The ever so secret diary of jillian mcguire

December 31st

Hey, I'm sitting here alone so i thought i would write in this diary i got for Christmas, your a bit plain arnt you? white with golden edges? i was expecting something a little more ... fluffier.
But anyway you'll do, i thought i should make some new years revolutions seeing as everyone else is,
1. Loose weight, its not really a revolution list with out that one.
2. cut back on coffee, its making me a bit moody ( you can probably tell)
3. Have more fun, I'm always stressed
Its New Years tomorrow and i cant wait! this could be my chance to do the have more fun revolution on my list! Tommy is going to be there... He is GORGEOUS! I think I'm in love with him, in-fact i write love notes to him but never send them, heres a quick one,

Your hair is golden,
your eyes are blue,
i long for you,
i wish you'd fit me like a glove,
so i could show you all my love!

corny i know and maybe a bit rude! but its how i feel! oh tommy how i love you!! He has a perfectly formed face and a very pink tongue, once i heard a rumor that he didn't wear underwear to school once and someone saw his... you know , hanging out of his P.E shorts! i know its completely bogus but that didn't stop me fantasizing! Ive Never even spoken to him so i must be crazy! But i dont care! im in love with him! He's amazing!

Im doing okay in school, not too good in maths because tommy sits infront of me and i stare at the back of his head wondering if he might turn around, Once he did and i thought he smiled but he was laughing bcuz i had my glasses on upside down, dont ask about that.
i dont know how it happened it just did.

My best friend in the whole world is jenifer! Shes so funny! We have the same sence of humour that other people think is very weird but we dont really care, my other best friend is Rob, Hes amazing and i think he's in love with me, he does everything i ask and follows me like a puppy, infact Jen and Rob are coming over now to watch a movie with me, Voyage to the stars!, its meant to be really scary but i doubt it! i can handle anything!