The ever so secret diary of jillian mcguire

January 6th

I phoned Jen, the story did not put her in a good mood at all, i asked her what she thought about the whole Rob thing, and she said she doesn't feel comfortable around him anymore, i don't see why to be honest, i thought only boys would feel a little edgy around him, i feel quite flattered, you know with the whole him liking me, and also a bit strange that he likes my brother, i mean we look alot alike, Ive probably written that already but hey its not like anyone is reading this! or are they!? ooh there's something to think about! people violating my diary! flicking through its sensitive pages smearing its ink! as you can probably see Ive decorated you with stickers you look allot better now! although they maybe Muppet stickers i think thats pretty cool! i don't know what I'm going to do about Rob and Jen I'm not gonna stop talking to either of them because they are both really nice but tbh I'm seeing a different side to Jen, probably flying the red flag. ill talk to her next week XD oh! i haven't seen tommy today at all, i long to look at his firm buttocks! i long even more to touch and maybe lick.. wow my fantasy's are whacked aye? i want to lick his arse:S ooh- Er.

ATM I'm listening to the Beatles, wow they are amazing! Lucy in the sky with diamonds make me feel high, maybe its meant too. or maybe there were some drugs on the CD from the 70's, but ill shut up with my crazy theories.

I really hope Robs okay yesterday he seemed really really depressed and i don't want him to do anything stupid, ah and now i have Holly wanting to talk to me about her boyfriend, probably just another stupid problem, god i get about 20 of these a day! No one tries to help me =(, i don't need help I'm too cool for that! i think.. but erm yeah anyway they've probably just had a stupid fight it will be sorted by tomorrow and they will be sucking each others faces up the west wall again. i cant wait for school to start then maybe i can stop writing in this diary, Na its quite fun really, writing isn't as bad as everyone says it is, i think maybe everyone should write one and then maybe it will be published into a book! and ill be famous and tommy will be fantasizing about licking my arse :D ah tommy... I'm mental...write later have to talk to holly... again xx