “You left out the moving an hour away part” I shrugged.

“It’s not important”

“Anya, it means we can’t see you every day anymore” Eric sighed. “Bobby if she passes we all owe you” Bobby smiles.

“My bong got stolen last week, buy me a new one and were even” we all nodded.

“That’s the least we can do”

Nick came back second period with two huge jugs of cranberry juice, he put them into 7 water bottles and gave them to me.

Literally i had drunk 5 bottles by the end of the school day.

I hope this works.

The next day was the same, I kept a big water bottle full of cranberry juice and had a sip ever 20 minutes. I hope I don’t die from cranberry juice overload, cranberry juice poisoning. That would suck.

Wednesday was the big day, I had my drug test first thing in the morning.

My mom took me to the doctor’s office where they took a sample of my pee.

“Ok, I have the results” a doctor said on her way in. I crossed my fingers. “Fortunately your healthy, your not dehydrated or anything which is good, props to you” I smiled. “But unfortunately” my heart raced. “We did find drugs in your system”

“Damn it!” I exclaimed. My mom was a little startled, not at the results but at my outburst.

“Anya Samantha Evanson your grounded, for an additional two months” Bobby is so not getting that bong. My mom held out her hand of course she was taking away everything.

I handed her my iPod and my cell phone, she let me keep my iPod…I’m not sure why.

When we got home my mom took my lap top and my TV to. Sarah couldn’t help but laugh.

“Why you laughing?” I asked her. “Your drug test is tomorrow” she tensed up. my mom smiled.

“She’s right”

“I need your cranberry juice!” Sarah lunged on top of my bed and reached for my bag.

“I don’t have any” I told her. “Sorry”

“This sucks balls, I didn’t do anything wrong”

“Sarah you’re the school slut” I told her, I didn’t need anything else to defend myself.

I walked into school Thursday morning. Eric, Jay and Nick were all waiting at my locker.

“I passed!” I lied, they all got super excited. “April Fools!”

They all sighed. “That wasn’t funny” I shrugged.

“We already bought Bobby the new bong”

“Then keep it, I completely failed the drug test…on the bright side my pee is healthy” at least Jay found a joke out of it.

Nick just hugged me. “I’m not going to cry” he told himself. “I won’t cry”

“I’m not moving for a while” I told them. “My mom hasn’t found a place yet”

“You found a place?” Sarah and I both asked, completely and utterly shocked out of our minds. I thought I at least had the rest of my junior year to spend here.

“It’s not like this one but it’ll work for now, we need to move as soon as possible”

This isn’t happening.