Sequel: Breathe
Status: Being Written ;)

Trouble for Me

I won't tell anyone, I swear.

Jon's view:
I took Nicole back to apartment before we all went to the club. "You're not coming in?" "You want me to?" "Well someone has to tell if my outfit looks good." She was talking like a diva. "Fine. As long as you don't try on 80 pairs of shoes." "Fine. 79 pairs. Haha" She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. I followed her inside the large apartment complex. She opened the door and went straight to her closet and had me wait in the living room. "So do you have an idea of what you will wear?" "Yeah, sorta. Not really." "Ugh." I fell onto the couch, I was tired, but soon that feeling would go away.

"How about this?" Whoa! She looked hot! "Um, yeah that could work, but maybe you shouldn't wear it." "Why? i don't look good?" "No you look hot and that's the problem I don't want all the guys falling over you tonight." "Why would that be Jon?" "Well maybe I want to hang out with you I don't want them hanging around the whole time.especially not Kaner, if he gets drunk he will be all over you like your his babysitter." "Oh, well I will see what I can do about them and Kaner I might need you help with him." "Okay. Ready to go?" "Aren't you gonna change?" "What I don't look hot?" "Um, no? You look like you just came from work." "Well I kinda did, but don't worry we're going to my apartment so I can change." "Good, let's go."

We got to my apartment and Nicole stayed in the living room while I changed. Since Nicole had blue I decided to match her. "How's this?"(the right image.) "Um, wow, I've never said to anyone before, but you might be as hot as me." "Ha thanks. So you ready to go?" "Yupp." She grabbed my hand and we walked to the car and headed to Nacional 27. The guys were in the usual spot in a giant both area in the back. "Hey Jon and damn, Nicole? You are hot!" "Ha thanks Kaner." "Yeah you look really good." "Thanks Sharpie." "Watch it sharp you got a girl, remember." "I know, I can't give a complement Crow? Gosh." "So who is drinkin' what?" "Kaner always get drinks, so just tell him what you want." "Okay, how about a Midori." "Okay, a Midori for the lady and the usual's for the guys?" The guys all agreed with a nodd of their heads. "So Nicole you go to clubs often?" "Sure, but none like this one.

"Well Nacional 27 is one of the best in Chicago, we wanted to show you around right." "Oh, well it sure shows that it is the best." "Here are the drinks, beers for the guys, except Hossy who is drinking his vodka." "Don't judge me!" Everyone burst out laughing, Hoss may be quite but he says some pretty funny stuff sometimes.We started drinking and dancing in our area in the back. "Why don't you guys ever dance on the floor?" "Well because we don't have anyone to dance with except for when guys girlfriends come, but that rarely happens."

Nicole's view:
I got an idea. I remembered how Jon said the guys were going to be all over me and he wanted to spend time with me. "Who wants to dance?" I stood up in front of the guys. Of course, they all raised there hands. Kaner was repeating "Pick me, pick me!" I scanned them over to create suspense. "Jon? Would you like to dance?" He caught on to what I was doing. "I would love to." He grabbed my hand and I led him to the floor as 'What the Hell' by Avril Lavigne blasted through all the speakers. I started lip syncing to the song and Jon thought it was funny so he started singing it too. We looked back at the guys and started to laugh. "You're crazy you know that right?" "Yeah, but I wasn't trying to do the Pretty Girl Rock after the game today Jon." "True, but you know you loved it." "I did, but you dance better here, then in hockey gear." "What can I say those pants make my ass look huge." I turned him around to try and compare his ass to the picture of him in the locker room in my head. "Yeah, your ass isn't that big."

The song then switched to Grenade by Bruno Mars. Jon and I, along with the rest of the large crowd were slow dancing. "Nicole can I ask you something and please don't get upset or anything." I looked at him confused. "What do you want to ask?" "What did coach mean by the "situation"? I overheard you guys talking when I went to talk to one of the equipment guys before practice." "You did?" "Yeah, is everything okay?" "Yeah, it's fine." "Then why did coach want you to talk to me or Kaner about it?" "Okay something is wrong, but Jon don't freak and wanna kill the person." "Why would I want to do that? Nicole did something really serious happen?" "Look I don't want to explain here so can we go back to my place and I will explain?" "Yeah sure, we can swing by my place and I will grab some clothes then we will go to your place." "Okay."

We left the club,went to Jon's, and then went to my place. We got inside and changed then went into the living room so I could explain. "Okay, I didn't leave the University of Denver because of hockey or the education. I left because it wasn't safe." "What do you mean not safe?" "Do you know who Beau Bennett is?" "Yeah, he got drafted and is playing for Pittsburgh right?" "Yeah. Well last year he played for Denver one more year, before coming into the NHL. I met him there and we started dating, but after a while he wasn't good for me to be around. He started getting angry and going off on me, eventually he started abusing me." "Nicole, oh my god, I can't believe someone would do that." "I know, neither could I.

One day he lost it completely and he cut me with a hockey skate while we were at the rink after a game. I lost so much blood and passed out. One of his team mates found me and I was rushed to the hospital. They stitched me up and now I have this scar. "Oh my god. Did anything happen to him?" "He went to jail, but made bail." "Well I now I see why you didn't want the team to know, that must be one of those things that you don't like to talk about a lot." "Yeah, but I trust that the team won't find out. I would tell Kaner, just not when he is drunk. That's why I didn't want to talk about it at the club." "Well don't worry I won't tell anyone, I swear."

"Okay, thank you. If the team found out I don't know what I would do. I don't want any of you guys to feel sorry for me or anything like that. Plus it's so hard to deal with, like seeing him or talking about him. He could have killed me and I there was nothing I could do to stop him." "Well I will make sure nothing like that happens to you again, you apart of our family now. Family looks out for each other." Jon and I turned on NHL on the Fly and fell asleep. I am happy I chose Chicago. The guys are great, especially Jon. Something about him makes me feel safe. I think he could maybe replace whatever place Beau had in my heart a year ago.
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So this is the chapter where Nicole develops feelings for Jonathan. And her secret is revealed. Do you think he will tell anyone? Comment & Subscribe