‹ Prequel: Unexpected
Status: Started, we work on it when we can


Fight For My Life

All I can tell you is that I have been fighting for my life for an undeterminable amount of time. Helpful I know. I remember waking up and feeling the pull to the lake. I was fighting hard just to leave a note for my sister and protector so they wouldn’t freak out on me. Sleeping, that was a feat I was finding almost impossible. I was getting barley enough to keep my wits about me but I had to be constantly on guard for another attacker. Test one was complete, get to the lake. Test two also complete, get here to this plane of existence. Check that one off the ‘to do’ list. Test three; I’m working on it, that test is to survive until I have gained all the scrolls, knowledge, and books here to take back with me. I’m not even half way done. Test four will be getting back, alive.
I spun around avoiding yet another attacker, I’m getting weaker every day. I’ve figured out that I don’t eat here not because I don’t want to but because there is NOTHING here to eat. I also realized during one of my few precious moments of sleep that as my sister get weaker from worry and fear so do I. I block the spear aimed at my heart by the gorgon I’m fighting at the moment, one of darling Medusa’s sisters seeing as I haven’t been turned to stone yet for looking at the hideous thing. Not that I would tell her she’s hideous, again. That was what got me into this mess, she had come up behind me and startled me and I had said the first thing that popped into my head, ‘Gods! You’re HIDIOUS! What happened, get in a fight with your hair dresser and a pair of scissors?’ Needless to say she was not happy and now I’m trying NOT to get shishkabobbed. I jumped back out of her range once more before spinning in and decapitating her with my silver sword. She turned to dust and left a scroll in her pile. I retrieved it sliding it into my purse from Narcessa with the others I had collected. Looking around I decided that this was NOT a good place to rest so I took off the opposite direction I had come looking for some shelter to sit down and rest, maybe tend my wounds.
Once I found a place that was well hidden I sat down leaning against a rock breathing deeply.
“First things first.” I muttered and drew water out of the air to me and concentrated on the worst of my injuries healing them and then moved to the other lesser ones to release some of the pain I felt. When that task was done I purified the water and then drank some of it.
“You are doing well princess.” I jumped to my feet sward in one hand long knife in the other as soon as I heard the first syllable. Standing before me was a stunning woman in a sliver toga a circlet of silver leave around her brow and a bow and quiver of arrows on her back. At her hip were a sword and a wolf. She raised her hands to show she meant no harm and I regarded her skeptically.
“Who are you?” I asked not relaxing my stance at all. She smiled at me, her face kind, yet dangerous and beautiful all at the same time.
“I am Artemis.” My eyes widened in shock as I put my weapons away.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to threaten you Lady Moon.” She laughed.
“It is forgiven child mine. You trust no one here in the plane as so you did not trust me. That is good. I choose well when I choose you to be my vessel. Just as my brother choose well in your sister.”
“What do you mean exactly Lady?” She sat on the ground and motioned for me to join her. When I did she waved her hand and a hunters meal appeared before us both. She began to eat and so I followed her example.
“I mean Catherine dear, that I live in you as my brother lives in Mollie. He is very in touch with his feminine side what with being the god of music, poetry, and pretty sun sets and rises.” I smiled and then what she said clicked in my head.
“WAIT! You LIVE in us?” she looked at me a mischievous gleam in her eye.
“But of course. We cannot use our full powers unless we are born into human hosts. The world is in a dark time, has been since before you were born. I have wanted to do something about it for a long time, my darling twin as well but we had to wait until hosts were conceived that would be powerful enough. It took a long time and a lot of patients but finally the perfect hostesses were conceived.”
“Mollie and me.” She nodded. She patted my head and her touch healed my body completely. I was still filthy but I was no longer injured and I felt I had more energy, like I had just had a full nights peaceful sleep.
“I must leave you now, but you will always be able to talk to me now in here.” She tapped my forehead with an elegant finger. “Also know that it is only a VERY small portion of my essence that lives in you, an even smaller part of my brother resides in your sister. Speaking of, it appears that those protectors of yours have finally gotten your sister to eat, you shouldn’t have any more problems with being weak and starved any longer.” I nodded and smiled.
“Thank you.”
“Do not thank me. Because of me and my brother, and a few other gods, your live is far more difficult than it needs be dear princess.” I gave a sigh my I knew the look on my face said bring it, I can take anything you toss at me. “You will return home soon dear girl, you are almost there. Trust your instincts, they will guide you where you need to go and tell you how to accomplish exactly what you want to do.” She kissed my brow and was gone. I smiled and stood ready to take on the world.
“BRING IT ON!!” I shouted at the top of my lungs and began the fight anew as every creature and monster converged on me at once.
Draco’s POV
I felt a vibration of power not my own course thru me and looked up, it felt like Cat’s power intensified. I saw Mollie looking at me too, she must have felt it.
“Something must have pissed Cat off, or challenged her in a big way.” Mollie said looking out the window to the lake.
“I feel sorry for them.” I mused looking at the churning black waters.
“As do I.” Mollie added a smile on her face. Maybe this means she would be home soon, it’s been a month and a half now and all I want is to hold her in my arms tightly and never let her go.
Cat’s POV
I wiped the blood off my sword onto my torn and tattered tunic and moved to the last book I had to collect. I picked up the heave gold tome and pushed it into my purse before turning and climbing back over the fifty mountain sized Cyclops that had been guarding it.
“Now, time to find my way home.” I sighed and went to look for the pool of water that I had woken up next to when I first arrived. After what felt like months of just walking I found it a smile playing across my face at the sight. ‘Hey Artemis?’
‘Yes Little Moon?’
‘How long have I been here?’
‘In this planes time, you have been here four years. Time moves differently here than it does in your plane. I cannot say how long it has been there.’
She chuckled and but didn’t say anymore. “At least it will be good to be home.” I mused before passing out and falling into the pool.
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Love you all SO SO SO much and I'm sorry it's short!! But I did set up a few things so i HOPE you will all still love me. COMMENTS = LOVE!!