Status: Inactive. Waaaaaaaay too busy with life. Sorry, loves.

The Musician's Daughter

I'm just another tattooed tragedy

Life is like a lovely little story everyone gets where it doesn't fit one specific genre and it's told in first person. Every person has a story, a life that may seem boring to one person, unpleasant to another, or even amazing to others, just like a book. Just like Twilight, God that was a terrible book. Well, luckily my life isn't a cheesy vampire teen romance novel. Instead it's something a little more believable, I mean really? How is it that five guys like the new girl who isn't even that pretty? My name is Harleen Quinn-Ai Walker-O'Connell, and this is my story, my life:

I'm not your average girl I guess you can say. I've been given the opportunity to travel around the United States with my mother and father from when I was 13 months old to when I was four. I've learned what it was like to be kissed by the opposite sex and learned how to touch one when I was in elementary school. I first fell in love when I was five and learned how painful it felt to be betrayed when I was seven. I felt how painful it was to lose friends and how awesome it was to make new ones. I was taught how to go down on a guy when I was nine and later learned that I was being sexually abused. I lost my virginity when I was eleven, given birth before my twelfth birthday, and attempted suicide when I was thirteen. I've been to a mental institution and I've been smart enough to not screw up my body with drugs and alcohol because I remembered how it made my mom cry when my dad did these actions during his hair metal days. This is the kind of life I have lived so far, and I have lived it with only one regret: That I wasn't born a boy. I mean, half of the shit I've been through wouldn't have happened if I was born a boy. Sadly, my father just had to give me the X chromosome and gave my half-brother the Y chromosome.

Now don't get me wrong. I absolutely love my father, and I can't blame him for not giving me the Y chromosome that could've possibly saved me from my mental scarring. He is an amazing man who somehow makes time for me in his busy life by texting me, taking me to get tattoos behind my parents' back, taking me out to dinner or lunch, getting me autographs, and other awesome stuff. He is the reason why I love music so much, teaching me how to play piano and guitar when I was young while my mom taught me how to read, write, and use my imagination. He helped me recover from my mentally unhealthy state while visiting me in the mental institution by continuing to teach me music, and sometimes bringing a friend along. That always embarrassed me, but whoever he brought never seemed to mind. He made me feel special and be happy that I was a mistake by saying that I'm the best mistake he has ever made and he wouldn't change anything in the world.

My father is a great man, I just wish he wasn't my dad from time to time so I wouldn't have had to deal with his absence in a good amount of time in my life. While he was gone, other men tried to replace him and only one has fully succeeded to woo my mother. Sadly, it was my psychiatrist from when I spend my time at Sleepy Meadows Mental Health Center...basically the insane asylum and he has kept this patient-doctor relationship with me since my mother married him. I call him Greg instead of Dr. O'Connell, though. He's a nice man, but still looks over me like I'm one of his patients, making sure I don't show signs of being suicidal, as if I showed them the first time. That's when I wish my father was in my life more and wishing that he loved my mother and my mother loved him back.

My mom is a great woman. Very hard working, especially after she split up with my dad. She was kicked out of the house when she was eighteen because of me, and after being on tour with Dad, she didn't have a job. She was gone a lot and sadly left me alone with the
men she began dating...who sometimes had sons older than me. A good majority of the time she'd let me sleep over my friends house for weeks at a time. It was nice, but I later learned that it added to my already existing abandonment issues. She didn't know, so I'm not going to blame her for anything. Besides, with the little money we had before she married Greg, she allowed me to do something I loved, which was be a part of a prestigious tour choir, Young Singers of the Palm Beaches, and let me go on the expensive trip to Austria, Venice, Italy, and other cities and countries for the Mozart Festival. She has let me done a lot of things I never thought I was able to do and I'm extremely grateful for it. Extremely grateful for what both of my parents have done.

Greg...he doesn't really let me do things though, like go to concerts by saying that it's an award. As if that made me want to work harder...I could still at least see my dad perform. That is probably the most parental role he has ever attributed in our relationship, which isn't a lot. I still listen to him because I know better than to disrespect people, especially if I have to share the same house as him.

From time to time all of the tragedies in my life haunt me, coming into mind every now and then. From time to time I don't take my medication and go through my bipolar days that often irritates my friends. From time to time, I'm the most silent girl in the world and it takes a while for me to talk. I usually always have a smile on my face unless I'm blank minded or in a depressed state of mind.

My life is nothing interesting, though my close friends beg a differ. Maybe my life is interesting and I'm just too oblivious to realize it.
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The first chapter of my new story and I really hope you enjoy it so far. Subscribe and comment and thanks for reading. (Title credit: Pretty Melody by Butch Walker and the Black Widows)
Harleen Quinn-Ai Walker-O'Connell