Welcome To The Jungle

Chapter 15

"Do you think it will fade?" Alexa asked Aidan.

"Hmmmm I dunno... I can't remember if the bottle said permanent or not!" Aidan said laughing.

"It doesn't matter anyway girls," Bam said laughing, "he will forever be known as the incredible bulk!"

"Hey Alexa come here." Aidan said to her sister.


"I just thought of a great idea for the show." Aidan said smirking.

"Ohhh god what now?" Alexa asked looking slightly worried.

"We could bury some one alive!!!" Aidan yelled.

"What?... that's just crazy!" Alexa shouted.

"Well only for a few hours of course... we don't want anyone dying on our show." Aidan replied, "And I thought as the ][=][ ][ ][Y][ guys are here we could...bury some one alive by love!!!" Aidan shouted.

"I'm not gonna like this am I?" Alexa asked.

"Would you like to be buried alive inside a coffin full of pictures of Ville..." Aidan asked, "wiiiiiiith Ville singing 'Buried Alive by Love?"


"Well it's happening so you have no say in this!" Aidan laughed.

"Whats happening?" Ville asked.

"I'm being buried alive." Alexa said.

At this Ville looked slightly worried.

"But you do get to sing on our show." Alexa added, "we could have the rest of the guys too."

"See...I knew you would get used to the idea!" Aidan laughed.

"Meh - it's not as bad as some of the idea's we've come up with." Alexa said, trying to convince Ville that it really wasn't that bad.

"I just don't wanna think about you being buried alive." Ville muttered.

"It'll be fine - I always do the dangerously weird things, 'cuz Aide's the mastermind." Alexa laughed, watching as her sister backed away from Bam - he was trying to splash everyone with the green-dye water from the pool.

"Bam - don't you f**king dare!" Linde shouted as Bam tried to get his dreads.

Bam just stuck his tongue out and tried to get someone else.

"So, why are we plastering the inside of this coffin with pictures of me?" Ville asked the girls as everyone glued A4-sized pictures of Ville to the inside lid of the coffin.

"So that Alex feels loved." Aidan said, moving to a different part of the coffin as her sister tried to stick a picture over her mouth to shut her up.

"I might get lonely." Alexa grinned.

"Strange child." Ville replied.

"And...you love me for it." She said, laughing as he agreed and kissed her.

"Guys - less kissing, more gluing!" Bam shouted from the other end of the coffin.

"But...Bam Bam..." Ville pouted.

"Fine - Walo. You kiss, we'll glue."

"Thank you." Ville said, smirking as he took Alexa's hand and walked with her into the house.

"Ewwww....." Aidan groaned, making it look like she was being sick.

"I heard that!" Alexa shouted back.

Aidan made a face at the house before sticking a picture of Ville, Bam and Alexa at the Kerrang! Awards in the last remaining space on the inside of the coffin. "Done!"

Everybody cheered.

"Alex! We're waiting!" Aidan shouted as she made sure that the band were all set up and ready to play.

"Yeah, yeah - I'm here."

"Good." Her sister replied, helping Alexa into the coffin. "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

"Okay." Aidan handed her sister a walkie-talkie. "In case you want to come up before the time limits over - or you have a request for the band."

"Or I just want someone to talk to?" Alexa asked.

"Yeah." Aidan grinned, hugging her sister before signalling that they were ready.

"So, you okay?"

"Yeah - it wasn't that bad really." Alexa smiled, hugging her sister as she helped her out. "You'd hate it though."

"Probably." Aidan agreed, stepping back so that Ville could hug Alexa.

"Well, that was interesting." Bam said - he'd fallen asleep about an hour into it and had only just woken up.

"Shut up." Aidan grinned, patting him on the head as she walked past him.