Sequel: Breathe
Status: Being Written ;)

Trouble for Me

Do you tap out?

Jon and I left the club holding hands. “You two are cute you should get married or something”. Kaner was drunk out of his mind. “That’s it I am taking you home NOW!” “Sharpie you always ruin the fun.” “Yes I do now let’s go.” Jon and I continued to walk to his car. “Jon you going with her again?” “We are going to work on some game strategy, like power play and penalty kill stuff.” “Oh okay. See why can’t we have more players like you guys? Instead we are stuck with kaner here.” “Ha-ha, hi!” “Let’s go Kaner.” “Okay!” We got in the car and burst out laughing. “Kaner is so wasted.” “This is close to being as bad as the Stanley cup final after party in the locker room. Worst kaner I have ever seen.”

We got to my apartment and we changed. Jon turned on MTV so we could listen to music. “I love this song.” “Same here.” “So I thought of the best game strategy.” “Wait we’re really doing that? Oh I’m out.” “Wait it’s a really good strategy. You ready?” He nodded his head.” Pass, shoot,score.” “That’s it? Your lucky you’re cute, if not I would have slapped you with this pillow.” “That’s mean. But why not just fight me?” “I’m not going to fight you.” “Why?” “First of all you’re not in the right wrestling apparel. And two-“ I hit him so he would fight me. “Did you just hit me?” “I don’t know maybe?” I hit him again to try and get him to fight me. “That’s it!” He tackled me to the ground and held me arms so I was pinned to the ground.

“See it's all about submission. You want you r opponent to tap out first.” “Submission eh?” “Yeah and then you want to-“ I flipped him and we started to laugh. He was now pinned to the floor. “I don’t tap out.” He leaned up to kiss me; I leaned in but stopped short. “Do you tap out?” He smiled and tried to kiss me again. “Do-you-tap-out?” He got one hand loose and tapped my butt as a sign of submission. I smiled and gave in to kiss him. We would have kissed more but my phone started blasting from the kitchen.

"Bartender, over here. Bartender, over here.
Bartender, over here. Bartender, over here.
We poppin' bottles bottles. We poppin' bottles bottles.
We poppin' bottles bottles. We poppin' bottles bottles."

“Hello?” Jon came and wrapped his arms around my waist and started to kiss my neck, making me smile. “Sharpie why do you have kaner’s phone?” “He is so wasted and keeps asking for you. Can I bring him by.” “No!” “Why not?” “He can’t know Jon is here.” “Oh right your ‘game strategy’.” “Exactly we want to show the whole team our power play plans at the same time. “
“Do those plans involve how to make out?” “What are you talking about?” “I know you Nicole and you two are either making out or doing something else.” “We are just kissing gosh don’t make it a big deal.” “I won’t but where and I going to take him I can’t keep him, my girlfriend will kill me?” Hossy or Crow? I don’t know.” “Fine, have fun with those game strategies.” “Thanks we will!” Jon had been kissing my neck the whole phone call. I turned around in his arms to face him. “Don’t you ever get tired of kissing?” “With you, never.” “Well I’m tired and we have practice tomorrow so we should get some sleep.” “Wait I’m not tired so why we?” “Well it gets dark and scary in my room and maybe you could protect me?” I made an innocent face and him and held his hands. “But wait, I beat you in wrestling so maybe I should get a ‘real man’ to protect me. Night Jon!” “Wait, I am a real man.” He ran after me and we lied down together. While falling asleep them same thought was running through my mind. ‘What would Kaner do if he found out? What would he say?
♠ ♠ ♠
So I stole their little play fight from a great movie "Never Back Down".
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