Status: Active

I Wanna Hold Your Hand So Tight I'm Gonna Break My Wrist


Vic and I were not ready to see what we saw right then.

"Holy Crap Vic, this is so freakin crazy!"

"I know. I didnt know Mike had it in him," He smirked.

Mike and Alx were full on making out, like full on making out and not like regular, but they were getting into it. After seeing that we decided to go hang out and walk around. So about an hour later of not disturbing them, they were in the same position they were at an hour ago.

"Dang guys, I see you're enjoying eachothers company," Vic laughed.

Immediatly they parted faces and shot there heads up in shock. you could tell Alx was mortififed.

"Oh hey guys," Alx managed to squeak out, "How long have you been there"

With neither of us responding to her answer, i just wanted to drag her out to the next room and have her spill every detail to me. This is so crazy i cant even beleive this is happening, this day is gonna be a concert to remember for sure.

"Uh, Mike we gotta go to sound check," Vic lied taking him away a bit early , knowing i was obviously eager to know what just went down.

"'l'll come find you guys when were done with sound check," Vic said as he kissed me on the cheeck.

With that action Alx s' eyes were all big. When the two brothers left i immediatly led Alx to the next room and shut the door.

"What was that," She said slighlty excited.

"Uh what do you mean, what the hell was that!" I said loouder than normal, but in a shocked way. "Tell me everything!" i said smiling.

"Okay, okay chill out," she said laughing, "So right when you and Vic left, me and Mike decided to go hang out, and we were just checking everything out in the venue, and eventually we got bored and we sat down over were we just were. We started talking and i guess just one thing led to another," Alx smiled. "Now tell me whats going on with you two."

"Well we almost kissed, but we got interupted by Jamie and Tony. It seriously was so perfect. We were actually looking for you and Mike. Then we were playing tag and we triped and he fell on like literally on top of me, and we were so close! ahhh it kills me." i said smilling so big at the thought of me and Vic.

"Dang that sucks," Alx said

I know, but it didn't look like you and Mike had that problem, I said with a smirk on my face.

"Yeah whatever,' she said "But i was amazing, and his lip ring oh my gosh i love that thing.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, it was Vic telling us that sound check was over.

Soon after it was time for the show. Me and Alx stayed back at the merch table until the boys were done with there set. They were so amazing i cant even decribe it. They started of playing Besitos first. Hearing Vic's voice, i died a little inside. I had butterflies as he looked over at me singing a line of the song.

"This is so Amazing," I yelled over the music to Alx.

"I know, look how cute Mike looks," She said smilling

"Are you serious look at Vic," i said laughing

After there set i got a text from Vic saying to come backstage.

You guys were amazing!" i said as Alx and I entered the room.

"You sound so surprised," Tony smirked.

Vic came over and wrapped his arms around me tightly, "Eww Vic your all sweaty," I complained. "But you guys were so good." i said smiling, giving in on the hug.

Just being in Vic arms felt amazing even if he was ll sweaty.

"Thanks," he responed before placing a kiss on my forehead.

Soon after the guys freshened up we all went out to the stage where A Day To Remember was now playing. Right as the guys were noticed there was a big group of fans surrounding them asking for autographs and posing for pictures. In the middle of all that he shot me a smile, as me and Alx headed back to the merch table.

After all that madness the show was over, and the boys were done packing up there stuff. We all went back to the tour bus as Jamie, Tony were in the main part of the bus. Mike and Alx immediatly dipped to go in one of the back rooms, as Vic and I took the other room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry i was supposed to update two days ago but my computer at my
house broke and i had to wait until i had some time to do it at school.
Im not sure where i want to go with this, i have a few ideas but is there
anything you guys wanna see happen? Let me know pleaseee (:

So anyways i hope you like it so far!
Comments make me happy.

Thanks You:


For commenting(:
I should have the next chapter up by maybe tomorrow?
But comments motivate me to update!