Guilty and confused

I never thought I could fall in this. I know Jude was hiding something from me. But, unfortunately he was my friend. I knew Jude sell drugs; because I was one of his favorite costumers. I knew he had a gun; because I had seen it.
Still, it doesn't match at all.

Robert Hawthorne was a normal guy. He was at my school. He even was Jude’s friend. The problem with Robbie is; he’s dead. Last month, November to be exact, he was kidnapped. The last person to see him before the crime was Jude. The police haven’t found any proof to blame Jude from the crime. Not because there isn't, just because Jude has bribery them. This city is a game. If you get in the middle, you lost.

I’m Eric Slater. I don’t really believe in conspiracy…but haven’t you ever felt so sure about something that you shouldn't? Like a dream? Well, I’m living a nightmare. I pray every night to wake up. I’m just 16 years-old, why am I dealing with this kind of things?

For some particular reason, I believe in Jude. I know he isn't blame for the crime anymore…I still want to find who did this, because Robbie was also my friend. I feel like he’s in hell, I feel guilty and I feel like everyday he tries to drag me with him, I feel like everyday I’m just falling. But somehow I can get up before make it to the ground. I just need to find him: the monster that hurt Rob.

But anyways, I have a beautiful girlfriend. She’s Jeanne. For some reason Jeanne is hiding something about this, just like Jude. Robert is dead, the body hasn't’t been found yet. I just know he is. I just know Jeanne has something to deal with this.
I’m only searching for the criminal because if I don’t I will feel guilty and regret for the rest of my life.

Somehow, I feel just guilty. And if I found who did that to Robbie I might feel better.

I hope so…

I really hope, I won’t lose my mind by the time I found him.