The ever so secret diary of jillian mcguire

January 1st

HAPPY NEW YEAR! just a quick note, i cant handle anything, the movie scared me poopless and i had nightmares. I'm a bit shaken up but i think ill survive, Ive got the party tonight i don't know what I'm going to wear! maybe something with low cleavage so i can seduce Tommy, but then again i have no boobs, so maybe not. Maybe just jeans and i tight top to show off my athletic body, i look like i love sport but i hate it. or maybe i should wear nothing and see what people say, Rob would love it i know, and maybe Jen (:S) but I'm not too sure about everyone else. i Wonder if i look like every other girl, you know down there, what do boys expect? everyone has hair! all natural! i must ask, why do you think people get so edgy when i ask then if they have ginger pubes? and is it true that your pubes are the same color as your eyebrows? i cant see my eyebrows or anybody Else's pubes so i don't know. Anyway moving away from that subject... Mr Newton The art teacher says i could have a very good future in art, I'm too excited to talk about that actually! I'm going to the party later and still don't know what I'm wearing! ill go with the jeans and top.

The party was a disaster, i went in wearing the jeans and top and some high heels, i came out wearing a big baggy top and some joggers because firstly i fell down the stairs because of my heels and ripped my jeans, then i split drink all down my top, Sally said she wouldn't have me going home like that and Lent me some of her brothers clothes, i looked like a right tramp and, no offense to her brother, but i smelled like one too. as you can probably tell i had no chance with Tommy at all especially when i stood on his foot with my stiletto heel and he had to go to hospital i think i may have broken a few of his toes, For that i have written him another love letter,

Dear Tommy,
i long to feel your lips against my soft soft skin
i wish to feel your tongue on my smooth smooth feet,
i want to feel your hands on my long long legs,
i need to feel your teeth on my round round hips

i might actually send that one, i hear hes into the whole biting thing.