The ever so secret diary of jillian mcguire

January 3rd

Ive just got back from speaking to Rob, turns out he's Bi sexual, he fancies me and my brother, we both look alike so you know lol, i went round saying i was worried which i was and he just started crying and let it all out, i feel so bad for him, I told him not to tell anyone but he said he thinks people should know, ill stick by him and help him no matter what, He's so lovely i wish he didn't go through it all alone, i wonder how he knew he was? I though you only knew if you'd had uhh uhh* with a member of the opposite sex, i hope hes going to be alright, i wont let him be bullied its not right, tbh i don't know why he has to tell everyone, maybe he thinks because i was so supportive everyone will be, maybe i should stop being so supportive sometimes. He told me he wants to tell people himself including Jen, might be hard to keep it in though, i heard an easy way to make your boobs bigger, apparently if you play with them they will grow, maybe if i stopped touching my stomach bum and legs they would get smaller? I'm going to try it sounds interesting! Maybe one day ill be thin with huge knockers! i wish! oh and in another entry i have written my body is "athletic" thats my way of describing it, another way might be curvy but its just a word =] doesn't matter if you change a few eh?
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uhh uhh* is my immature way of saying sexual intercourse =]