Welcome To The Jungle

Chapter 9

"Did we lose them?" Alexa asked as they stopped running.

Aidan turned around, "Yeah - we lost them."

"Good." Alexa laughed, falling to the floor.

"I am never doing that again!" Aidan laughed, joining her sister on the floor - they had no cameraman and were on a weird street that they'd never even seen before. "Where are we?"

"I have no idea. So - what's your revenge plan? 'Cus whatever it is - I'm not being a part of it and you're gonna have to do it without Bam and Johnny getting you."

"Don't worry - I don't need your help with my revenge and they won't even know that I'm there." Aidan said, using her evil laugh.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Hey uncle Slash." The girls said together as they stood up and hugged him.

"So, you two are here...why?"

"Just part of the show." Alexa said.

"Yeah - part of the show and now we really need to go." Aidan said, pointing to one end of the street.

"Bye uncle Slash!" Both girls shouted as they started running again.

Slash stood there stunned as he watched the girls run off down one end of the street while Bam and Johhny Knoxville ran after them with Ville and the cameraman behind them.

"Well, we're home - and Ville's here. But, thankfully there is no Bam and no Knoxville." Aidan said to the camera as she and her sister sat in the living room. "Now - if you remember I swore revenge on Ville. So now is the time for that revenge."

"Aidan - he's in the shower."

"I know, Alex - that is the whole point of this whole revenge exercise." Aidan laughed, standing up and walking upstairs and to the room that Ville was staying in with the cameraman behind her. Alexa was still sat downstairs not wanting to be a part of it. "Right, now be very quiet."

Aidan and the cameraman walked into Ville's room - he was living out of a suitcase full of clothes so Aidan rolled the suitcase out the door and went back in to grab the clothes that he had in the bathroom. "I so don't want to do this." She muttered, before quietly opening the door, grabbing the clothes and closing the door behind her.

Aidan signalled for the cameraman to follow her out and she hid the clothes and the suitcase before walking back downstairs and joining her sister in the living room.

"What did you do?" Alexa asked, looking at her sister suspiciously.

"You'll find out soon enough." Aidan laughed as Ville walked down the stairs in nothing but a towel.

"Where are my clothes?"

"No idea." Aidan said completely straight-faced.

"Aide..." Alexa started.


"Aidan! Where are my clothes?!? I have a gig tonight!"

"Sorry Ville - can't help you." Aidan laughed walking out of the room.

The cameraman stayed in there while Ville called his band and asked them to bring clothes when they pick him up.