‹ Prequel: Unexpected
Status: Started, we work on it when we can


Friendly Love

“I’m so bored!” I whined loudly as George watched me twirl a small ball of fire between my fingers.
“You’re always bored,” he chuckled, “Which I find quite insulting considering how much of a fun guy I am.”
“I do agree my dear, you are quite the fungi,” I joked and he looked at me quizzically, “Never, it’s just a bad muggle joke that my dad always uses at dinner parties.”
“I don’t get it,” he stated and I laughed before making the fire vanish as I sat up and looked at him, “Then again, I don’t get many muggle concepts.”
“You’d think that with your dad being so interested in muggles, you’d at least know a smidge bit more about them than normal wizards,” I replied and he shrugged before grabbing a small hand full of Skittles and popping them into his mouth one by one, “Did I say you could eat my Skittles?”
“It was implied.”
“In what?”
“I don’t know, it just was.”
I stared at him for a moment before I smiled and chuckled as I shook my head.
“You, my friend, have a very odd sense of humor,” he smiled as he spoke and I couldn’t help but to sigh as he used the term friend. He loved me, but only as a friend.
“Cat’s been telling me that since the day that we could talk, so believe me when I say that I am very aware of the fact I have an off key sense of humor,” I returned his smile and then fell back against my pillows again before sighing deeply and then looking over at him, “I’m still bored.”
“I’m not sure what you want me to do about it, Mollie,” he stated and then went back to eat my Skittles.
“You’re supposed to be the fun twin, George!” I protested and whined loudly again.
“I know a way to entertain you but you’re too much of a goody goody to go along with it,” he snapped back a bit harshly and I glared lightly.
“So I’m a Hermione now just because I didn’t want to de-pant Snape during dinner last week?” I shot back sharply and he rolled his eyes, “Whatever. I’m out of here.”
I stood up and grabbed my wand off of my night stand before slipping on an old pair of flip flops and heading out the door.
“Catherine, do you want anything from the kitchens?!” I yelled as I slammed my bedroom door behind me.
“No, thank you!” she yelled back from somewhere within the confines of our new room and I continued out the door as I tried to remember the best way to the kitchens from our new location.
It was tough trying to remember where we were now because I wasn’t very good at navigating the castle to begin with, so just add in a new location with that and you have disastrous results. I’ve had to wander around the castle aimlessly for as long as an hour before I found a ghost that could point me back towards where the stupid statue was.
“Wait up, honey bee!” Fred yelled from close behind me and I slowed my pace so he could catch up to me, “I was just on my way to visit you guys.”
“Miss your brother?” I guessed and he shrugged, “I’m sorry, Fred, sometimes I feel like he’s so busy doing all of this guardian crap that he hasn’t actually had time to hang out with you.”
“It’s okay, cupcake, I understand. Plus, I suppose that I have to find an appropriate lover at some point in my life,” he pretended to be disgusted at the thought and I laughed before nudging him playfully.
“Twincest is not an acceptable lifestyle choice, Fredward,” I reminded him and he smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
“Maybe I’ll just move in with you then,” he winked teasingly and I punched him lightly in the gut as we both began to laugh again.
“Come on Fred, we both know that you’d be moving in to see your brother, not me,” I sighed over dramatically and pretended to be offended by the thought as he gasped loudly.
“How’d you figure that out?” he demanded and then smiled at me again before looking over his shoulder, “So where is, George? Usually he isn’t more than five steps behind you unless you’re in class or with Dumbledore.”
“I left him in our room, we’ve been spending too much time together so we’re starting to get on each other’s nerves,” I explained and he nodded before smiling and then facing forward again, “He’s tailing us isn’t he?”
“He’s got the cloak, but it doesn’t cover his feet,” Fred whispered in a heavy chuckle and I smiled evily before looking up at him, “Whatcha thinking?”
“Just follow my lead,” I instructed him and then sighed over dramatically again before pulling away from Fred, “I’m sorry Fred, but I can’t keep this secret much longer. Either we tell everyone about us or there isn’t going to be any us anymore.”
A large smirk spread across Fred’s face for a second before he quickly composed himself again and then turned so that George and I both could see his facial expression.
“I thought that we’ve discussed this, Mollie. We can’t tell everyone because George will freak out. You know it, I know it, even Cat told me that we should keep it on the low because he’ll freak out,” he replied and looked at me like he’d told me this one hundred times before.
“Well, I don’t care what George thinks! I’m tired of hiding my true feelings for you just because your brother might go guardian on our arses. I want everyone to know that I have the best boyfriend. I want to be able to brag about you to Hermione and Lavender and everyone else that will listen to me. I don’t want to hide it anymore, Fred!” I protested and thought of my worst fear as I tried to get my eyes to water.
“Well, I don’t know what you want me to do about it, Mollie! I can’t just make my brother understand that we’re together now! He’s going to be pissed and I don’t know if I can deal with that yet!”
“Then deal with this; we’re over,” I tried to make my voice shaky and unsteady but I couldn’t help it anymore and I burst out laughing, “Okay okay, I’m sorry. This isn’t working. It’s just too much funny to be taken seriously!”
“That was all an act?” George demanded as he emerged from the cloak with a very mad expression on his face.
“Duh, she’s like a sister to me. Dating her would just be weird,” Fred replied and pulled me into a tight hug.
“I can’t believe you two would do this!” he grumbled loudly as he glared harshly at us.
“Hey man, don’t expect me to just confront you about tailing me. I have to have a little fun with it,” I said and he sighed heavily before shaking his head, “Besides, would you rather have us date behind your back for real or just crack a joke about it?”
“Second option, obviously,” Fred answered for him and George rolled his eyes before tossing Fred the cloak, “What’s this for?”
“Don’t pretend like you weren’t going to ask me for it so you could go scare the bums off of some first years,” George replied and smirked at his brother knowingly, “I’ve lived with you for fourteen years, Fred, I know when you want something.”
“See that, Mollie. That right there is a good twin,” Fred said and patted me lightly on the shoulder before tossing the cloak over his head and disappearing, “I’ll catch you two later.”
“Bye, Freddy!” I called and looked around me for a sign of where he was headed.
“So…” George trailed off awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck as my eyes landed on him, “About what happened…”
“Don’t worry about it, I over-reacted a bit,” I answered and smiled lightly as he sighed deeply, “I think that we may just be around each other too much some times.”
We both chuckled together and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders before we started walking down the hallway.
“Don’t you want to go scare the first years with your brother?” I questioned and he shrugged lightly in response, “George, I’m a twin, remember? I can tell that you miss spending time with your brother.”
“Some things are more important than pranking, Mollie,” he sighed and gave my shoulders a tight squeeze.
“Now, I know that I must be imagining things because there is no way that those words just came out of your mouth,” I teased and he smiled as he chuckled, “Where are we going anyway?”
“Care to pay a visit to Hogsmeade?” he asked in response.
“George, I’m only a second year, I can’t visit the village yet. Besides, the next visit isn’t for another few weeks, I think,” I replied and a smirk slowly spread across his face, “What’s going on in that dangerous little head of yours, Mr. Weasley?”
“There’s a secret passage,” he whispered and I smiled as he removed his arm from around my shoulder before slipping his hand into mine and leading the way towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.
“Where are we going?” I asked as he began to pull me along faster and I nearly stumbled into the wall.
“I told you, we’re going to Hogsmeade!” he laughed and I rolled my eyes as I tried to keep up with him so I didn’t fall on my face.
“Yes, I recall that part, but where is this secret passage?”
“If I told you then it wouldn’t be a secret, now would it?” he joked and then laughed at his own joke as we stopped next to an old statue, “See anything that looks like a secret passage?”
“It’s Hogwarts, George, anything could be a secret passage. Dumbledore’s beard could be a secret passage for all we know!” I replied and started to look around for anything that look suspiciously secret.
“But if Dumbledore’s beard was a secret passage, where would it lead?” George asked and watched me with an amused look on his face.
“I don’t know, Narnia maybe,” I answered with a quick chuckle and then looked over at him when he didn’t laugh, “Right, sorry. Muggle book, my bad.”
“Narnia is a Muggle book?” he asked curiously and raised an eyebrow at me, “Seems like a strange name for a book if you ask me. I mean, what’s a Narnia?”
“Narnia isn’t the full title of the series. It’s actually The Chronicles of Narnia and Narnia isn’t a thing, it’s a place. It’s a place full of powerful magic and curious creatures that have to fight for their freedom from their wicked leader.”
“Sounds like a knock off of the Wizarding World if you ask me,” he chuckled at that and I smiled again before going back to looking for the secret passage, “You’re not looking in the right places, Mollie. You’re looking for something obvious.”
“If people wanted the students to find their secret passages then they would put signs over them. Plus, I don’t even know what I’m looking for!” I shot back and he rolled his eyes before pulling out his wand, “What are you doing?”
“Showing you the secret,” he replied and stopped leaning on the old statue of the one eyed witch before tapping her hump with his wand and mumbling something under his breath.
I watched in amazement as the stone moved to reveal the secret passage that he had been referring to this whole time.
“I don’t know why I’m still so surprised every time something like this happens,” I sighed and smiled as he helped me through the hole and down the chute that lead to the dusty tunnel, “So where to now?”
“Honeydukes!” he announced and landed next to me with a smile on his face.

Our boisterous laughter rang through the hallway and I couldn’t help but to smile brightly as the moon shone through the corridor windows. Our pockets were full of candy from Honeydukes and I knew that I would never be able to look at that statue the same now. It held precious and found memories of one of the best nights of my life and I knew that someday I would look back and be able to say that that’s where I finally came to terms with the fact that I was completely crazy about George.
“Where have you two been?” Cat demanded as we entered the small living area that was right inside the secret entrance to our room.
“Places,” I answered and tried to keep my face straight as George kept right on laughing.
“You told me that you were going to the kitchen! That should have taken you a half hour at the most! You’ve been gone for almost four hours and you’re out two hours past the castle curfew!” she scolded me and then scanned over my body, “What’s in your pockets?”
“Nothing…” I trailed off lamely and watched as her face turned red, “We might have gone to Honeydukes…in Hogsmeade.”
“You might have?” she questioned harshly.
“Get the knot out of your britches there, Cat. We just went out to have a little fun. No harm in that, eh?” George replied and I closed my eyes as I saw Cat’s nostrils flare.
“You disappear with my little sister for four hours and expect me to be calm when you come chumming in like a couple of lunes?!” She yelled and her eyes flickered to her wand.
“Draco, calm her down before she hexes someone!” I instructed him and he held up his hands in defeat, “Draco!”
“Leave him out of this, Mollie!” Cat yelled at me and I found myself stunned at how upset she was, “It’s not his job to keep you two alive!”
“Catherine Sheehan, I am formally requesting that you calm the hell down,” I said and tried to cover up my Irish accent with a British one.”
Her lip twitched a bit as she tried not to laugh and I saw George and Draco both raise an eyebrow at each other before staring at us again.
“Now that’s just not fair,” she chuckled and I smiled before I started wiggling my eyebrows in a supposed to be seductive manner, “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t. You love me and you know it!” I protested and she started laughing as she sat down on the couch next to Draco, “And that’s the sure way to calm Cat down, pretend to be British.”
“What if you already are British?” Draco asked with a light smile on his face, “Pretend to be Irish?”
“Nope, French,” Cat answered and we started to laugh together.
“I don’t get it,” George whispered in my ear and I patted him lightly on the shoulder.
“It’s an old inside joke, no one understands it but us,” I explained and Cat smiled as she leaned into Draco, “Are you done being a lunatic now, Cat?”
“Yes, I’m done being a lunatic,” she answered and rolled her eyes playfully as she sighed, “Besides; you know that I only freak out because I love you.”
“True facts,” I laughed and George lightly grabbed my hand before pulling me towards our room, “Good night, Kitten. Good night, Draco. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Sleep tight my sunny sister!” Cat yelled after me and I smiled as the door shut behind me.
“I thought she was going to execute me there for a second,” George laughed as he began to take some pajamas out of his trunk.
“I’ve seen her get angrier than that before, but it was at me so nothing ever really became of it,” I replied with another smile and began to pull my night dress out from behind my pillow.
“When was this?”
“Quite a few years back. I don’t even remember why she was upset with me, but I was surely afraid that she was going to pop a top and kill me,” I chuckled.
“I would have killed you, but mom said that I would have gone to jail if I did!” Cat yelled from the living room and George chuckled, “Besides, there were too many witnesses!”
“You love me, Catherine! You’d never to be able to live without me and you know it!” I yelled in response and I heard Draco start to chuckle along with George.
“Don’t get too carried away there, Mollie! I’d be able to live just fine without you!”
I laughed under my breath and chose not to respond before walking into the bathroom that George and I shared to change into my pajamas.
“Goodnight my sunny sister! Let your dreams be as bright and beautiful as you are!”
“Goodnight my solar sister! Let your dreams be as bright and beautiful as you are!” I repeated after her and then shut door as George smiled at me and began to tug his shirt off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, sorry it took me so long! I hope it was worth the wait for you guys! Love you all!

<3 Mollie

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