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Forbidden Fruits

She's Crazy !

Point of view: Emmett

Disclaimer: I sadly do not own twilight or the characters.

She's crazy!

When we got to round table Bella walked in and took over asking for our table. She was bossy to, She made sure we got a both next to the TV. I was a little taken back by how confident Bella was. You don't see that very often in girl now a day. She walked around like owned the fucking world, Bella walked around like I fucking did. It was bugging me but at the same time it was turning me on. That bugged me even more.

"So the family is going to stop by tomorrow they all want to see you" Jasper already told me we were having a small kick back for her tomorrow so I tuned out and let them catch up. Jasper was gossiping like a female to his sister I started to listen when the subject was change to something that caught my attention.

" So Bella whats new in your life?" Bella flashed that sexy smile from earlier. I was interested in what she was going to say, I acted like I wasn't listening.

" Not much I just been kicking back enjoying life. Working, partying like a rock star."

" Yea were you working?" Jasper asked just as curious as I was.

"I'm Music Agent for Cash Money Records. I set up tour dates, and talk to other labels for collaborations with other artist." She has to be lying, Cash money? that's Lil Wayne's label. " It's a lot of fun. Plus I get to meet a lot of people." I didn't mean to but I just blurted it out, but that has to be bullshit.

"How the fuck did you land that job?" She gave me the most cockiest look ever. Jasper and Katrina were as confused as I was.

" My dad owns a music shop in Atlanta. when I turned 16 he let me work in it. I was there all the time. One day. Wayne came in looking for a new bass for his guitar. I helped him and was blunt with him. He said he liked my swag. A few days later his producer came in and asked me to come down to his studio. Like I was going to say no! so I went we talked about my goals and life story. He like a dose of reality every once in awhile, Him and Baby both liked how up front I was. I didn't hold back. and long story short I interned with them for while before he offered me this job. I became close with him. He said he needed someone real with no bullshiting, plus I was super organized and always told him if I didn't like some thing they were working on.. I wasn't all star struck or anything stupid. Dose that answer your question?" It made since I guess, I was even more impressed with her now. No regular 9 to 5 was going to get her that car, Not that hooked up either. She was doing big things. The rest of the time I pretty much tuned out while they caught up. I was texting this hot Lil bitch I meet a few weeks ago. Tonight was the night I hit. I need to eat, go home shower then leave. Our food finally came. Bella and Jasper were still catching up. I was getting fucking bored then Katrina opened her mouth. Like always saying the wrong thing.

" Dam Bella you eat a lot huh? Don't you want to watch your weight?" You never talk about a girls eating habits. How did she not know that she was a fucking girl. Jasper looked like a bomb was about to go off. I was holding in my laughter, half because Bella did eat a lot, the other half was because Bella was giving Katrina the death glare.

" Are you my dad? NO Are you my Brother? NO Am I fucking you? Hell NO. mind your own fucking dam business. I eat the way I do because I can. You might need to watch your self but maybe if you would exercise ever once in awhile you wouldn't have to watch what you eat so dam carefully You fat whore! What I do or do not eat doesn't concern you." Bella took a big bite of her pizza after her little rant. I had to laugh that shit was funny and Katrina looked like she wanted to slap Bella. I'm putting money on Bella. She looks like a fighter. I was still laughing, Jasper was holding a smile in.

"Bella she didn't mean it like that." Jasper tried his best to lighten the mood. I'm so glad I came. I've been weighting forever for someone to put Katrina in her place.

"I don't give a fuck Jasper. She needs to watch what the fuck she says to me. You know I have a temper that much hasn't changed." This girl is a fucking firecracker, I was loving it. All I needed now was for her to slap Katrina to end the night on a better note.

Bella looked pissed off, She got up grabbing her cup, going over to get a drink. I caught some assholes looking at her. I knew one of them was going to make a move. And sure enough this asshole made his way over to her. I Looked over at Jasper he was watching carefully . I had never seen him like this before. He looked mad, He was half out of his seat and his fist were balled up. I looked back at Bella. She was looking at the guy fully amused. I though she was going to give him her number, But then she laughed in his face. He looked at us and back to her. She said something else and walked away. The guy looked like he had just been kicked in the balls. I smiled at her as she walked over and took her seat. I turned back to watch the guy. I felt protective over this girl and I just meet her It has to be because Jasper was like a brother to me so I felt like I needed to protect his sister. Jasper was still tense almost shaking with anger.

"what did that guy want?" Jasper asked Bella with a hard look on his face, She smirked at him.

"My number. What ah lame huh. I mean do I look like some skank that gets turned on by pick up lines?" Jasper laughed looking over at me. I let out low chuckle taking another ego hit. That guy looked over at us pissed off. I wish he would have some balls, come over and say something. I've been wanting a reason to beat someone's face in. "You guys ready?" Bella was an impatient person I could tell. We had barley finished eating and she was ready to go but so was I. She was tapping her foot anxiously. Jasper laughed getting up to go pay. We all got up after him Bella and Katrina went to the rest room. I went to stand next to Jasper. We looked at each other for a second then I laughed at him

" Fool, I never see you get like that I thought we where going to get to fuck that guy up!" Jasper nodded not even looking at me, He looked over at the table where the guy was still sitting. I was supposed to be the short fuse not Jasper. I had a bit of a temper. I Also got bored and irritated fast up they said I had ADD, I think I was just to smart for that school so I got bored easy.

"I want to beat the shit out of that guy. I hate that guys look at her like something to do rather then a good girl. Why do guys think if a girl is hot that she will fuck anything that moves?" I didn't answer cause to tell the truth I was that guy. The girls came out of the restroom, I guess they made up because they were giggling. Fucking Chicks so emotional.

We walked out and what do you know fuck face was there in the parking lot puffing on a cigarette like a queer. He was staring at Bella. She didn't even look his way. I couldn't hold back anymore, I let out my irritation.

"What the fuck are you looking at Dick? Yea you wish you could hit it huh?" I said already taking my Jacket off.

"fuck you I'll look at the bitch if I want to. Baby when you want a real man come find me." This fucker was just looking for an ass beating, I looked over and Katrina was holding Jasper back. When I looked back Bella was already up to him. What the hell was she doing. I walked up behind her. she made her voice sound seductive as she spoke clearly and soft to him.

" Hey baby" she got closer to him he smiled at her. I wasn't sure what to do, what the fuck was she doing? Next thing I knew she had him by the balls,

" you ever call me a bitch again ill ripe your balls off and feed them to you. Do you hear me? Now if you want them back say sorry!" He mumbled it but it was a sorry. I just stared at her walking passed me back to the car. I laughed at the dick and went back to the car. We all got in quietly Bella grabbed some hand sanitizer from her purse and put some on, Then she put on some lotion. We all busted out laughing.

"Dammm Bella remind me to stay on your good side." Shit I wasn't kidding either I like my balls the way they were. She just smiled putting her lotion on.

" I don't take shit from no one. I can handle myself guys." She turned the car on . Dam

I know this sounds weird but that was the hottest shit I think I have ever seen.

"I taught you well sis" Jasper took credit for her defense but something tells me from

her personality she would have done that weather she had an older brother or not.

She turned on her music and drove off. Bella sang along, dancing in her seat. I was glade she had dark windows. It would have been embarrassing if someone saw us. If she ever was lucky enough to ride in my Truck I'd have to make sure she didn't do that. She would have to act like a G in my Truck. She was speeding down the rode I liked how she drove, It was aggressive. I could tell Jasper wasn't the one to teach her. He drove like a bitch. Him and Katrina were such a married couple. They drove old and acted old. They didn't even party anymore, I mean really 22 for nothing. It was sicking sometimes to be around. There my inspiration to never to get locked down like that.

We got to the house about 8:30, I was about to head up to get ready for my date tonight, When I herd Bella ask.

"So what do you guys do on Saturday nights?" Bella asked looking at all three of us.I felt bad that she would be stuck here with mom and dad while I went out and had my fun, But that was her problem, tonight I had a for sure thing.

" Bella I work In the morning and so dose Katrina so well be going to bed around 9 9:30." Her face dropped as she started at Jasper.

"your kidding right?" Katrina laughed at her expression.

"No, but on our next day off we can do something if you want." Katrina sounded bored. Bella looked at me clearly for help. I felt bad, I mean its here first night here and she is going to be stuck her alone on Saturday night. As the world outside spins around.

"We can chill Bella, I got canceled on last minute." Where the fuck did that just come from, The words just fell out of my mouth with out a warning. Jasper's eyes flicked up to me in alarm. I looked at him shrugging my shoulders.

"I mean you're my new sister I gotta get to know you. Plus you seem funny to be around." Bella smiled at me in relief.

"Good let me go get ready." She walked up the stairs in a hurry, I looked back to Jasper.

"Fool I'm not kidding don't fuck with her. She is my sister." I tried to look offended, but I knew he knew me to well. Really though I wouldn't do anything to ruin my friendship with him. I respected him.

"Dog, Trust me, I won't fuck with her like that, but some real shit she seems fun to chill with. I'm just getting to know her a little bit. Look would you rather be out with me someone you know and trust or on her own with some random guy?" Jasper stared at me for a minute, before rolling his eyes and sighing

"yea man, Ok. I'm sorry I trust you." Jasper said rubbing his neck looking stressed out.

"Don't trip Jazz I'd be the same way if I had a hot ass sister" I laughed at Jasper's expression as I headed off to go get ready.

Bella came back down stairs on her phone talking a lot of shit to who ever was on the other line. I watched her go outside, Then she can back in with her laptop. She sounded mad all I herd was,

" Don't be a fucking idiot you can't do that In 2 days. Your going to coast your self more money then you will make, Then I lose money, then I have to be a bitch and no one wants that shit right?" She smiled at me listening to the other line. "Ok, ok that sounds better love you too. No I don't know but I'm going to hang out with my Brothers friend. So I'll call you tomorrow, Deuces" I looked at her wanting to laugh at her, Only because I didn't get her at all. Where the hell did this girl come from was what I was thinking. "So what are we doing tonight?" She asked after she hung up, She sounded excited.

"She is only 20 by the way!" Jasper shouted from his room up stairs. Fuck 20 I was really going to chill with a 20 year old today. Fucking shit shoot me now.

"what do you want to do?" I wasn't to trilled about it now, What is there to do with a fucking 20 year old on a fucking Saturday night?

"Lets go get some ice cream" she winked at me. What the fuck ice cream? Was she for real?

"umm ok that's cool I guess" She just laughed at me like I was missing a Joke.

"Jazzy will be back were going to get some ice cream" she yelled up to him. I could hear him laugh a nerves laugh.

"yea, alright see you later. Please be careful! Emmett keep an eye on her" He was probably laughing cause I went from hot sex to ice cream in a minute flat. Keep an eye on her? What's the worst that can happen her ice cone drops and I have to buy a fucking new one? I followed her out the door, Already regretting my decision.

Bella through me her keys.

"you know the town better then I do." All I could think was how lame ice cream on a Saturday night was going to be, this better be some fucking bomb fucking mind blowing Ice cream. I drove off mentally pouting. Bella turned the radio down.

"So I here the Hudson is pretty sick on Saturdays. Isn't that close by?"

The Hudson was where they have raves just about every weekend.

"Yeah, why you can't get in anyway? I mean have you ever even been to a rave or a club?" I asked because she was so young still. she raised her eyebrows at me and smirked.

"Emmett I party with Lil Wayne. I'm 20 but i'm not that innocent. Look in a year from now don't you want to look back and say. Dam I'm glad we went to the Hudson the day we meet. That night was sick. Or do you want to say wasn't that ice cream good that one night. Look just leave the getting in part to me. " I couldn't argue with her on that, I really didn't want to have Ice cream. I mean I was the party guy here. Jasper was the lame married guy who wasn't married. I had nothing to say so I flipped a bitch and we were on our way to the Hudson.

She turned on the radio to get us pumped. I did get excited I was interested to see what was going to happen. But it was the homies baby sister so I was nerves to, I would have to keep an eye on her after all.

We got up in line they checked my id and put my wrist band on. I figured I would buy her drinks for her we would just have to be careful that no one saw. The Bouncer asked for her id but she dodged the question.

"Hey how is your night going? " Bella asked in the nicest way anyone could ask. He seemed pleased that someone asked him about his night. She held out her wrist and keep the conversation going. "you need someone to put the lame girls in check you can call me I'll put them in line for you." He placed a band on her wrist. She finished with a wink at him and walked inside. She pulled that off so smooth, She must have done it before. She looked at me and smiled "you ready?" she had a evil smile playing on the corners of her lips.

"Baby girl I was born ready!" I said still amused with music was full blast there were people all over. We made our way to the bar. She ordered and vodka and red bull. I had a Jack in coke. She pounded the first drink. I didn't want to look like a bitch so I pounded mine. We got our second one and went to walk around. At fist we sat down and watched people walk by. Bella had a fucking mouth on her, I had a feeling she might start some shit I would have to finish. She was making fun of people walking by, Not even trying to be quite about it.

When she finished her drink she tugged on my arm.

" Come on lets dance." I was a little hesitant at first, I seen her dance a little today and it wasn't the greatest. I was hoping she didn't embarrassed me and that know one I knew was here. We went right in the middle of the floor and the DJ had a sick mix going she started to move in front of me. I froze standing there watching her. Oh shit she can dance, She was on point, Her body moved so perfectly with the beat. People were looking at her even the girls. Then I realized there were probably staring at the idiot who was frozen next to her. "whats wrong?" I think she read my mind. "Where just dancing relax" she was probably right better me then some other guy. So I started to dance with her. I was having a great time and I wasn't even thinking of sex. Mostly cause she was pretty close to me and I didn't want to freak her out, by getting a little hard. She started to dance with some girl. I almost nutted in my pants when I saw them kiss. They were both hot ass fuck and the way Bella kissed her, fuck. I wish she wasn't Jaspers fucking sister right now. Either way I was right earlier, Bella was lesbian so It would be easier not to try to get at her.

Bella asked for another drink so we went back to the bar. We were both sweating so we took our drinks and sat down. I wonder if Jasper knew his sister was lesbian.

"Are you having fun?" Bella shouted at me over the music.

" Are you fucking kidding me? hell yea I'm having fun" We laughed some more at people finishing our drinks. She stood up so I guessed she was ready for some more. We were walking back to the dance floor I was making a path for us to get through. I swore I felt her behind me but when I turned around she was gone. Fuck. I was looking all over for her. I was fucking dead she is lost and I'm fucking dead. Ill kill any fucker who touches her fuck. Right when I was really going to panic I herd her loud and clear. I looked around and what the fuck she was up on the stage with the DJ. She had his mic in her hand they where both laughing,

"Everyone having fun tonight!" she called out, The crowed went crazy. I was just staring in shock at her " wooooo ok well I need to feel your energy this has to be a night for the books lets get crazy in this bitch!" The whole place shook with cheering. She Jumped down making her way over to me.

"You are one fucking insane chick!" I yelled in her ear.

" you aint seen nothing yet.!" Bella yelled back laughing.

The whole night was fucking crazy. People brought us drinks and just wanted to dance next to us. People would walk by and get excited

" hey it's the stage girl! You want a drink?" This cute red head was almost star struck by Bella.

"Only if you get my friend here a drink too!" The red head nodded her head before leaving and coming back with two drinks. I kept an close on Bella as she danced with other people. I had to admit she made this place jump tonight. I was fucking wasted. She brought over two more shots. She handed me one and grabbed my hand. We walked over to a table there was some girls. One was laying down over the table. Bella smiled at me.

"Were doing a body shoot off this two girls to end our night Ok?" Shit you didn't have to tell me twice these girl were fucking fine. They laid back and put the lemon in there mouth Lisa made the salt trail down there stomachs.. She looked at me and winked. I put the shot up in the air.

" To crazy times" we toasted and throw the shoot back, Bella made out with the girl after taking the lemon. I was cheering her on. She was officially my new favorite person, she just might have better game then me, maybe.

"ok your turn we each get to do a shot off you ok?" she meant me? Fuck I've never done that before, fuck it, I shrugged my shoulder, Bella went first I was nerves but she reminded me it was only a shoot. She pulled off my shirt and made her salt trail. She did something different though. She put the drink in my mouth and squeezed the lemon and my abs. I was enjoying this way to much. She licked her hand with the salt and took the shoot out of my mouth. With no hands. I was impressed. She licked the lemon off and the set up for the next girl. I was in heaven. All I knew was this girl was a crazy as chick who can party. Having here around is going to be funnier then I thought. Why did I think about having a lesbian friend before?
♠ ♠ ♠
Author's Note: Wow I can't believe the love this story has already gotten. I want to thank you all for your reviews they mean so much to me, Keep them coming! For every ten Reviews I get I will put up another chapter. Also I know there was some confusion with the character names and I want to apologize for that. I wrote this story with other names but changed it for fan fiction. I'm sorry. Anyway you guys asked for it so here is the next chapter. Please keep the reviews coming. Also I need a beta, anyone interested? Sorry it took longer then I thought to put it up. I had to go say good bye to my best friend. She moved away from me. L So I was with her for a few days... I HAVE ALL OF THE REST WRITTEN UP ALL I NEED ARE COMMENTS INFORMING ME WHAT NEED TO GET BETTER