The ever so secret diary of jillian mcguire

January 7 th

omg holly is pregnant! I cant believe it she doesn't seem the sort.she said she went to his house one night and he asked her to do it, she said no, like a good sensible girl, but then he pushed her over and had his way with her! like a dirty boy! I'm so angry at him! I asked her what she wanted to do about it, and she said nothing. i said don't you want to get rid of it? or go to the police about him? She said she wouldn't go to the police, she loves him too much. Thats the stupidest thing i had ever heard, She said she has to get an abortion because he's making her. I think she wants to keep the baby. its so sad at her age, shes still a child. I think I'm gonna have a few words with him tomorrow.

Rob and Jen arnt talking still, its silly really, we've been friends for so long and now its ruined. Why cant she just accept him how he is?, thats what friends do right? stick together no matter what? I'm gonna sort something out.

Its weird, last time i wrote i thought it would be funny if someone was reading my diary, but now i don't think it is so funny, I'm really paranoid and think I'm being followed by cameras, how strange :S, so i have to look good all the time =], i mean not that i don't anyway =]

i sort out so many peoples problems and i seem to be happy all the time strange huh?

Went back to school today it was horrible, rob wouldn't sit with Jen and Jen wouldn't sit with rob, it felt like i was being torn apart so i sat by myself. there was a new girl today, daisy, not many people wanted to talk to her because she had a weird name, i asked her to come and sit with me at lunch and she was over joyed =] isn't it lovely when you meet genuine people =] we spoke about music and hobby's, we have allot in common think ill hang around with her again tomorrow and then when rob and Jen have calmed down, introduce her to them. =]

Jens been hanging around with some bad apples, you know, the ones the have fags poking out their mouths and look completely orange, i hope she doesn't turn into one of them, shes too good for that. write again tomorrow,

bye x