Sequel: Breathe
Status: Being Written ;)

Trouble for Me

A Fresh Start

Nicole's view:
I was almost scared walking into the United Center. I mean I am a girl about to play in the NHL and it doesn't happen often. I had to go to Coach Quenneville's office as soon as I got there. He wanted to talk to me about the season and everything. I arrived at a door that said 'Coach' on the front, I took a deep breath knocked and entered when I heard him shout "Come in!" "You wanted me to come here first Coach?" "Ah yes Nicole Johnson I presume? It is a pleasure having you here. Please sit." "Thank you sir. So what did you want to talk about?" "How are things going? I remember last time we spoke was around the time of your injury last year. Correct?" "Yes, it was a few weeks after the injury." "How is that by the way? Concussion was it?" "Yeah, um the concussion is as good as it will get. I played a lot more than last season since I came back."

"That's good. Now how were playoffs? I heard you and the fighting Sioux got pretty close to the finals." "Yeah we got knocked out the game right before finals. We had a great time though." "Good to hear. Well let's talk about you joining us here on the Blackhawks. I think you are ready, you have improved so much from last year and I think you would fit right in." "I like the idea too sir. I think I am ready to make an impact and what team is better to do that with then Chicago?" "That's right! So we have you all set for practice today, and we have a jersey ready and your on the roster so-" "Wait I am playing tonight?" "Yes, and tomorrow. Is something wrong with that?" "No it's just I didn't think it would happen that fast." "Well like you said you're ready."

He took me into the locker room and a equipment manager carried my bag to a room where they repaired anything and sharpened my skates for me before practice. "Attention guys, we have someone here that I think you should meet." Whistles filled the room when they looked over. I saw all the guys I loved watching on television; Toews,Kane,Sharp, and Crawford. They were all there and I was gonna get to play with them. "Guys this is Nicole Johnson, the newest Chicago Blackhawk." Everyone cheered and I couldn't help but smile.

Jonathan Toews view:
When coach said she was joining the team my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe a girl this beautiful played hockey, and I would get to see her everyday. "Nicole your stall is right here between Kaner and Tazer." Kaner and I looked at each other and nodded. "Hi, I'm Nicole she reached out and shook my hand. Her hands were so soft, most hockey player hands felt rough or sweaty when I shook them. And no hockey player looked as good as she did."Uh, hey I am Jonathan-" "Trust me, I know who you are." "Ha. Well it is a pleasure meeting you and having you on our team." "Thank you." "I was gonna say the same thing before he beat me to it." "Hi Kaner." "Hey Nicole. So what do you play? Wing,Center,Defense,Goalie? Please don't say goalie."

"Nope. I am a right wing. Like Sharpie over there." She pointed and we both looked even though we knew exactly who she meant. "Well Jon, Pat, since you two have gotten acquainted with Nicole I am happy to let you know that she is your new line mate. Sharpie is moving down to second line." "Okay coach." Inside I kind of felt sad, I mean Sharpie was great on our line, but I guess there is always room for change. "Well boys, since we have a female on the team now, there are going to be a few rules." Everyone in the room groaned, of course coach knew we were joking. "No walking around naked while Nicole is present. Number two, no degrading woman in anyway while she is around. Lastly, don't get her mad because I give her permission to kick anyone's ass who tries to mess with her. She is pretty tough." "Yeah, I wanna see her take on Hossy!" "Kaner, just shut up and sit down!" "Yes coach."

Nicole's view:
Since there was a while before we had to get ready for practice I started getting caught up on the teams jokes and stuff. While I was talking to Jon about the University of North Dakota coach called me into the hallway. "Yeah coach?" "how is the whole "situation" going?" "Good I guess, isn't over yet. I promise that it won't be brought to the rink all the time. I won't let it interfere with hockey, even though it deals with "that guy", but I won't bring it to the rink." "Well just know if you need someone to talk to, all the guys on this team can help. They will treat you like family. Two guys to go to are either Tazer or Kaner, they can help you out with anything." "Okay thanks coach. While I am here I just want a fresh start form all the drama." Hopefully no one overheard our conversation, especially Tazer or Kaner. Those two guys could be great friends, I just don't want them to want to like me because of the "thing" that happened to me a year ago.
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