Status: New story. Slowly active.

Completely Incomplete

"Don't," she warned, putting her hand on his chest as a feeble attempt to keep him from advancing towards her.

"Stop pushing me away," he whispered, closing his hand around hers that was still resting on his chest.

And they sat there, her hand enclosed in his, feeling his steady heartbeat underneath her fingertips.

Kessler Holland x Joel Kanitz

Kessler Holland has always been alone. Supposedly, there was a time when she was happy, but that seems so foreign to her. Almost as if it were a dream. Pictures and memories are the only proof she has of her past happiness, but that's all she needs. Unexpectedly, she meets someone, and he goes by the name of Joel Kanitz. Is she breaking her promise to the only man she ever loved?

Title credit: Hanging By A Moment - Lifehouse

I do not own Joel Kanitz, This Century or any other band/s/ mentioned in this story. If I did, do you really think I'd be sitting in my room and writing this?