The ever so secret diary of jillian mcguire

January 10th, still

OH My Goodness!
Im in trouble. Big trouble.
thing is though i haven't done anything wrong at all. apparently I'm too secretive. i spend too much time on the phone, and computer, and for some reason, they think I'm sexually active. why would they think that?! I'm a good girl! I'm only allowed to be on the phone for one hour every night. i had no chance to justify myself at all, nor did they justify their actions! They think I'm sexually active because I'm on the phone too much, thats funny because i didn't know you could get pregnant through the phone these days. maybe i should put a condom over it.
I secretly phoned Rob, and he said hes got a boyfriend! I'm so happy for him! He said i can meet him tomorrow! thats going to be fun! ( seriously no sarcasm at all!) I was just about to secretly phone daisy when my dad burst in, god he gets on my nerves. ill have to talk to her tomorrow. I saw Tommy today * girlish sigh* He was running in his PE kit, everything went in slow motion. I started to drool, and believe me, it wasn't pretty. Apparently someone took a photo, i hope its not posted around School tomorrow! Id just die!

meh i better go before my parents think I'm smoking crack through my diary * rolls eyes *
write tomorrow xx