Status: Comments!(:

Everything Happens

Chapter 1

*"DAD! WATCH OUT!" I screamed as a flipped over semi-truck came rolling at us. Dad swerved the to sharp and flipped us over. There was blood and glass everywhere!

"MARCI! GET YOU AND JOHNNY OUT OF THE CAR NOW!" My mother screamed. The semi rolled closer as i went to unbuckle my little brother, Johnny. He wasn't moving and there was a huge chunk of glass in his forehead.

"HE'S DEAD! JOHNNY IS DEAD!" Only the shrieks of my mother answer me. I fumbled with my seat-belt and kicked the car door open. I jumped out of the car just in time to see the semi crush my family.

"NOOOOO!!!" I screamed falling to my bloody knees. Hot salty tears fell from my eyes. Flames were everywhere as i saw the flashing of red and blue lights. My eye-sight went blurry, then everything went black.*

I woke up screaming, fresh tears streaming down my cheeks. I buried my face into my pillow and sobbed. A few minutes later i got up, feeling dead, and walked into the bathroom.
I pulled out my razor blade and pressed it to my bare wrist. Three thin line of blood formed onto my skin. I wet down a rag and pressed it to my injuries.

It has been a month since the accident. My three year old daughter, Rebecca, are living with my twenty-three year old sister, Julia, her husband, William, and their four year old little boy, Benny. Every night i dream of the accident and wake up screaming and crying.

When it came time for the funeral, I couldn't stand being there. I ran out of the place like I was on fire, tears smearing all my make-up. Julia told me to go home and rest. She said she would bring Becca home. I still can't believe they are dead. They were the greatest people alive! Dad, always knowing how to cheer me up. Mom, so kind and sweet. Johnny... little ten year old Johnny.... best brother in the whole world! All of them gone and I'm the only one to live. If I didn't have my daughter i would have shot myself by now. Hopefully my life will get better.....
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short? sorry.
new story! what do you think? Comments/concerns?

Taylor Elizabeth(: