The ever so secret diary of jillian mcguire

January 2nd

I still cant believe i stood on his foot, Rob phoned this morning and said he was out of hospital with 3 broken toes, i wonder how that could of happened seeing as it was a stiletto, anywho if thats what the doctors say you have to believe it. me and rob talked for a while and news has spread about the toes, apparently i beat him up, i don't know how standing on someones foot classes as beating them up, i doubt he like me now, Ive ruined his reputation! woe is me! i will never be the Juliet to his Romeo, The Tea to His sugar! , the milk to his cow! as you can tell I'm not very good at those.

i start school again soon, on the 7th i think, then its one month exactly till my birthday!, i cant wait! well i can but its just an expression. I'm going out with Jen down town today, we told Rob not too come but hell probably end up following me, i think its verging on stalker terms. But then again i think rob might be gay, if he is he shouldn't tell anyone, except me of course, once i heard about a boy who came out and he had a tampon shoved down his throat, i felt really bad for him so i don't want any of my friends to experience it, no one should get bullied because of their sexuality. Jens here gotta run write again when i return. x


I'm back! i brought some gorgeous clothes down town! black skinny jeans and a lovely blue top! Ive decided its no more heels for me! too much stress! i think i prefer trainers, their safer and don't break toes, I don't know why people say going down town, infact i have to go up a hill to get to the town, from now on i might call it up town, but then ill get that song " uptown girl" stuck in my head. Never mind me and Jen sing together all the time. I'm gonna have a talk with Rob tomorrow about his sexuality, i hope hes not too offended but then again hes not like that.