The ever so secret diary of jillian mcguire

January 11th

What a day! I met Robs boyfriend for the first time, He is SOO HOT! i wish he wasn't gay, we sat and spoke about stuff, if he wasn't robs boyfriend, and if he wasn't snogging Robs face off, i would have no idea that he was gay at all, Why are all the gorgeous ones gay =( well most of them, apart from Tommy, he is soo yummy. well, not in an actual "yum I'm biting your arm" way, more of the yum i can taste your aftershave from here, way. and when i say after shave, i mean lynx Africa. Only James bond wears aftershave these days.

I spoke to Daisy and things are not good. She stared at me for a while, then accused me of being a lesbian for looking at her chest, i mean me! a lesbian! then she started to cry and fell into my arms. i must admit she does give amazing hugs, god now i do seem like a lesbian. she didn't tell me what was up, she just said shell tell people when shes ready.

I'm starting to bring up that old question again, how do you know if your bisexual? i thought it was if you have had uhh uhh with someone of the same gender. but maybe its just feelings? i wish someone would tell me! but who could i ask?

The Drooling picture has been pasted around my space and face book and every other website you could possible think of, i think I'm one of those people, who were put on earth for people to laugh at, i make myself laugh to so thats the upside.

I spoke to Jen again today of course, shes back to her normal self, people change so quickly these days, the fag munchers were walking around again today, like 5 cloned Barbie dolls painted florescent orange with bright pink nails. I couldn't help but laugh, if anyone should be being laughed at its definitely them, i mean whats happening to the world? The "normal" people are now the outcasts and they orange people are now the " normal" people, if that made any sense at all. Its like Willy wankas chocolate factory here, i may come up with a clever and evil way to die their hair green, mwhahahaha < that, my friend, is an evil laugh!

Il write again later x bye! x
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again Uhh Uhh is my immature way of saying sexual intercourse =D if anyone has anything they would like to see in this story please comment and ill add it in x comments do indeed taste like chicken.