The ever so secret diary of jillian mcguire

January 4th

i tried not touching my stomach or legs but it didn't work, not with all the sitting down and standing up that i had to do, i think maybe that was just a rumor, I'm still trying though, don't its going to work atall.

I'm going round Jens today to get all our h/w done for school, Rob is coming aswell to tell Jen about his sexuality, i hope she takes it aswell as i did, i cant believe i never noticed before, i mean why did he chose to hang around with girls more than boys? IT ALL ADDS UP :D and come to think of it hes the one who told me the rumor about tommy!, ahh tommy,,, i think i might see him tomorrow, My mums taking me out for new uniform, its like a ritual at our school all the parents and children go to buy uniform on the same day, always January the 5th. I have to go round Sally's in the 6th to give her brothers clothes back, hes been stressing over then, i don't know why they smelt like poop! my mum had kindly washed them, i have to say when i was taking them off i felt a bit of paper in the pocket and thought i would be nosy and take a look, it was a phone sex card that i giggled at, then i found some tissues in the pocket, you don't think ... eww! lucky i threw those away! hope hes not to sad about the card!