Bow at Her Feet

o f S h i l o h

---She has piercing green eyes and an eloquent smile, a perceptive grin, always so very shrewd. She permanently infects you with the sensation of the door being opened while you are changing. Her lips curl into a tiny smile when she first meets you and her eyes always seem to flutter as though saying ‘‘I’ll keep your secrets forever.’’ She leaves you wanting to wrap sheets about your mind, as she gazes through your eyes and straight into your soul. She is a disconcerting kind of lovely, so achingly beautiful. She always has some ratty, dog-eared, coffee-stained book clutched in her willowy violinist’s fingers. She has a rather over-flowing handful of boys trailing behind her, white-knights-in-waiting, and yet, she never notices. She always keeps an earbud in, as though music is what keeps her brain functioning. She is a mess of curly red hair and freckled skin, pink lips and rosy cheeks, escorted by mile upon mile of legs. She catches people in their falsehoods and fabrications like a spider with a web, a living lie detector. A simple raised eyebrow and they are spewing verities and veracities and confessions of guilt. She never talks without accompanying her words with dancing hands. She can be so graceful you can barely breathe one moment, and the next so inept that you cannot help but laugh and find her endearing. She tells dirty jokes in murmurs, laughing and blushing at the same time, hands cupped over her mouth as though unable to believe that she is the one mumbling the words flying from her lips. She talks too much some days and others she appears to be mute. She is exultant and Irish-tempered. She cannot keep her opinions to herself. She turns heads and merits many second-looks without even trying. She has a graceful beauty that echoes about the room, a reincarnated Aphrodite. She has a chiming laugh when fake, and a half-guffaw when genuine. But she does not even know. She walks through the streets, believing she is yet another mortal being. Everyone else is resisting the urge to bow at her feet.
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Chapter one is out! I think this is the first time I have ever posted a story on Mibba as I write it. :3
All the pictures in the layout belong to me. As in, I made them. So please don't steal them. Or I shall be forced to catch you and carve your heart out with a spork. ;)
Don't be a silent reader! <3