Sequel: Breathe
Status: Being Written ;)

Trouble for Me

I could maybe change your mind

I woke up not in my apartment. I looked around the room to notice pictures of a boy in a Fighting Sioux uniform and a few other photos. I was in Jonathan's apartment, but where was Jon? I got up and and looked at some of the photos until I heard faint talking in a nearby room. I walked out into his kitchen to see him sitting at the kitchen island talking on the phone. "Is it really that bad? Alright, I will. I don't know how she will react. Bye coach." He hung up the phone and put his face into his hands, I could tell he was upset. "Tell me what Jon?" "Nicole! I didn't know you were awake. Come here." He wrapped me up in a hug. "Jon, what is it?" "Nothing, I'm just stressed out right now." "What happened? What did coach want you to tell me?" "You remember anything that happened last night?" "Yeah." "Kaner messed up his hand pretty bad. He isn't gonna be back until the second or third round of the playoffs." "What! how is that even possible? All he did was punch a few things." "Well he pretty much broke every bone in his hand."

I couldn't believe that Patrick had done that, he is such a child. He is putting Jon in such a mess. Jon has to cover for Pat so no one really finds out what happened. If I was Jon I would want to kill Pat right now for being so stupid. We got to the rink for our game against Vancouver for the first round of the playoffs. Patrick was there, but I wasn't even giving him the time of day. I could tell he was getting upset, I walked past him and he looked at me and smiled, I just rolled my eyes. His smile faded and he got up and followed me into the runway. I was looking at all the excited fans until I felt a hand grab my shoulder. "Nicole what is your problem?" "Really? You even have to ask?" "Is this about what I did to my hand? They said I will be back for the second or third round. What's the problem?" "You are a bitch, no I am not talking about your hand. do you know what you put Jon through. He had to cover for your stupid ass cause you are so childish. I can't believe you would get out of hand like that, you promised me you wouldn't." He stood there in silence as I walked back into the locker room. Jon could tell I was upset and he just told me to forget Pat and get focused.

-----------------(after the game)-----------------

"Boys and girl, nice game. We got Vancouver in a few days. Let's try and beat them in their hometown. No more losses you guys. We are down 1-0 in the series. Let's tie it up in a few days!" We started getting undressed and the guys wanted to go out, Kane jumped up from his stall as soon as they said those words. Jon looked at me as I angrily took off my elbow pads. "Let's go back to my place tonight." "Why?" "Well it seems like Kaner is on your mind, but not in a good way." "Yeah, so?" He held my hands and kissed them. "I was thinking I could maybe change your mind?" I got the hint. I looked at Kaner he was semi paying attention. "Sure." I kissed Jon on the lips and Kane walked out of the locker room. Tonight Kane will be off my mind, and hopefully for good.
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Sorry I haven't updated lately. Had a lot of tests to study for and softball schedule was crazy the last few weeks, but my schedule is normal for now. So I should be updating more frequently now.