Sequel: Breathe
Status: Being Written ;)

Trouble for Me

"Game strategy"

We had just lost to Tampa Bay 2-0. We played great, but we didn't play our best. We had chances but we didn't take advantage of them. Most of the guys were still energetic afterward they weren't down. "So who wants to go out?" Of course Kane asks that question. a couple guys raised their hands. Then they all looked at Jon and I. "You two going out? It won't be fun without you guys." We looked at each other and smiled. "Sure we will come." "Alright Tazer! We goin' out tonight!" I whispered to Jon "Does he always get like this when you guys go out?" "Yeah, you get used to it." "Haha alright."

Like last time we changed and headed out. Jon is obsessed with wearing plaid. I changed it up this time. We got to the club and the guys were in the usual spot in the back. Jon and I went straight to the floor after getting a few drinks in our systems. One of my favorite songs was playing.

"Nicole there is something I wanna talk to you about." "Sure what is it?" "I like you, a lot." "Really?" "Yeah, and I really care about you unlike some of the other guys who just wanna get in your pants." "Ha, well thank you. And I like you too." "You do? But what about Kaner?" "What about him?" "He likes you too." "I know. I don't wanna break up your friendship or anything." "You won't, Pat is a big boy he will get over it." "Yeah, but he is fun to be around I don't wanna like neglect him or anything." "Well if we were together I would still let you dance with him and the other guys too." "I know, but it's just." "What?" "He drinks a lot, and Beau was a heavy drinker and it scares me to think about what could happen. Believe me I don't think anything would happen. Pat can control himself. I just don't know if I can jump back into a relationship like that."

"I get what you mean. I wouldn't either if I was in your place. Are you gonna tell him that?" "I don't want to. I don't want him thinking that I am comparing him to Beau because I am not doing that. It's just my heart says go for it, but my mind say no. I think I will listen to mind instead of my heart like last time." "So what are we doing after we leave here?" "Hey Nicole! You think you could spread the love of dancing around the table?" "Ugh, Kaner knows how to ruin a moment." I acted like I was hugging Jon so I could whisper in his ear. "You could come back to my place and we could go over "game strategy"?" "We can tell the guys that sure, but are we really gonna be working?" "They won't know that." "Then they won't know if we get distracted either?" "I don't think so." "Then going over "game strategy" it is."

I walked over to the table and grabbed Kane's hand and led him to the floor to dance. I started laughing once the best song came on. This was Kaner's theme song. I looked back at the table and Jon was looking at me. We both were laughing at Kane's drunk dancing. I tried to seem interested in Kane, but I was thinking about the "game strategy" Jon and I were going over later. Maybe these blackhawk boys won't be trouble for me after all.
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Just so you know "game strategy" isn't trying to imply anything nasty it's just their excuse for Jon to go back to her apartment.