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Forbidden Fruits

She is me but different ?

She is Me but Different….?

Before I knew it they announced that it was close to two and time for everyone to go home.

"What the hell they close down at two?" Bella was really disappointed, But she was faded too so I figured that was enough for one night. Man that was one crazy ass night. Best I've had in awhile.

"Come on lets go!" I pulled her along making our way outside. She followed close behind me. I was a good driving drunk so I told her to let me drive. In the car Bella kept the party going. She put the music on full blast and was dancing in her seat. The whole way home she was moving, dancing, and talking. I was having just as much fun driving as I was in the rave. We got home at about 3:30. I barley turned the car off.

"Oh my god" Bella yelled out, almost giving me a heart attack.

"What?!?" I snapped annoyed at her for scaring me.

"I'm hungry, aren't you?" I laughed at her, turning the car back on.

"To Denny's it is." I said because it was the only place that would be we got there it was fucking crowded, Bella was still dancing around. I looked at her seriously. " Bella the music is off now" I reminded her. She shook her head no.

"Not the music in my head." She said with a small attitude. I heard a few people cheer her on. I sat down and watched her talking to people until they finally called our name to seat us. She sat down letting out a big sigh. "I want a milkshake and fries." I looked at her and laughed, then glanced over at the waiter.

" I'll have the same." He wrote it down and walked away. "I think he is annoyed with all the drunk people." I laughed watching him taking someone else's order. Bella shrugged her shoulders smiling at me. " I can't believe you went up on stage. I was freaking out looking for you" I laughed at myself for panicking over something so small. " I wanted it be a night we would remember." She was dead on about that. I'll never forget this night. Our waiter came back over to us with our milkshakes. "Do drunk people bug you? Be honest." Bella asked him bluntly. He narrowed his eyes at her. The guys behind us laughed. When he didn't say anything Bella did. "Seriously because you were having a fucking attitude with us and I was only trying to hurry and order to make your life fucking easier." Bella snapped at him. Ok maybe I shouldn't had said anything. He was still looking at her with a glare, I watched him with careful eyes. He better think hard about what he said next. The look he was giving Bella wasn't a nice look, it was pissing me off.

"You don't have a right to ask me that. It's none of your business. But to answer you, yeah people like YOU annoy me!" I stared at him because he didn't need to give her that much attitude. Bella was right, she was trying to order fast to make it easier on him. I was about to try to come to her fucking rescue for the second time tonight but like before she saved herself.

"Look asshole sounds like you picked the wrong job to be in, and the wrong bitch to give an attitude to. I was trying to be nice but guess what now I'm not." I stood up ready to knock him out if she needed me to but Bella got up holding her shake and poured it on him. Everyone started to laugh except me I wasn't expecting her to do that. "There now you have a fucking reason to be a fucking dick to me." Bella said setting the empty glass down. He threw his note pad down yelling out.

" I quit" I grabbed Bella by the hand, pulling her outside before they called the cops on us, she was under age and clearly drunk. The fucking waiter ran out right behind us."Why don't you control your fucking bitch." He yelled from behind me. I turned around doing the only thing that came to mind, I punched him right in the face. I'm pretty sure I felt something crack, and it wasn't my hand. The guys who were sitting behind us came out. He tried to hit me but missed, I went to swing again but Bella pushed me back and the guys we didn't know grabbed the waiter. I wanted to go at it with him but Bella grabbed my face with her hand.

"That's enough, lets go!" I looked past her wanting to beat the shit out of him, but Bella calmed me down.

"It's cool man take your girl home we got him." One of the guys from inside said pushing him back. We got in the car, I looked over at Bella. She was smirking at me.

"Sorry. But someone had to say something to that jerk." I looked at her trying not to smile at her.

"It's cool it made sense, I get what you were saying." Half way home I let out a booming laugh. I was thinking of how the night went, Bella looked at me like I was crazy. " Oh man tonight was a fucking trip, you're a fucking trip." she laughed to when she understood what I was saying.

" We have to top this next time you know. Are you up for the challenge?" Bella smiled at me with confidence. I nodded at her still laughing, I couldn't wait for next got home at 4:30. I was fucking dead tired, we walked in as quietly as we could, I said good night, and went to pass out. I laid down thinking about everything. Damn she is crazy. I doubt I'll ever meet another one like her. Who knew lesbians could be so fun. Jasper was lucky to have a sister like her. I'm going to like having her around, I could already tell. I closed my eyes and the room started to spin. Fuck I was going to be sick tomorrow or should I say today. Fuck I forgot to ask if we were going to stick with the Ice cream story or what. Fuck it we'll see what happens tomorrow. It's time for bed now. Fucking crazy ass chick was the last thing I thought before I passed out still in my clothes.I woke up with a fucking killer headache. I looked at my phone it was already 1:30. Fuck I needed to get up. I was supposed to do the yard and shit today. I don't even think I'll have time to go to the gym. Fuck it I'll just go twice as long tomorrow. I can't believe how fucking hung-over I am. I haven't been this fucked up in awhile. I hate that burning feeling you get in your throat. Plus my stomach felt like it was on fire. Just the thought of another shot made me gag. I laughed to myself I bet Bella is puking her guts out. I'm twice her size and she drank just as much as I did. I grabbed some fresh clothes and went to take a shower. It helped a little bit but not much. I got out and went to check on Bella, mostly to laugh at her. Her door was open I looked in and her bed was made and she was gone.

"Hmm" maybe she is down stairs. I looked around. She wasn't anywhere. I looked out the family room window and her car was gone. I gave up my search and ate my breakfast even though it was past lunch. After I ate I went and started the yard. Fuck this sucked fucking balls. I just wanted to lay down and sleep it off. I was halfway done with the front yard when Jasper pulled up.

" What are you doing home Fag?" I even sounded weak. Jasper looked at me wanting to laugh.

" I took the rest of the day off to get shit ready for tonight. Fuck man you look like shit" Jasper said looking at me in disgust. Shit he didn't even know how bad I felt. " Where is my sister?" I groaned and shrugged my shoulders. He just rolled his eyes, taking his phone out, walking away, going inside. I started to mow the rest of the yard. Jasper came back out. He had the two randomness things in his hand. Some vodka and some pepto bismol.

"Bella said to take a shot of vodka and chase it with bismol" He was laughing holding up each thing in his hands.

"Fuck no! If I take a fucking shot I'll fucking puke.!!" Jasper started to laugh at me.

"She said to quite being a fucking girl and do it!" He was still on his phone. I reached out for it irritated that Bella was calling me a girl again.

"Did you seriously call me a fucking girl?" I asked her not getting a response. She was to busy laughing in the phone. "Fucking shit you're a bitch. You know that?" I was grumpy when I was hung over. Bella started laughing harder. I grabbed the bottle out of his hand while handing Jasper the phone. Jasper was laughing harder now too. Why the fuck was everyone laughing at me. This shit was bugging me, I'm the one who talks shit putting people on the spot. Now this girl comes from fucking Mars and I'm the one getting made fun of, no I'm going to have to stop this shit. I grabbed that shit from him already gagging from the smell. "I'm not a fucking girl. She is a fucking guy!" That made Jasper laugh even more. He was practically rolling on the fucking ground holding his sides. I was acting like a fucking girl though. What the fuck was wrong with me. I took the shots gagged then went back to my yard work. The sun was pounding down on me making me a little light headed. I drank some water then went back to work. I hated this fucking awhile I started to feel better, that shit really did start to work. I finished the back yard and went to take my shower. I was completely hangover free by the end of my were people already here when I got down stairs. His family was my family so I was in a better mood when they came around. I loved how accepted I was with all of them. I gave the girls a hug, and said what's up to the guys.

"So I hear you had some ice cream last night with our baby cousin?" Jared the oldest cousin asked. I didn't know what to say. I looked at him like a dumb ass not answering him. I didn't want to lie to them.

" Yea he got some extra toppings too." I looked confused at Jasper, he knew I was hung-over. Right? Bella walked in with Emily laughing.

"Hey rock star how you feeling?" I looked at her like she was a alien with two heads.

"I'm feeling better, but I'd be great if you weren't such a guy with all your shit talking." I looked around confused at everyone. They all laughed but me.

"Come on rock star, it's all out of love. You had some good ice cream last night right?" Bella smirked at me taking a seat. I raised an eyebrow at her, not sure why she would want to lie.

" Dick when we were younger we couldn't just tell our parents we were going to party, so Bella started to say we were going for ice cream. It was code for getting fucked up. She was a fucking genius cause it worked every time." I listen to Jared go on. I couldn't help but laugh now that I got the joke. She never wanted ice cream to begin with. That's why Jasper laughed last night. He knew what was going to go down.

"That's some funny shit, you must feel like a badass coming up with that." I said sarcastically, leaning over a chair still tired. Bella got up walking past me patting my back.

"Did you tell them about our adventure at Denny's?" Jared looked at Bella with a serious face.

"What did you do?" He asked her taking a seat. I had a feeling that I was going to find out a lot about my new best friend today.

"Nothing our waiter quit and I don't remember but I think Emmett beat him up." Emily shook her head laughing at us. I smiled to myself because I had for got that part.

"Fucking Bella what did you do?" Emily said laughing sitting down too. I laughed knowing exactly what she did.

"She made him quit. It was funny shit, I thought she was going to beat him up herself. I was shocked when she poured the shake on him. I really didn't see that one coming." I told them the whole story as best as I could. Aunt Esme and Uncle Carlisle were listening too. Everyone laughed at the story. They didn't seem surprised at all by the randomness of Bella. They even seemed like her sneaking in the club was old news.

" I bet you Jasper didn't warn you about how out there Bella can be huh?" Esme asked me smiling at Bella. I shook my head no, looking at Jasper.

" I figured she was Jasper's sister how different could she be. Fuck if I wasn't wrong. She was all over the place. She even ended up on stage with the fucking mike. It was fun though." We were all sitting around talking. The way Esme and Carlisle made it sound like Bella was an evil child growing up. Always in trouble, always doing something she wasn't supposed to.

" Emmett I bet you see why Jasper gets along with you so well now huh?" Emily asked after we were all laughing at a story Jasper told about Bella pulling a teacher's wig off in the eight grade because she wouldn't let her sit next to her friend. I looked around confused.

" What do you mean?" I asked not getting what me and him had to do with him and her. Emily smiled at me laughing.

"Cause Bella and you have the same type of personality! Duh!" I thought for a minute about it, fuck she was right. Bella was a female version of me. She was hot, I was hot. I can't lie she was crazier than me but then again she was 4 years younger too. I was fucking crazy at her age too. She had good game like me. Plus she was as outspoken as me too. Fuck that's weird, Bella was me but she had a slit. I liked having the family around, they always included me in everything. My family was a bunch of assholes. I didn't even really know any of them anymore, I didn't need to know them. I hated my family I never talked to them. As soon as Jasper got the house and asked me to move in I was gone and haven't talked to them since. I didn't need them. As far as I was concerned they were all dead to me.I had a new family that treated me like family. I went to all the family BBQs and I was at every Christmas. Esme and Carlisle even yell at me at times. Anyway enough of all that shit. We were about done eating when I got a text from the bitch I blew off last night.(I'll give you another chance tonight if you come now.) Fuck she was hot, I had to work in the morning but I think I could stop by and hit it real quick.( I'll see you soon then sexy!) I was happy cause I was going to get some. I was always happy when I got some.

" Hey I'm gonna take off in a few minutes." I announced to who ever was listening. You tell me why it had to be Emily?

"Where you going Emmett to hoe it up or what?" They always put my shit on blast but I guess it was out of love. Her husband Sam told her to shut up but she kept going like the damn girl she was." Emmett one day your dick is going to fall off and your only going to be able to blame yourself. Do you think any girl wants a guy with out a dick?" I laughed it off but I was getting pissed at her. She didn't need to put my shit out there like that.

"So you're a man hoe huh?" Bella was laughing at her cousin's remark. I don't know why but it didn't want her to think that way of me. Not because I was into her but because she didn't know me well enough to judge me like that.

"Yeah he is a man whore but oh well we still love him." Fucking Emily. I gave her an evil eye. Bella looked over at me and she smiled innocently.

"Make sure to strap twice" Bella didn't seem bothered by what Emily was saying, but I was. I said goodbye to everyone. Esme and Carlisle were leaving with Jacob and his girlfriend. So once they were gone I decided I'd leave to. I got to Tina's apartment, she opened the door in her bra and underwear. She looked fucking hot. There where no words between us. I fucking rushed her and took advantage. The whole time I was fucking with Tina I had the images of Bella kissing those bitches and doing body shots. I couldn't get them out of my head no matter how hard I tried. I felt like a fucking pervert. I was getting mad. Tina cried out in pain before I realized I was fucking the shit out of her. I was being too rough, even though I like rough sometimes. I slowed down getting her off before I got my nut. Usually I didn't care if a bitch got off but I was kind of rough, plus I blew her off so I decided what the hell. I don't know what the fuck was going on with me but I fucking didn't like it. This bitch has been in my life for 24 hours and it was already fucking my game up. I got dressed said bye and bounced the fuck out. I drove around for an hour before I decide to go home. I pulled up and everyone was in the garage hanging out. Jasper was on the floor laughing holding his side. I walked up and I could hear Bella and Jared arguing.

"Fuck you Jared! I can't believe you told him that shit!" Bella was holding her own laughter back.

" Well you told Jasmine I fucked her sister and that I had herpes!" He yelled back at her throwing his hands in the air. Emily and her husband looked amused watching the two fighting. Katrina was looking at Jasper like there was something wrong with him. Bella looked at me pointing over at Jared."Can you believe this ass? He told my first serious boyfriend I was half girl half man?" I tried not to laugh cause that was pretty fucked up. Bella looked in no way like a man.

"He broke my heart! You beat him up for breaking up with me and it was your fault." Bella shook her head, Jared laughed again.

"You did the same shit with Jasmine so shut up!" She gave him a smirk as she sat back down. There were all kinds empty beer cans around them.

"You're never going to meet any boyfriends of mine ever again!" Bella took a drink of her beer then looked at me. "Emmett do I look like a guy?" She asked me point blank everyone looked at me. Talk about being under pressure, if I said yeah she would probably kick my ass, if I said no everyone would think I wanted to fuck her.

" No, you don't look like one but you kind of act like one!" Everyone busted out laughing but her. She glared at me for a minute while everyone laughed.

"Fuck you!" she finally said then laughed shaking her head. "Come on rock star take me to get more beer!" I looked at her with a raised eyebrows, damn Bella could drink that's for sure.

"I think you guys had enough for tonight" I was being serious I wonder if she had a drinking problem. There were two empty 30 packs by the trash can.

" Fuck that rock star! You know you want to be on our level. Have a drink with us." I did I want to drink with them but I had to be at work at 7. I had my fun Fridays and Saturdays. I had school and work all week long. I couldn't party like that if I wanted to keep my job.

"I'm straight. Some of us have to work around here" Bella gave me a evil little grin.

" I get paid more for working hung-over." Bella said as cocky as ever. She probably did but I didn't so I said goodnight and went to be a responsible adult going up stairs and getting ready for bed. I was in my room on Myspace. Just hanging out trying to forget about what happened tonight. I just didn't get why she kept popping up in my head. That shit never and Jasper came in. Jasper went straight for his room. Bella went to the restroom, then she stumbled out and invited her self to my room.

" I thought your lame ass went to bed?" I looked up at her with a grin.

"Oh, what you're my mom now? Do you got me on a bed time schedule?" she laughed sitting down on my bed.

"Did you have fun tonight?" I knew what she was asking, I was still annoyed with what happened but I know it wasn't her fault I couldn't control my thoughts. So I took a breath trying not to come off as rude with her.

"It was chill. Did you have fun?" she smiled her sexy smile at me.

" I missed everyone. It was good to see them." Her face fell slightly. " I hate Mondays." She said laying back on my bed, I laughed looking over at her.

"Aren't you on vacation or something right now" I asked her throwing my water bottle cap at her.

"I have some shit I gotta deal with for work all week so I wont really be here. I'll be out in L.A a lot " Her eyes looked sad. I wanted to ask, but if she wanted me to know the truth she would have told me. "Hey add me on Myspace!" she suddenly jumped up going back to being her hyper self.

"Ok how do I find you?" I asked turning around to face my screen but she pushed me over and found her Myspace page herself. "You're so rude!" I chuckled moving further away from her.

"Shut it rock star, We have to add some sexy to your page by adding me." I laughed watching her, hoping she didn't say anything dumb about all the girls on my page.

"My page is sexy! Just cause its me it's fucking sexy," I said in a cocky tone. Bella laughed as she clicked on her page. After she added me and moved away, I looked over her page and went thought her pictures. She had a fucking lot of them. Some were of her and Wayne some of her and different people. I was most interested in the ones of her in the studio. "Do you sing?" I asked her looking at the picture of her with some head phones and a mike. She laughed looking at it.

"I mess around sometimes. I'm not to serious about it." was her answer, but the pictures looked like she was seriously singing. Then there were pictures of her and some guy. He was all over her. I'm guessing it was a boyfriend or something. I didn't like the way he looked at her. But who was I to say something.

"Oh I forgot to take those down." she had the strangest look on her face, like it hurt her to look at the pictures. She was almost scared of them I think. I clicked out not liking the way she reacted to the pictures.

"Good night rock star." She said walking out. I looked at her tying to guess what was up with her. Maybe he was the reason she went lesbian.

" Good night crazy" I said still trying to guess what was wrong with her. I gave up and went to bed. Her reaction to those pictures was weird. I wanted to know who he was and why she got all weird. Then again I really didn't care that much, I was just curious. I wasn't going to lose sleep over it. I laid down thinking about how busy this week was going to be, I texted a few girls making plans to hook up with them throughout the week, then knocked out.